México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas.
June 22, 2022

México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas

Como parte de las acciones para mejorar las condiciones de producción y productividad en el campo tlaxcalteca, la Secretaría de Impulso Agropecuario (SIA) y el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (Inifap) dieron inicio con la siembra de papa mejorada genéticamente y de calidad industrial.
INIFAP desarrolla variedades de papa resistentes a enfermedades y alta calidad industrial
January 18, 2021

INIFAP desarrolla variedades de papa resistentes a enfermedades y alta calidad industrial

El mejoramiento genético de la papa por parte de los expertos del organismo, que sintetiza 80 años de investigación en México, ha logrado rendimientos de 50 a 70 toneladas por hectárea.
May 21, 2019

PepsiCo Mexico announces an investment of 4 billion dollars in the next two years, which includes the construction of a new Snacks Plant in Guanajuato.

The PepsiCo Mexico System, integrated by PepsiCo Mexico Foods and its strategic partner Grupo Gepp, announced an investment plan of 4 billion dollars in Mexico between 2019 and 2020,which includes the construction of a new Snacks Plant in Guanajuato.
Mexico: Zebra Chip-tolerant potatoes for the fresh market
September 21, 2017

Mexico: Zebra Chip-tolerant potatoes for the fresh market

Researchers from the University of California Riverside and INIFAP (Mexico) identify four potato lines with increased tolerance to Zebra Chip disease
México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos México-prohibe-importar-papa-fresca-de-Estados-Unidos
June 28, 2016

México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos

Un juez federal de México prohibió el ingreso al país de papa fresca de Estados Unidos ante la posibilidad de que los plaguicidas utilizados en su cultivo generen daños al medio ambiente, a la biodiversidad o a la población.
Potato production in Mexico by state (in tonnes)
September 17, 2015

Potato producers Mexico should reduce crop area by 18%

In Mexico, Filiberto Cadena Payan, representative in Sinaloa of the Potato Product System, said that it was important for the state's producers to reduce their crop area to the 11,000 hectares allocated to this crop this year in order to continue obtaining the best possible results in the marketing of the potato crop.
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Potato Cyst Nematode
September 17, 2014

Fungi identified to combat potato cyst nematodes

Researchers of the Institute of Ecology (INECOL) in Mexico have identified a fungus capable of feeding on nematodes. Combining this biological control with other methods in an integrated management system reduced the golden nematode population by up to 90 percent in two years.
September 15, 2011

US potato industry confident it can gain back market share in Mexico

The U.S. potato industry is confident it can gain back the significant market share it lost in Mexico over a cross-border trucking dispute once the issue is resolved and remaining tariffs on U.S. products are lifted. Having watched its revenue from fr...
October 26, 2010

USPB spurs sales of frozen potato products in Mexico despite retaliatory tariff

International marketing programs like those of the United States Potato Board (USPB) aim to increase export sales for US potato growers, but they serve a valuable purpose during a market downturn as well
March 19, 2009

US Potato Growers hit by Mexican retaliation as US blocks access of Mexican Trucks

Fruits and vegetables - including potatoes- are the most common items on the list of 90 products hit with tariffs as of today, as Mexico retaliated against a U.S. decision to block Mexican trucks from traveling north of a commercial zone along the bo...
 United States Potato Board
November 13, 2008

US Dehy Draws Interest of Mexican Bakery Industry

The MEXIPAN Trade Show is one of the most important events for the Mexican bakery industry. As such, the United States Potato Board (USPB) recently participated in this trade show, providing information and technical materials about the use of US dehyd...
 United States Potato Board
August 01, 2008

Technical seminars teach Mexican Bakers about US dehydrated potato

During May the USPB representative in Mexico held a training session for bakers in Vera Cruz. The seminar was held in conjunction with CANAINPA, the Mexican bakery association annual meeting, was very well received by the local bakery industry, and was...
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October 22, 2007

USPB promotes frozen potato products in Mexico

The United States Potato Board (USPB) increases demand for US frozen potato products in Mexico by reaching both trade and consumers. Trade is targeted through restaurant chain training and tailored seminars held in conjunction with the importer/distri...


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