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July 09, 2022
Signal pathway in the brain that controls food intake discovered

March 05, 2015
WHO calls on countries to reduce sugars intake among adults and children

October 09, 2011
Kids expect familiar snacks to be more filling
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May 26, 2010
Papas pobres en azúcar, un nuevo experimento de la ciencia checa

September 24, 2009
Obesity may soon become the top cancer cause in women

September 15, 2009
Kemin's Slendesta Potato Protein awarded Global Weight Management Ingredients New Product Innovation Award

May 08, 2009
Increased food intake alone explains the increase in body weight in the United States

July 02, 2008
Do small snack package sizes increase snack consumption?
That is a step in the right direction. Right? Maybe not....

February 28, 2008
Burger King retirara los menus hipercaloricos y fabricados con grasas trans de su publicidad para niños

January 23, 2008
UK foods to follow single labelling system

January 18, 2008
Proceedings available of Food in Action: Challenging obesity through motivation and behavioural change

January 08, 2008
Farm Frites presenteert Nature's Goodness op Horecava

January 07, 2008