Potato News

The FAO Food Price Index rebounded in 2017 despite a decline in December
January 14, 2018

The FAO Food Price Index rebounded in 2017 despite a decline in December

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 169.8 points in December 2017, down 5.8 points (3.3 percent) from November with the steepest declines registered in the prices of dairy, vegetable oils and sugar while those of cereals and meat also fell but only slightly.
Afghanistan: Demand for local Mr. Kachaloo Potato Chips exceeds production capacity
January 14, 2018

Afghanistan: Demand for local Mr. Kachaloo Potato Chips exceeds production capacity

A startup in Afghanistan is working hard to produce its Mr. Kachaloo Potato Chips, mostly by hand. The company currently sells two tonnes of potato crisps a month - but they could sell more...
Struggling Potato Growers in Kenya turn to Contract Farming
January 14, 2018

Struggling Potato Growers in Kenya turn to Contract Farming

To deal with climate pressures, potato growers in Kenya are turning to contract farming to earn more money and get better seed.
District officials in Uganda urged to embrace Irish potato tissue culture
January 14, 2018

District officials in Uganda urged to embrace Irish potato tissue culture

District Agricultural officers in Uganda have been urged to embrace Irish potato tissue culture so as to improve the quality and quantity of Irish potato production, which is one of the best foods to fight hunger.
Termina el paro en Perú pero cuestionan la solución del Gobierno
January 13, 2018

Termina el paro en Perú pero cuestionan la solución del Gobierno

Después que el Gobierno se comprometiera a adquirir el excedente de la producción, los productores de papa terminaron el paro iniciado 72 horas antes. Sin embargo, el Instituto Peruano de Economía y otros especialistas critican esta medida.
Japanese Fast Food Chain puts French Fry Ice Cream Sundaes on the Menu
January 13, 2018

Japanese Fast Food Chain puts French Fry Ice Cream Sundaes on the Menu

Japanese Fast food chain 'First Kitchen' launch two types of 'Dessert Potato' nationwide. Both dishes start with French fries with a swirl of Hokkaido dairy-sourced vanilla ice cream finished with two types of toppings...
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When pests graze certain potatoes, yields double
January 13, 2018

When pests graze certain potatoes, yields double

When some Colombian potato varieties are lightly grazed by a pest, the plants respond by growing larger tubers, at times doubling their yields. Researchers see an opportunity and want to know more...
Lunchtime is over for the Colorado potato beetle
January 13, 2018

Lunchtime is over for the Colorado potato beetle

Chemicals in the leaves of potato plants, produced naturally by the plant, may hold the key to a new way to control Colorado potato beetles - a major pest for potato growers.
Acquisition of Pavan offers GEA a range snack processing capabilities
January 13, 2018

Acquisition of Pavan offers GEA a range of snack processing capabilities

With the concluded acquisition of the Italian Pavan Group end of November 2017 the Düsseldorf engineering group GEA purchased a leading supplier of extrusion and milling technology for processing all kinds of fresh and dried pasta, pelleted snack products and breakfast cereals.
Burts Chips acquires popcorn manufacturer Savoury and Sweet Ltd
January 13, 2018

Burts Chips acquires popcorn manufacturer Savoury and Sweet Ltd

Burt’s Potato Chips have announced the purchase of Leicester’s Savoury & Sweet popcorn manufacturer for an undisclosed sum.
Honduras comparte resultados de investigaciones sobre raíces y tubérculos
January 10, 2018

Honduras comparte resultados de investigaciones sobre raíces y tubérculos

La Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) colocó a disposición de los usuarios, una colección de resultados de estudios realizados sobre varios cultivos, entre ellos, algunas raíces y tubérculos.
Dieffenbach's Potato Chips Inc. Launches 'IT'S GOOD TO BE UGLY' Campaign
January 10, 2018

Dieffenbach's Potato Chips Inc. Launches 'IT'S GOOD TO BE UGLY' Campaign

Uglies are ketttle cooked potato chips crafted by Dieffenbach from potatoes rejected for minor imperfections. This has saved more than 350,000 lbs of potatoes from going to waste since the launch a year ago.
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North America's biggest Potato Industry event is happening this week in Orlando
January 10, 2018

North America's biggest Potato Industry event is happening this week in Orlando

This week more than 2,000 growers, suppliers, and experts will converge at the largest conference and trade show for the potato industry held in North America, Potato Expo 2018.
Agricultores en paro del Perú piden declarar el sector en emergencia
January 10, 2018

Agricultores en paro del Perú piden declarar el sector en emergencia

Una de sus demandas es que el Gobierno regule el ingreso de papa precocida al país. Por qué? Porque es un mercado que impacta negativamente sobre la producción nacional.
Europatat welcomes new Communication & Policy Advisor
January 10, 2018

Europatat welcomes new Communication & Policy Advisor

Europatat welcomes its new Communication & Policy Advisor, Berta Redondo
Tasteful Selections highlights bite-sized potatoes in yearlong Fresh Campaign
January 10, 2018

Tasteful Selections highlights bite-sized potatoes in yearlong Fresh Campaign

Tasteful Selections™, a specialty potato brand from RPE Inc., proudly announces the launch of its yearlong Always Fresh campaign, with insights and inspiration revolving around healthy, nutritious recipes and kitchen tips for more confident meal preparation.
SNAXPO18 to feature Innovations, Bold Flavors and the Snack Producer of the Year
January 08, 2018

SNAXPO18 to feature Innovations, Bold Flavors and the Snack Producer of the Year

SNAXPO18, a leading trade show dedicated to the international snack industry, will take place March 12–14, 2018 in Atlanta, GA in a new updated format.
Northwest Food Processors Association (NWFPA) renamed Food Northwest
January 08, 2018

Northwest Food Processors Association (NWFPA) renamed Food Northwest

The Northwest Food Processors Association (NWFPA) has renamed itself Food Northwest, to better reflect the composition of its membership.


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