Potato News from Europe

December 01, 2020

Potato Starch cooperative Avebe increases performance price to 96.15 euros

In financial year 2019/2020 Dutch Potato Starch Producer Royal Avebe achieved a performance price of 96.15 euros. This is a fraction below the record result - 96.63 euros - of the previous financial year.
Lamb Weston wins marketing award for its UK B2B launch of Dukes of Chippingdom Fries
December 01, 2020

Lamb Weston wins marketing award for its UK B2B launch of Dukes of Chippingdom Fries

Lamb Weston, supported by Art of the Possible Agency and WAA, has won a 2020 B2B Marketing Award last week, taking Gold in the Best Product Launch Campaign and the highly coveted Grand Prix: Campaign of the Year for the launch of its innovative Dukes of Chippingdom in February.
EnWave Signs Second Equipment Purchase Agreement with Patata Torres to Increase REV™ Manufacturing Capacity by 100kW
December 01, 2020

EnWave sells additional equipment to snack manufacturer Patata Torres increasing REV™ Manufacturing Capacity by 100kW

EnWave Corporation announced today that it has signed its second Equipment Purchase Agreement with Patatas Fritas Torres S.L. , a leading snack manufacturer in Spain. This purchase is for a much larger 100kW Radiant Energy Vacuum ('REV™') machine complementing Patatas Torres’ previous purchase of a 10kW REV™ machine.
New DTS branding highlights activities beyond potato processing
November 30, 2020

Auger and Thermal Processing Solutions specialist DTS highlights capabilities beyond potato processing

Dutch equipment manufacturer DTS has made a name for themselves supplying high quality (auger-style) blanchers, cookers and coolers to the potato processing industry. Now, their new branding highlights that their Auger and Thermal Processing Solutions expertise is used for other products as well.
Se levanta el veto a la plantación de patata en la práctica totalidad de Asturias
November 30, 2020

Se levanta el veto a la plantación de patata en la práctica totalidad de Asturias

El Principado anulará en 2021 la prohibición de cultivar patata en todo el territorio, excepto en San Tirso de Abres y Vegadeo.
Los 10 errores que cometes al elegir patatas
November 30, 2020

Los 10 errores que cometes al elegir patatas

Preguntamos a expertos para saber qué errores comentemos cuando las escogemos. ¿Por qué nos quedan demasiado duras o demasiados blandas? ¿Qué variedad es mejor para freír? ¿Y para hacer tortilla de patatas?
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La empresa vallisoletana apuesta por las variedades 'Agria' y 'Lady amarilla' para seguir ofreciendo patata nacional y de Castilla y León a los consumidores.
November 30, 2020

Juan Manuel Coello, Patatas Meléndez: 'La patata de calidad para lavado ha soportado bien la incertidumbre generada por el Covid-19'

La empresa vallisoletana apuesta por las variedades 'Agria' y 'Lady amarilla' para seguir ofreciendo patata nacional y de Castilla y León a los consumidores.
British potato production up as growers win battle with the weather
November 28, 2020

British potato production up as growers win battle with the weather

The total harvest of British potatoes this year will be 5.3m tonnes according to provisional estimates – up two point eight per cent (2.8%) on last year’s figure but just below the five-year average of 5.4m tonnes.
Ukraine imports potatoes from Poland and the Netherlands
November 23, 2020

Ukraine imports potatoes from Poland and the Netherlands

Ukraine started to import potatoes from Poland, where prices fell sharply due to a significant reduction in consumption by the European foodservice segment.
UK potato packer Branston plans expansion
November 23, 2020

UK potato packer Branston plans expansion

UK potato packing business Branston has submitted plans for a new facility.
EU tariffs on US sweet potatoes increase 25%
November 23, 2020

EU tariffs on US sweet potatoes increase 25%

The European Union brought in $4 billion of tariffs earlier this month. The tariffs will affect a whole range of imported products, with grapefruit and sweet potatoes among them.
España: Un nuevo negocio del casco antiguo compostelano reinventa la patata asada de feria a la gallega
November 23, 2020

España: Un nuevo negocio del casco antiguo compostelano reinventa la patata asada de feria a la gallega

Se llama Galipapas y, como su nombre bien indica, es una reinvención a la gallega de todo un clásico en el sur de España y del baked potatoe de la cocina inglesa.
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Nueve concellos de Galicia podrán volver a plantar patatas
November 23, 2020

Nueve concellos de Galicia podrán volver a plantar patatas tras dos años sin couza guatemalteca

Son: Cariño, Ortigueira, Neda, Lourenzá, A Pastoriza, Riotorto, A Pontenova, Ribadeo y O Valadouro, ahora zona tampón
UK Potato Storage: regular checks vital this season for reducing risks
November 22, 2020

UK Potato Storage: regular checks vital this season for reducing risks

The continued wet weather in late October/early November in the United Kingdom has extended the harvesting season beyond eight weeks for some, which is clearly not good news where stores have been part-filled and cooling systems unable to function correctly.
Dewulf launches a new 4-row self-propelled potato harvester: Enduro
November 21, 2020

Dewulf launches a new 4-row self-propelled potato harvester: Enduro

Dewulf, a manufacturer of potato harvesters from Belgium, launches an entirely new 4-row self-propelled sieving harvester: the Enduro. This harvester on tyres is equipped with new technologies in the areas of ground pressure, product cleaning and flow, and buffer capacity.
TOMRA Food and Ortofrutticola Parma: Selected quality, from the earth to the table
November 19, 2020

TOMRA Food and Ortofrutticola Parma: Selected quality, from the earth to the table

Installing TOMRA's Sentinel II sorting machine has enabled the Italian company to select large quantities of potatoes – its flagship products – with great precision and minimal waste.
Wildflowers could control aphid-borne viruses in potatoes
November 17, 2020

Wildflowers could control aphid-borne viruses in potatoes

Sowing wildflowers into potato crops could reduce aphid-carried viruses and offer an alternative to declining access to insecticides for growers.
Guillaume Liesch, Champ'pom : 'The situation is good in the consumption potato market'
November 17, 2020

Guillaume Liesch, Champ'pom : 'The situation is good in the consumption potato market'

The health crisis has taken a toll on the industrial potato market, although the consumer market has not been hit that hard.


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