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August 31, 2021
Argentina: El negocio de las papas congeladas repunta tras la apertura de bares y restaurantes

August 29, 2021
Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock

August 29, 2021
11000 year old solution to modern problem: Ancient potato could thrive in changing climate

August 25, 2021
PepsiCo México selects CropX technology to help its potato producers become environmentally sustainable
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August 23, 2021
GBP 2.2 Million new funding to safeguard Scotland's potato industry from Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN)

August 20, 2021
Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos vuelven a reunirse en forma presencial

August 17, 2021