News on Potato Cultivation from Europe

NEPG reports a 6% drop in potato production in North Western Europe and warns high costs could reduce potato area in 2023
November 17, 2022

NEPG reports a 6% drop in potato production in North-western Europe and warns high costs could reduce potato area in 2023

During its last meeting on November 9, 2022, the NEPG estimated that the total potato production 2022 in the NEPG zone (EU-04) will be down by 6 % compared to last year.
Meet AVR at Interpom 2022 on 27-29 November
November 15, 2022

Meet AVR at Interpom 2022, November 27-29 in Kortrijk, Belgium

The Interpom potato industry trade fair in Belgium is coming up! At the stand of harvester manufacturer AVR you can discover their latest updates: a new Clean & Go bunker and a special edition of their MultiForce
Too parched for potatoes if irrigation is not available.
November 15, 2022

United Kingdom: Too parched for potatoes if irrigation is not available?

After two dry years out of four, many farmers are seriously considering the future viability of a water hungry crop like potatoes. An exceptionally dry summer for much of the UK this year came on the back of a dry growing season in 2018.
Dewulf brings a range of agricultural equipment to potato trade show Interpom 2022
November 13, 2022

Dewulf brings a range of agricultural equipment to potato trade show Interpom 2022

Interpom 2022 is just around the corner, and it wouldn't be complete without such an established name in the potato sector as Dewulf.
Patatas Hijolusa
October 31, 2022

Patatas Hijolusa: La empresa leonesa que innova al ritmo que marcan los tiempos

El año 2022 no ha sido uno más en la larga historia de esta empresa que hoy lidera el mercado español de la patata convertida en uno de los paradigmas europeos de la evolución y la proyección empresarial.
Growing waxy potatoes for Royal Avebe specialty potato starch
October 24, 2022

Growing waxy potatoes for Royal Avebe specialty potato starch

Christoph Renken, farmer on the Lüneburger Heide, shares his practical experiences of working with Royal Avebe and growing waxy potatoes on his farm.
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Siembra de papata Castilla y León
October 21, 2022

Muchos agricultores están abandonando la patata de lavado por las exigencias que demanda y se van a la de industria

La patata se ha convertido en un elemento esencial en la gastronomía española. Un producto que ha sufrido poco, dentro del año que se ha vivido, las circunstancias de producción y la adversa climatología con numerosas olas de calor y escasas lluvias.
The French Potato Interprofessional warns of a general drop in production in Europe.
October 19, 2022

The French Potato Interprofessional warns of a general drop in production in Europe.

The French Potato Interprofessional warns of a significant reduction in production throughout Europe in a recent report.
AVR Spirit 7200 with new Clean & Go bunker
October 18, 2022

AVR presents trailed potato harvester Spirit 7200 with new Clean & Go bunker at SIMA Paris, Interpom

AVR's newest Spirit 7200 recently joined the AVR Spirit family as a trailed, two-row offset potato harvester. New for this machine is that it can now optionally be equipped with the new Clean & Go bunker.
Stocks AG's Rotor Meter saves the Jersey Royal company GBP 300,000 (USD 330,000) through targeted fertiliser application
October 18, 2022

Savings and cleaner water: Jersey Royal Company applies fertilizer directly under the seed potato with Stocks AG’s Rotor Meter.

In the last six years, one of the UK’s leading potato growers has saved over GBP 300,000 (USD 330,000) through an unconventional but highly effective use of Stocks AG’s Rotor Meter.
Farm tool expanded to optimise nitrogen use and evidence impact on water quality
October 11, 2022

Farm tool expanded to optimise nitrogen use and evidence impact on water quality

With pressure mounting on farmers to measure and reduce their impact on water quality, Trinity AgTech has launched an enhanced module within their natural capital navigation tool, Sandy.
Yara calls for urgent action to reduce Europe’s food dependency on Russia
October 10, 2022

Yara calls for urgent action to reduce Europe’s food dependency on Russia

Yara calls on the European Union and national governments to act urgently and decisively to ensure Europe reduces, and not strengthens, its dependency on Russia for food and fertilizers.
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Tong broadens optical sorting options across its proven range of post-harvest equipment.
October 03, 2022

Tong broadens optical sorting options across its proven range of post-harvest equipment

Leading vegetable handling equipment manufacturer Tong Engineering has announced its latest product development, which will see advanced optical sorting options available on all new models of its popular fieldloader machine, the FieldLoad PRO.
Coristanco saca músculo agrario y busca internacionalizar su patata.
September 26, 2022

Coristanco saca músculo agrario y busca internacionalizar su patata

En Coristanco celebraron este fin de semana la cuadragésima edición de su fiesta agraria por excelencia, y lo hicieron en un momento decisivo para los productores de patata.
Los precios de la patata triplican a los de hace un año en el ecuador de la campaña.
September 24, 2022

Los precios de la patata triplican a los de hace un año en el ecuador de la campaña

La campaña de la patata llega a su ecuador en Salamanca con precios al agricultor que triplican a los de la campaña pasada. Según datos del Observatorio de Precios de Castilla y León que gestiona la Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Junta de Castilla y León.
Teror acoge la V Feria Insular de la Papa del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre.
September 24, 2022

Teror acoge la V Feria Insular de la Papa del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre

Teror acoge un año más la V Feria Insular de la Papa de Gran Canaria, que se desarrollará con un programa de actividades desde del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre, para los que se han convocado tres concursos de Fotografía, Gastronomía y de Papas de mayor peso.
Higher yield with the Royal Avebe fertilization strategy.
September 20, 2022

Higher potato yield with the Royal Avebe fertilization strategy

Due to the current scarcity of fertilizers, the 'red areas' and the increasing production costs, efficient nitrogen fertilization is becoming increasingly important.
Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022.
September 15, 2022

Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022

La Sociedad Alemana de Agricultura (DLG) ha organizado en Rittergut Bockerode, en Springe-Mittelrode (Baja Sajonia), la feria internacional de la patata PotatoEurope 2022. Del 7 al 8 de septiembre de 2022, ha sido el punto de encuentro para productores, transformadores y comercializadores de patatas de Alemania y del extranjero.


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