News on Native Potatoes

El snack que invade las calles del Centro de Lima y reivindica la papa nativa
October 02, 2019

El snack que invade las calles del Centro de Lima y reivindica la papa nativa

Papas Queen’s es el nombre del negocio que, en solo unos meses, ha ganado cientos de fanáticos. El local no tiene mesas: todo es para llevar.
La patata más rentable de Navarra: la siembra ecológica se consolida en los valles del Pirineo navarro
September 04, 2019

La patata más rentable de Navarra: la siembra ecológica se consolida en los valles del Pirineo navarro

La patata de siembra ecológica es un cultivo con una excelente respuesta en los valles del Pirineo por lo que se consolida como una opción más que recomendable para diversificar las producciones de una zona eminentemente ganadera.
HZPC Americas grows with new employees
September 03, 2019

HZPC Americas grows with new employees

Over the last two years, HZPC has built a new business development team for the North American market. Led by Mr. Jeff Scramlin, this team focuses efforts in the food service and retail sectors.
'International Potato Center and Peru Joint Honorary Day' theme event held at Beijing horticultural expo
September 02, 2019

'International Potato Center and Peru Joint Honorary Day' theme event held at Beijing horticultural expo

People visit the garden of International Potato Center during the "International Potato Center and Peru Joint Honorary Day" theme event held as part of the Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition in Yanqing District in Beijing.
Potato organizations seek to leverage potatoes to address malnutrition in Africa
August 27, 2019

Potato organizations seek to leverage potatoes to address malnutrition in Africa

Potato organizations on Monday called for deliberate efforts to increase potato and sweet potatoes production for sustainable nutritious food systems in Africa.
New potato variety Lea is suitable for both conventional and organic farming
August 26, 2019

New German Potato Variety 'Lea' is suitable for both conventional and organic farming

The Solana Group's stand at last year's Potato Europe at Gut Bockerode, Germany, Breeder and seed supplier Solana GmbH & Co. will use the upcoming potato fairs to introduce a total of three new table potatoes.
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Maara kai – reinvigorating Māori Food Sovereignty through potatoes in New Zealand
August 26, 2019

Maara kai - reinvigorating Maori Food Sovereignty through potatoes in New Zealand

As we wound our way down to Port Levy, New Zealand, although only an hour from Christchurch city, it felt a world away. The turquoise waters of the harbour as still as glass, under the mid-afternoon Winter sun.
Las amenazas que se ciernen sobre las papas
August 21, 2019

Las amenazas que se ciernen sobre las papas

El cambio climático comienza a afectar al legendario alimento. En Perú, cuna de la patata, donde hay 4.000 variedades, campesinos y científicos temen daños ante las variaciones de heladas y lluvias.
Four 'resistancy' genes in current commercial potato varieties already defeated by Phytophthora Infestans
July 31, 2019

Four late blight 'resistancy' genes in current commercial potato varieties already defeated by Phytophthora Infestans

Recent research at the James Hutton Institute suggests that limited genetic differences in potato lineages has left British and American spuds vulnerable to late blight, the disease that caused the Irish potato famine.
July 19, 2019

Belgian partners, Peruvian farmers and researchers join forces around 'tunta' potatoes

ILVO, HOGENT and TRIAS in Belgium are hosting a Peruvian delegation to the Food Pilot (ILVO, Melle, Belgium) to get the production of so-called “tuntas” (freeze dried potatoes) in a small cooperative factory in the Andes.
Origins of the European potato
June 27, 2019

Origins of the European potato

Plants collected by Darwin have helped reveal the ancestry of European potatoes.
Native potatoes, the new hope for Peruvian producers
June 26, 2019

Native potatoes, the new hope for Peruvian producers

In the Andes, at 3,600 meters above sea level, the more than 2,500 varieties of Peruvian native potatoes grow.
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Productores logran 45 toneladas por hectárea de papa INIA 309-Serranita en primera cosecha
June 19, 2019

Productores logran 45 toneladas por hectárea de papa INIA 309-Serranita en primera cosecha

Agricultores del Centro Poblado de Huanchar, del distrito de Santa Rosa, provincia de Concepción, Junín, obtuvieron su primera cosecha de papa INIA 309-Serranita, una variedad liberada por el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA).
Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa
June 12, 2019

Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa

El Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción (ITP) red CITE del Ministerio de la Producción (Produce), transferirá más de dos millones de soles al CITEpapa para mejorar la competitividad de la cadena productiva del tubérculo y otros cultivos andinos.
Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material
June 11, 2019

Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material

Plant breeders and geneticists of Cornell University have released more than 50 potato varieties since 1908. Now they are expanding their efforts to make more wild potato seeds available to potato breeders around the world.
June 05, 2019

25% of Chinese potatoes were improved with varieties from Peru

China is the largest producer and consumer of potatoes in the world
Día Internacional de la papa: buena ocasión para recordar a los guardianes de las papas nativas. (Cortesía: Publimetro)
June 05, 2019

Los guardianes de las papas nativas

En su Día Nacional, presentamos el trabajo del Centro Internacional de la Papa en la comunidad de San José de Aymara, en Huancavelica, para preservar su diversidad.
Alemania contribuye a salvaguardar la biodiversidad de las papas peruanas
June 05, 2019

Alemania contribuye a salvaguardar la biodiversidad de las papas peruanas

Perú celebró ayer el Día Nacional de la papa, que también fue la protagonista del Día Internacional de la Biodiversidad este año. Para conservar sus variedades cuenta con el apoyo de Alemania, entre otros países.


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