News on Irrigation from Europe

España: Resultados del proyecto UREZPAPA sobre innovación en riego de patata.
May 14, 2021

España: Resultados del proyecto UREZPAPA sobre innovación en riego de patata

El objetivo principal del proyecto UREZPAPA es lograr una mayor eficacia en el manejo del agua para conseguir el mayor ahorro posible de este recurso, sin que el rendimiento del cultivo disminuya.
Jersey: Farmers feeling the heat as the Island is set to enter a drought
April 29, 2021

Jersey Potato Farmers are feeling the heat as the Island is set to enter a drought

The lack of rainfall could affect the potato-lifting season, the Jersey Royal Company has said as the Island is set to enter a drought. Mike Renouard, business unit director at The Jersey Royal Company, said that farmers were hoping for a period of rain to help with the growth of their crop.
La comarca inicia de manera desigual la recogida, que los más optimistas cifran en 120 millones de kilos
October 14, 2020

España: La Sequía Estival Mermará la Cosecha de Patata en este 2020

Los productores de patata de A Limia se van incorporando de manera contenida a la campaña de recogida de 2020. Las lluvias registradas a lo largo de la pasada semana impidieron el inicio de la recolecta en las fincas de mayor tamaño.
McDonald's is seeking boost resilience of its British potato supply chain to environmental degradation and climate impacts
September 28, 2020

McDonald's and McCain offer climate resilience funding for UK potato farmers

Fast food giant McDonald's is working with McCain Foods and Prince's Countryside Trust to help farmers in the United Kingdom improve soil health and boost resilience to climate change and Brexit
La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola
September 07, 2020

La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola

La consejera de Agricultura, Ganadería, Mundo Rural, Territorio y Población, Eva Hita; la directora general de Agricultura y Ganadería, María Jesús Miñana y la directora general de Desarrollo Rural y Reto Demográfico, Nuria Bazo, se han reunido en la Cooperativa de Rioja Alta en Santo Domingo de la Calzada con su presidente, Emilio García, y su Consejo rector para analizar la campaña de la patata y la situación del sector en La Rioja.
Patatas de Santa Margalida, España
June 15, 2020

Patatas de Santa Margalida, España

La zona noreste de Mallorca es conocida por la producción de patata. Aunque es más conocida la de sa Pobla y Muro, a pocos kilómetros del mar, en la finca de Santa Eulàlia, en Can Picafort, hay una considerable extensión de éste cultivo, terreno que gestiona desde hace cuatro años la empresa Agrime (socia de Agroilla).
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España: Queda por sembrar un 35% de superficie de patata en Castilla y León
April 27, 2020

España: Queda por sembrar un 35% de superficie de patata en Castilla y León

La siembra ha quedado temporalmente suspendida por las lluvias persistentes de las últimas semanas, forzando a que se hayan escalonado, lo que supone una ventaja conveniente de cara a la comercialización de la patata.
Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía
March 09, 2020

Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía

La mezcla del agua agrícola del CAAF con la procedente de la desaladora propia es la forma de ahuyentar tres años de sequía que practican Marisa Díaz Armas y Ramón Torres Martín, el matrimonio que desde hace doce años planta papas en Toto.
Analyst Insight: How tight does the GB potato market look?
December 23, 2019

Analyst Insight: How tight does the GB potato market look?

This autumn has been the wettest across England since 2000 and the fifth wettest on record. These conditions have hampered lifting across GB, with progress particularly slow in Yorkshire and the North of England.
Could a Polish shortfall benefit the UK packing market?
August 23, 2019

Could a Polish shortfall benefit the UK packing market?

Potato production likely to be significantly below average in both Poland and Czech Republic. Germany, their main source of imports, may not be able to meet the increased export demand due to growing regions remaining in drought.
Opportunity for UK.
German potato prices set to spike due to drought
August 19, 2019

German potato prices set to spike due to drought

Two summers in a row of drought are causing Germany’s potato supply to dwindle - and prices to rise.
Dry weather drives smart irrigation in the United Kingdom
April 25, 2019

Dry weather drives smart irrigation in the United Kingdom

The Environment Agency in the UK has already declared irrigation prospects ‘moderate to poor’ in the East of England – in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex. AHDB offers suggestions to place farmers in a stronger position this summer.
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The potato crop in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain
December 12, 2018

Potatoes in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain

That the potato harvest this year in Europe was well below average due to extreme weather conditions is well known by now. I this article we present some recent data from Great Britain, The Netherlands and Spain that further clarify the situation
NEPG estimates potato harvest 2018
November 08, 2018

North-western European Potato Growers: harvest down 20 percent at least

The total potato harvest in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France in 2018 will be at least 20 percent lower than last year, according to the latest estimates of the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG).
Belgapom and VAVI respond to commotion in potato sector
August 20, 2018

Belgapom and VAVI respond to commotion in potato sector

The warm and dry weather of recent months has caused a commotion in the potato sector in Northern Europe. This is why representatives of both the Dutch and Belgian potato sectors came together to discuss the situation and to voice their concerns.
Potato growers propose pan-European approach to resolve contract issues with processors due to extreme weather
August 14, 2018

Potato growers propose pan-European approach to resolve contract issues with processors due to extreme weather

The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) conclude that the potato production this year in North-Western Europe will be much lower than average and that quality issues will be a main challenge.
Potatoes stop growing in parched earth
July 29, 2018

Ireland: Potatoes stop growing in parched earth

David Rodgers, growing potatoes in normally lush and fertile North Co Dublin says the unprecedented conditions over recent weeks – from an exceptionally cold spring to a record-breaking hot summer – have forced his potato plants into “shutting down”.
German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought
July 27, 2018

German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought

The German Association of Fruit, Vegetables and Potato Processing Industry (BOGK) expects that the potato harvest in Germany and Europe will be significantly reduced in quantity, as well as quality compared to the previous year due to the long ongoing drought and heat wave.


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