News on Potato Cultivation from Europe

Sustainable and yet highly productive agriculture
April 03, 2023

Sustainable and yet highly productive agriculture

The Netherlands is committed to developing a sustainable and highly productive food system, with less use of fertilisers, water and pesticides, and more biodiversity and crop diversity.
Almacén de patatas de la cooperativa Santa Isabel
March 29, 2023

España: Buenos precios para la patata, malos tiempos para las exportaciones

La cooperativa burgalesa Santa Isabel se guarda el 60 por-ciento de la producción con destino a Argelia por «miedo a no cobrar» debido al bloqueo comercial a España.
FMC trials show great promise for future of weed control
March 29, 2023

FMC trials show great promise for future of weed control

With weed control a key challenge for farmers, and reduced sensitivity to some herbicides a continuing problem. New product trials by FMC have demonstrated that effective controls are on the horizon.
The potato breeder LIND joins Europatat
March 28, 2023

Polish potato breeder LIND joins Europatat

Europatat warmly welcomes the Polish company LIND, which was established in 1996 as an investment of a Scottish family-run agricultural business with generations experience in the production of high-grade seed potatoes – J&WF Lind
Patata Temprana en Mallorca
March 26, 2023

La última borrasca provoca la pérdida de más de la mitad de la patata temprana en Mallorca

Se calcula que, como consecuencia del paso de la borrasca Juliette, las pérdidas en patata temprana en Mallorca ascienden a más de la mitad de la cosecha.
France: the extra early Primaline potato has arrived!
March 25, 2023

Extra early Primaline potatoes available in France.

One month ago, Prince de Bretagne started harvesting the extra early Primaline potatoes grown under shelter. The harvest will continue until the end of April, before the open field crops take over.
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NEPG: How will the potato market in North-western Europe develop?
March 21, 2023

NEPG: How will the potato market in North-western Europe develop?

In Northwestern Europe (EU-04; NL, DE, BE, FR) the potato sector is facing a range of issues in the upcoming months. The million dollar question: How will the potato market respond? An analysis by the NEPG.
AVR's Puma 4.0 2023 upgrades!
March 19, 2023

AVR's 4-row self-propelled potato harvester Puma 4.0 gets several upgrades in 2023!

With the Puma 4.0, the world leader in the segment of 4-row self-propelled harvesters, AVR introduced the world to a robust, high-tech harvester. On their journey to further perfect the Puma 4.0, they have provided the following updates for the 2023 Pumas.
Europatat Adapt
March 08, 2023

ADAPT news: Upcoming round of phenotyping potato stress acclimation in focus lines

The Horizon 2020 EU project Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato (ADAPT), in which Europatat is participating, aims at developing new strategies to make potatoes fit for the challenging growth conditions of the future.
Patata con Azafrán
March 08, 2023

Patata fortificada con Azafrán 'Made in Albacete'

Investigadores de Albacete del grupo de Biología Molecular y Fisiología Vegetal del Instituto Botánico de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), junto al grupo de Genómica de Plantas y Biotecnología del IBMCP-CSIC.
Patatas Españolas
March 07, 2023

España: La producción nacional de patata baja por primera vez de los dos millones de toneladas.

La superficie de cultivo de patata en España, según el último Avance de Superficies y Producciones del Mapa de noviembre 2022 es de 63.591 hectáreas.
David Newton
March 05, 2023

Top tips to build better soil health

Tips to improve soil health from David Newton of Timac Agro for farmers in England to help them meet the new Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) ‘arable soils’ standard.
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Una de las parcelas en las que se sembró en A Limia
February 21, 2023

España: Nuevas estrategias en el cultivo de patatas para atajar a los nematodes y reducir los fertilizantes fosfatados

Las plantas trampa se presentan como una alternativa en la lucha contra los nemátodos en A Limia y el empleo de hongos micorrízicos puede ayudar a movilizar el fósforo.
Patatas Fepex
February 20, 2023

Fepex aboga por una mayor transparencia y defensa de la patata de España

El Comité de Patata de FEPEX considera prioritaria una mayor transparencia del mercado de este producto, especialmente en el etiquetado, y una mejor defensa del producto nacional, tras las denuncias de venta fraudulenta ligadas al origen y la variedad que se produjeron la semana pasada.
SoilEssentials urges farmers to get their soil tested to save on inputs
February 20, 2023

SoilEssentials urges farmers to get their soil tested to save on inputs

Farmers across Scotland are being urged to have their soils tested and analysed in the face of continuing high input prices and ahead of changes to Scottish agricultural support schemes.
The team of FreshCrop Limited in Kenya
February 05, 2023

Solynta and FreshCrop sign hybrid potato collaboration agreement in Kenya

Solynta – hybrid potato breeding technology company from The Netherlands and FreshCrop Limited, Kenya’s largest producer of seed tubers, have signed an agreement to collaborate on the development of hybrid true potato innovation in Kenya.
La patata española se lanza a la conquista de Francia y de Europa.
February 04, 2023

La patata española se lanza a la conquista de Francia y de Europa

El sector de la patata mira al 2023 con ilusión, ante el despegue que está viviendo, con buenos precios, concentraciones empresariales y un creciente interés en Europa, gracias a la calidad del producto, que destaca tanto para freír, como guarnición o como aperitivo en bolsa.
Biostimulants protect crops from climatic stressors
February 04, 2023

Biostimulants protect crops from climatic stressors

Biostimulants can act as an insurance policy for growers this spring, especially as another wave of frosts threatens to knock crops back. So far, winter has been wet and except some sharp frosts, relatively mild – resulting in many autumn sown crops being further forward than usual.


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