News on Potatoes at home

The Lingít K'úntsx' variety has been grown by coastal Tlingit for over 200 years
September 29, 2020

Carcross/Tagish First Nation Harvest Heirloom Potato Crop

The smallest potato from the Carcross/Tagish First Nation garden harvest this year was the size of a pea. The spud might be tiny, but its ancestors travelled a long way to get here. The Lingít K'úntsx', or Tlingit potato, has been grown in Alaska for over 200 years.
Cómo conservar las patatas y que duren más tiempo
September 28, 2020

Cómo conservar las patatas y que duren más tiempo

Si quieres almacenar las patatas del modo correcto y evitar que les salgan brotes, aquí te vamos a dar los mejores trucos para que no se estropeen.
Potandon introduces Minute Mashers: quick-and-easy shelf-stable mashed potatoes
September 17, 2020

Potandon introduces Minute Mashers: quick-and-easy shelf-stable mashed potatoes

It was just 18 months ago that Potandon Produce LLC in Idaho Falls, ID, introduced an innovative value-added potato product in the Green Giant Fresh brand called One Step … Done!
Plant seed potatoes now and you’ll be digging up your own buried treasure in just a few months.
September 17, 2020

Potatoes from plot to plate: how to grow the perfect spuds in your New Zealand backyard

While in the Northern hemisphere we are harvesting potatoes and getting ready for winter, this is not the case in the Southern hemisphere. This article offers tips on how to grow potatoes in your New Zealand backyard.
Daly Potato Company acquired by Pure Foods Tasmania Limited
September 11, 2020

Daly Potato Company acquired by Pure Foods Tasmania Limited

Pure Foods Tasmania Limited has agreed to buy the business and assets of Daly Potato Company Pty Ltd (DPC) for $1.8M with a mixture of cash and shares, subject to working capital adjustments.
As Idaho's potato harvest gets underway, a look back at how it got started
September 04, 2020

As Idaho's potato harvest gets underway, a look back at how it got started

Farmers all across Idaho will be in their fields from now through most of October collecting the state's signature crop.
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RPE launches a new red-skin potato variety, RPE Golden Red
August 24, 2020

New potato variety, RPE Golden Red , will debut on store shelves this fall

This fall RPE launches a new red-skin potato variety, RPE Golden Red. They will be available in a three-pound, poly light-blocker, bilingual bag.
How lockdown has influenced the consumer landscape
June 09, 2020

How lockdown has influenced the consumer landscape

The consumer landscape has changed dramatically over the last two months since the introduction of the UK lockdown.
Así le planta cara la patata al COVID-19
April 27, 2020

Así le planta cara la patata al COVID-19

Los productores de A Limia han colocado ya un millón de kilos en la plataforma de Mercaproximidade.
Patatas Hijolusa: Ejemplo de Gestión ante la crisis del Covid-19
April 21, 2020

Patatas Hijolusa: Ejemplo de Gestión ante la crisis del Covid-19

La pandemia mundial por el coronavirus multiplica la importancia del sector primario, las rutas de abastecimiento, el desarrollo y la reserva estratégica. La firma leonesa Patatas Hijolusa es uno de los ejemplos de gestión ante la crisis.
Cultivar papas en tu huerto: Cuándo y cómo sembrar y cosechar
April 20, 2020

Cultivar papas en tu huerto: Cuándo y cómo sembrar y cosechar

Si te has decidido a cultivar patatas o papas en tu terreno, huerto o jardín, seguramente te estarás informando al máximo para hacerlo lo mejor posible y conseguir un cultivo exitoso.
Potatoes, prepare to be surprised!
April 08, 2020

Potatoes, prepare to be surprised!

The three-year campaign, co-financed by the European Commission under the EU Promotion policy, will run until the end of 2022 and is now live online under the hashtag #potatosurprises.
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Fairfields Farm launch free potato delivery service
March 25, 2020

Fairfields Farm launch free potato delivery service

Essex potato farmers have responded to the coronavirus crisis by setting up a free home delivery service for the local community.
Tips for Purchasing, Storing and Cooking Potatoes from U.S. Potato Farmers
March 24, 2020

Tips for Purchasing, Storing and Cooking Potatoes from U.S. Potato Farmers

Many consumers are stocking up on potatoes during these uncertain times, and it's important to make the most of these purchases. Heidi Alsum Randall, a potato farmer and mother from Wisconsin, provided the following thoughts:
Morning Kiss Organic Celebrates Potato Lovers Month
February 12, 2020

Morning Kiss Organic Celebrates Potato Lovers Month

February is Potato Lover’s Month, and Morning Kiss Organic is celebrating by giving this versatile food some special recognition! Potatoes are historically among the most popular items in the produce aisle and with a high consumption rate.
Bord Bia, CNIPT, Europatat and VLAM join forces to promote the consumption of fresh potatoes among European millennials
January 28, 2020

Bord Bia, CNIPT, Europatat and VLAM join forces to promote the consumption of fresh potatoes among European millennials

CNIPT, Bord Bia, Europatat and VLAM have launched an inspiring campaign under the title “Potatoes, prepare to be surprised – Europe’s favourite since 1536”.
Side Delights Launches The 'Journey of a Potato' Educational Video at SEPC Southern Exposure 2020
January 24, 2020

Side Delights Launches The 'Journey of a Potato' Educational Video at SEPC Southern Exposure 2020

Side Delights® announced it will launch the 'Journey of a Potato' video in Tampa February 27-29, during Southern Exposure 2020: Produce on Parade!. Under the 'Grown Where it Matters' campaign, this video is an educational piece for both consumers ...
The Little Potato Company kicks off Big Game, Better Snacks promotion.
January 15, 2020

The Little Potato Company kicks off Big Game, Better Snacks promotion.

The Little Potato Company, the number one grower of Creamer potatoes in North America and the world leader in specialty Creamer potato varieties, is kicking off their Big Game, Better Snacks promotion, running now through February 13, 2020.


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