News on Obesity from Europe

January 07, 2008

Britanicos sucumben a la comida basura, McDonald's bate records de ventas

El gigante estadounidense de comida rápida McDonald's rompió en 2007 el récord de ventas de hamburguesas en el Gran Bretaña en los 34 años que lleva implantado en las islas, lo que significa que la comida basura gana terreno en la dieta de los británi...
January 01, 2008

Junk food ad ban comes into force in the UK

Britain introduced a ban on advertising junk food to under-16s Tuesday, aimed at promoting healthy eating and countering growing child obesity. The ban, which extends measures already in place for under-10s, will curb television adverts for food and ...
November 26, 2007

'Restaurant of the Future': Eat, Drink and be Monitored

At first sight, nothing betrays the strange happenings at the Restaurant of the Future, a spacious, bright university canteen where scientists and students stop in for food and lunchtime chatter. The chef, Jan Kiewied, is stir-frying peppers at a glo...
November 07, 2007

Study firmly links Obesity and Cancer

One of the largest medical studies ever undertaken has confirmed what many public health officials already feared: Being overweight can give you cancer.It is already established that excess body fat is an important cause of diabetes, heart disease, st...
November 04, 2007

Euromonitor: 2007 snack sales growth close to 2 percent

The sweet and salty snack industry has suffered a lower sales growth rate in 2007 due to negative press over rising obesity rates, but sales still increased by almost two per cent in 2007, according to Euromonitor analyst Irina Kazanchuk.PepsiCo has b...
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