Potato News from Brazil

Las altas temperaturas impactan la producción y oferta de papa en Brasil.
October 09, 2023

Las altas temperaturas impactan la producción y oferta de papa en Brasil

Las temperaturas extraordinariamente altas en las últimas dos semanas han afectado significativamente el mercado de la papa en Brasil. En San Pablo, Belo Horizonte y Rio de Janeiro se observa un aumento de precios en la oferta de un 3,14%, 6,78% y un 13,12% respectivamente.
Brasil: Estiman un aumento del 3,5% en la cosecha de papa para 2021
March 08, 2021

Brasil: Estiman un aumento del 3,5% en la cosecha de papa para 2021

La estimación de la cosecha de papa para 2021 prevé un aumento del 3,5 porciento, según el Anuario 2020/2021 de la Revista Hortifrúti. A pesar de ello, se prevé una baja de la superficie plantada, debido a problemas de producción derivados de la pandemia.
Se espera un incremento de la superficie de cultivo de patatas en Brasil impulsado por el segmento industrial
January 11, 2021

Brasil: Perspectivas para la papa en el 2021

Se prevé que este año la superficie total de producción de patatas en Brasil aumentará un 3,4 porciento, impulsada principalmente por el segmento de la patata destinada a la industria procesadora, que se espera que vuelva a crecer después de mantenerse estable en 2020.
Dênio de Oliveira
January 10, 2021

Dênio de Oliveira appointed CEO of potato processor Bem Brasil Alimentos, succeeding founder João Emílio Rocheto

Brazilian potato processor Bem Brasil Alimentos starts 2021 with a new president: Dênio de Oliveira
Bem Brasil goes PEF
November 04, 2020

Bem Brasil goes PEF

Elea GmbH, the world leader in Pulsed Electric Field systems for food processing, has supplied a first PEF Advantage system for potato processing suitable for processing up to 30 t/h.
Bem Brasil Alimentos - Perdizes unit
August 12, 2020

Key Technology announces multimillion dollar purchase by Bem Brasil for their new 30 t/h frozen french fries production line

Key Technology announces they are contributing six VERYX® digital sorters, an ADR EXOS® automatic defect removal system, three Sliver Sizer Removers and 57 Iso-Flo® vibratory conveyors to Bem Brasil new processing line designed to produce 30 metric tons of frozen french fries per hour.
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Filial de McCain en Argentina, afectada por las retenciones, apunta a Brasil
August 14, 2019

Filial de McCain en Argentina, afectada por las retenciones, apunta a Brasil

La compañía de origen canadiense, con el retorno de este impuesto, perdió alrededor de u$s 17 millones. En breve comenzará la construcción de la primera fábrica de la firma en territorio brasileño.
McCain Foods to build a frozen French Fry factory in Araxá, Brazil
July 19, 2019

McCain Foods to build a frozen French Fry factory in Araxá, Brazil

Following the McCain Foods investments in Brazilian companies Forno de Minas and Sérya Alimentos McCain now announces the construction of a frozen French Fry factory in Brazil.
McCain Foods increases its stake in Brazilian potato processor Sérya
May 04, 2019

McCain Foods increases its stake in Brazilian potato specialty manufacturer Sérya

McCain Foods announces the acquisition of 70% of Sérya , a Brazilian food company operating in the pre-formed potato specialty market.
TOMRA Sorting Food has launched its Portuguese website
May 10, 2017

TOMRA Sorting Food has launched its Portuguese website

TOMRA Sorting Food has launched its Portuguese website, which provides a dynamic online resource for its Portuguese-speaking customers.
Brazil introduces anti-dumping duty for frozen potatoes from Germany, Belgium, France and The Netherlands
February 19, 2017

Brazil imposes anti-dumping duty on frozen potato from Germany, Belgium, France and The Netherlands

Last week the Brazilian Government has decided to impose an anti-dumping duty on frozen potatoes (tariff code 2004.10.00; mostly frozen french fries) imported from Germany, Belgium, France and The Netherlands. The level and duration of the anti-dumping duties are not yet published.
La mayor fábrica de papas prefritas congeladas de Brasil comprará papa argentina
February 11, 2017

La mayor fábrica de papas prefritas congeladas de Brasil comprará papa argentina

Bem Brasil se prepara para la apertura de su segunda planta en el estado de Minas Gerais.
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processing and packaging specialist tna appoints new regional sales manager for Brazil
September 11, 2016

Processing and Packaging specialist tna appoints new regional sales manager for Brazil

tna has appointed Henrique Vicente to its growing Latin American sales team. As regional sales manager, Henrique will be responsible for supporting tna’s Brazilian customers.
McCain Foods brings Emoji shaped Potato Specialties to Brazil
July 07, 2016

McCain Foods brings Emoji shaped Potato Specialties to Brazil

One of McCain Foods signature potato specialties are the McCain smiles. Now, McCain Foods taken these potato specialties beyond 'Smiles' and offers in Brazil a full range of Emoji's
New Specialty Potato Products inspired by Brazilian consumers: That's the promise as Sérya Alimentos invests in innovation
July 01, 2016

Sérya Alimentos Promises New Specialty Potato Products 'inspired by Brazilian consumers'

Inspired by Brazilian consumers eager to new products, Serya Alimentos decided to go beyond the traditional pre-fried French-Fries and created the first Brazilian factory dedicated to producing potato specialties.
Serya Alimentos to shake up the South American Potato Specialties Market
December 21, 2015

Serya Alimentos to shake up the South American Potato Specialties Market

The potato specialties factory of Serya Alimentos in Araxá, Brazil started operations in May 2015 and promises to shake up the South American frozen par-fried potato specialties market.
Cargill and ConAgra Foods bring Hunt's and ACT II brands to Brazil
October 15, 2014

Cargill and ConAgra Foods bring Hunt's and ACT II brands to Brazil

Cargill and ConAgra Foods, Inc. announce a partnership to bring the Hunt’s® line of condiments and ACT II® microwave popcorn to Brazil.
August 09, 2013

Brazil: Potato price reached its highest point in 10 years

The price of potatoes in Brazil reached the highest level in the last 10 years. Farmers say that this increase is due to the reduction in the planted area and the lack of product on the market.


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