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TOMRA demonstrates Field Potato Sorter at Fruit Logistica
January 16, 2014

TOMRA demonstrates Field Potato Sorter at Fruit Logistica

TOMRA Sorting Solutions will demonstrate its Field Potato Sorter (FPS) and Genius optical belt sorter at this year’s Fruit Logistica
Fruit Logistica
February 28, 2013

Fruit Logistica 2013 highly successful

FRUIT LOGISTICA, the leading event for the international fresh produce trade sector, fully lived up to the high expectations.
 Christian Goeke
February 07, 2013

Fruit Logistica goes into second day

From 6 to 8 February 2013, a total of 2,543 exhibitors from 78 countries will be presenting not only the entire product and service range that so amply supplies consumers with fresh fruit and vegetables (and potatoes!) , but also numerous interesting i...
TOMRA Sorting Solutions Food - Odenberg and BEST
February 05, 2013

ODENBERG and BEST at Fruit Logistica 2013

ODENBERG and BEST, part of TOMRA Sorting Solutions, will showcase different systems from their market-leading sensor-based optical sorters. The newly formed company exhibits for the first time together in Germany.
Fruit Logistica 2013 is looking for innovators
October 10, 2012

Fruit Logistica 2013 is looking for innovators

Fresh produce industry companies with innovative products or services are invited to apply for the FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award (FLIA) An official award ceremony on 8 February 2013 will be held to announce the winners.
 Anuga FoodTec
April 02, 2012

Trends op de Anuga Foodtec

Verhoging van de productiviteit en daarmee of tegelijkertijd kostenreductie realiseren. Dat is een belangrijke trend en drijfveer voor innovatie, zo bleek op de Anuga FoodTec in Keulen. VMT noemt als tweede trend "duurzaamheid"en de derde on...
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Anuga FoodTec 2012
February 19, 2012

Expanding Anuga FoodTec accompanied by top class conferences

From 27th to 30th March 2012 the international food technology sector will once again meet at Anuga FoodTec in Cologne. Anuga FoodTec offers the international food business an information and purchasing platform that covers the entire spectrum of techn...
Fruit Logistica 2012
February 08, 2012

Fruit Logistica 2012: The global fresh produce trade meets in Berlin

With a complete market overview of international fresh produce business logistics, the 20th edition of FRUIT LOGISTICA highlights the event's status as the industry's leading trade fair.
December 12, 2011

Duitse aardappeloogst slechts deels verkoopbaar

Volgens actuele schattingen zijn er dit jaar in Duitsland zo’n 11,9 miljoen ton aardappels gerooid van een totaal aardappelareaal van 259.400 hectare.
 Deutscher Bauernverband
October 02, 2011

German per capita Potato Consumption up in 2010

The Germans are buying more potatoes again. After a several-years of continuing decline of the amount of potatoes consumed, German per capita consumption increased to around 63kg in 2010, up from 60kg in 2009, according to Martin Umhau, chairman of t...
 Anuga Foodtec 2012
September 05, 2011

Anuga Foodtec 2012 expands exhibition space due to strong demand

Anuga FoodTec (27th to 30th March 2012) is expanding its exhibition space by including an additional hall in the trade show. Very strong demand for exhibition space at world’s leading trade fair for the food and beverage production industry means ne...
July 12, 2011

EUREX Milestone: Futures European Processing Potatoes (FEPP) passed 100.000

The international derivatives exchange Eurex has recently reached a further milestone in the agricultural derivatives segment. Last week, futures contracts on European processing potatoes (FEPP) traded in the order book passed the 100,000 mark for the ...
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Fruit Logistica 2011
February 08, 2011

Participación récord en la cumbre del comercio hortofrutícola en Berlín

El lugar preponderante que ocupa FRUIT LOGISTICA, el salón líder internacional del sector hortofrutícola, se corrobora una vez más este año con la presencia de los principales actores y actuadores en el mercado, los responsables del sector y una asiste...
 Fruit Logistica 2011
February 08, 2011

Fruit Logistica 2011 draws record attendance

The reputation of FRUIT LOGISTICA as the world's leading international fresh produce trade fair has been underlined yet again this year by the presence of all market leaders, the industry’s top decision-makers and a new attendance record.
 Interpack 2011
February 07, 2011

PACK EXPO Sponsors World Packaging Organisation's Worldstar 2010 Awards Ceremony

PMMI, owner and producer of the PACK EXPO family of trade shows, is pleased to announce PACK EXPO has signed on as Platinum Sponsor of the World Packaging Organization’s (WPO) WorldStar awards ceremony.
December 03, 2010

Duitse aardappeltelers eisen meer flexibele contracten

De Duitse federatie voor telers van frites- en chipsaardappelen eist van de verwerkende industrie flexibeler contracten
 Fruit Logistica
September 16, 2010

Fruit Logistica 2011 almost fully booked

Six months before the start of FRUIT LOGISTICA 2011, the leading international trade fair for the fresh produce trade is almost fully booked.
 Potato Europe 2010
August 31, 2010

PotatoEurope 2010 offers 186 exhibitors from 16 countries

PotatoEurope offers visitors an open air exhibition "all about the potato” with trial plots, machinery demonstrations and discussion forums on 8/9 September 2010 at the Rittergut Bockerode Estate in Springe-Mittelrode near Hanover.This top event ...


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