Potato News from Europe

APH Group acquires Agri 2.0 and continues growth in Russia and Ukraine
January 17, 2022

APH Group acquires Agri 2.0 and continues growth in Russia and Ukraine

APH Group, a distributor of farm equipment, has acquired Agri 2.0 CIS B.V. including its activities in Russia and Ukraine as of January 1, 2022.
Hybricol Food Technologies last concept
January 17, 2022

Hybricol Food Technologies presents new product concept: baked potato sausages

Hybricol, a Dutch company active in the food ingredients business, shared a concept shaped potato product with PotatoPro: baked potato sausages.
Antarctic Foods Relies on VERYX Digital Sorters to Maximize Production Efficiency and Vegetable Product Quality
January 16, 2022

Antarctic Foods Relies on VERYX Digital Sorters to Maximize Production Efficiency and Vegetable Product Quality

Antarctic Foods takes product quality seriously. Selling frozen vegetables to baby food processors and others throughout Europe, Antarctic has grown 25 percent annually over the last few years.
La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón del Sabor del Año 2022.
January 12, 2022

La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón del Sabor del Año 2022

Los consumidores españoles han tardado solo dos años en
valorar y reconocer el sabor cremoso y sabroso de la patata Princesa Amandine, que ha sido
recientemente premiada con el sello Sabor del Año 2022 para productos de retail.
España: Menor superficie de Patata en Sevilla.
January 12, 2022

España: Menor superficie de Patata en Sevilla, aunque con buena Campaña de Siembra

Ya ha comenzado la siembra de patatas en Sevilla, principal provincia productora de Andalucía. Se prevé una caída productiva de aquellas variedades destinadas a la industria.
Aquantis Moisture sense: Real-time measurement of dry matter content of french fries during processing now feasible
January 09, 2022

Real-time measurement of dry matter content of french fries during processing now feasible

Dry matter is a key quality parameter for French fries and other potato-based food products. Aquantis now offers inline measurement of dry matter content of french fries during processing.
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APH Group closes major contracts in China, Romania and Saudi Arabia
January 08, 2022

APH Group closes major contracts in China, Romania and Saudi Arabia

APH Group, a distributor of farm equipment, recently closed several multi-million contracts in China, Romania, and Saudi Arabia. APH Group will supply storage-, grading and washing installations for three new French fries factories.
The Emsland Group completes EUR 30 million (about USD 33 million) investment at Emlichheim location
January 08, 2022

The Emsland Group completes EUR 30 million investment at Emlichheim location

The Emsland Group has completed the construction of a 750 m2 building that holds new roller drying units with autoclaves. Nicknamed 'WaltrAut', the facility was designed for the production of plant-based products
The FAO Food Price Index reaches a 10-year high in 2021.
January 07, 2022

The FAO Food Price Index reaches a 10-year high in 2021, despite a small December decline

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 133.7 points in December 2021, down 1.2 points (0.9 percent) from November, but still up 25.1 points (23.1 percent) from December 2020.
New Omnia Carbon Cost of Production tool launched
January 07, 2022

Omnia introduces tool to estimate carbon footprint of agricultural production

It’s clearly understood that improved farm productivity is good for business and more recently, for carbon footprint. But the challenge has always been how to measure the cost of producing a particular crop with regards to carbon.
FoodeQ Engineering will be presenting the unique new CentreQ® System at Interpom 2021.
January 06, 2022

FoodeQ Engineering introduces CentreQ®: a new monitoring system for vibratory conveyors

With the in-house developed CentreQ® (for which a patent is pending), FoodeQ is introducing a unique monitoring system for vibratory conveyors driven by unbalanced motors.
Intersur adquiere una nueva sede en Castilla y León.
January 05, 2022

Intersur adquiere una nueva sede en Castilla y León

Intersur ha adquirido para su nueva sede en Castilla y León, las instalaciones en Tordesillas (Valladolid) de la extinta Agroinnova S.L. – Las Patatas del Abuelo. Esta importante inversión permitirá a la empresa desarrollar un importante plan de cultivo para Castilla y León.
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Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
January 04, 2022

World Potato Congress Webinar - 'Introducing the World Potato Congress in Ireland' presented by Liam Glennon

In preparation for the World Potato Congress being held from May 30 to June 2, 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
Europlant presents 'low input' potato varieties
December 29, 2021

Europlant presents 'low input' potato varieties

Europlant presents potato varieties with high nutrient efficiency. The high-yielding and high-quality special varieties for low input production protect the environment and save costs.
Papas Vidal alcanza los noventa años en Benifaió.
December 22, 2021

Papas Vidal alcanza los noventa años en Benifaió

La empresa, integrada hoy en el Grupo Apex, recuperará la receta y la bolsa que se utilizaba en sus inicios para celebrar el aniversario
CO2 extractor creates a buzz at potato event
December 22, 2021

Restrain Carbon dioxide extractor for storages creates a buzz at potato event

With an innovation award under its belt and a new technical expert on the payroll, sprout inhibition developer Restrain was a popular participant at the 2021 British Potato Industry Event in Harrogate.
Freya von Czettritz: Agritechnica 2022 will not take place.
December 21, 2021

Agritechnica 2022 will not take place

Unfortunately, due to the deteriorating pandemic situation in recent weeks and the resulting current official regulations, a situation has arisen which makes the trouble-free execution of AGRITECHNICA no longer possible.
Practical guide to monitoring soil carbon launched.
December 21, 2021

Practical guide to monitoring soil carbon

A new practical guide to assessing soil carbon promises to answer British farmers’ key questions at a time when many are looking to understand their soil health. It was produced by Duchy College, Plymouth University, Rothamsted Research, and the Farm Carbon Toolkit.


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