News on Irrigation

Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía.
December 08, 2021

Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía

Investigadores argentinos desarrollaron a través de modificaciones genéticas plantas de papa tolerantes a condiciones de sequía y con hasta 17% más de rendimiento que las de la variedad que actualmente se siembra en Argentina.
WPC Webinar: Basics of irrigation for processing potatoes and irrigation scheduling.
October 12, 2021

WPC Webinar: Basics of irrigation for processing potatoes and irrigation scheduling

World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - November 11, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time with Netafim's Yechiam Gets, Crop Model Agronomist Presenting 'Basics of irrigation for processing potatoes and irrigation scheduling.'
MountainKing: The quality of the Colorado potato crop 'extraordinary'
September 20, 2021

MountainKing: The quality of the Colorado potato crop 'extraordinary'

As MountainKing readies for its fall harvest, early tests from its fields in Colorado’s San Luis Valley offer encouraging signs for several of the brand’s gourmet varieties including its yellow-flesh varietals.
Las plantaciones de patata de A Limia (Ourense), principal comarca productora de este tubérculo en Galicia.
August 31, 2021

España: Previsiones de muy buena cosecha de patata en A Limia, Ourense

Las lluvias recurrentes durante la primavera y el verano propician un crecimiento excelente de los tubérculos. Se espera buena producción y de calidad y un adelanto de la recogida. Preocupa el incremento de costos para productores y mayoristas por las limitaciones en los antigerminantes.
PepsiCo selects CropX technology to help its potato producers become environmentally sustainable.
August 25, 2021

PepsiCo México selects CropX technology to help its potato producers become environmentally sustainable

By collaborating with CropX, PepsiCo México can now help potato growers in Latin America improve farm input application efficiency and become environmentally sustainable, providing its growers with CropX data-driven farm management solutions.
Investigadores de INIA Remehue presentarán resultados de estudio que muestra efecto del estrés hídrico en el cultivo de papa.
August 17, 2021

Investigadores de INIA Remehue presentarán resultados de estudio que muestra efecto del estrés hídrico en el cultivo de papa

En el Congreso Virtual Eurosoil 2021 los científicos nacionales darán a conocer las consecuencias que tiene la falta de agua, entre ellas la disminución en un 30 porciento del rendimiento en comparación con sistemas bajo riego.
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Estudio de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) revela que la Papa resiste más la sequía con suplemento de calcio.
June 22, 2021

Estudio de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) revela que la Papa resiste más la sequía con suplemento de calcio

Tras realizar experimentos con tratamientos para mejorar el comportamiento de un cultivo de papa criolla en condiciones de déficit hídrico, se encontró que el cloruro y el nitrato de calcio mejorarían su producción.
Potato of Bologna PDO.
June 17, 2021

Italy: High temperatures and continuous irrigation for the Potato of Bologna PDO

This year the cultivation area of the Bologna PDO grew by 17 percent, from 419 to 489 hectares, also thanks to the good prices obtained in the last two years.
Crop4Sight Releases Innovative Irrigation Scheduling Tool
May 24, 2021

Crop4Sight adds irrigation scheduling tool to their potato crop toolkit

Crop4Sight’s online and mobile digital toolkit is designed to help growers maximise saleable potato yields and was launched as a commercial service in 2020. Crop4Sight now adds a potato irrigation scheduling tool.
España: Resultados del proyecto UREZPAPA sobre innovación en riego de patata.
May 14, 2021

España: Resultados del proyecto UREZPAPA sobre innovación en riego de patata

El objetivo principal del proyecto UREZPAPA es lograr una mayor eficacia en el manejo del agua para conseguir el mayor ahorro posible de este recurso, sin que el rendimiento del cultivo disminuya.
Jersey: Farmers feeling the heat as the Island is set to enter a drought
April 29, 2021

Jersey Potato Farmers are feeling the heat as the Island is set to enter a drought

The lack of rainfall could affect the potato-lifting season, the Jersey Royal Company has said as the Island is set to enter a drought. Mike Renouard, business unit director at The Jersey Royal Company, said that farmers were hoping for a period of rain to help with the growth of their crop.
Nature-friendly farming reduces costs for potato farmer
February 11, 2021

Sustainable potato farming in South Africa reduces costs as well

Managing plant health and strict water monitoring have paved the way to success for AL 3 Boerdery in Dendron, Limpopo.
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Idaho Potato Conference goes virtual this year
January 10, 2021

Idaho Potato Conference goes virtual this year

Given the unusual times of a global pandemic, the Idaho Potato Conference shifted from the annual in-person conference held in Pocatello to three days of virtual presentations.
¡Gran aporte! Estudiantes peruanos crean máquina que protege a los cultivos de las heladas
November 23, 2020

¡Gran aporte! Estudiantes peruanos crean máquina que protege a los cultivos de las heladas

El Invento será presentado a la edición 2021 del concurso 'Una idea para cambiar la Historia' de History Channel.
Report: The potato value chain in Morocco
October 16, 2020

Report: The potato value chain in Morocco

The Wageningen Research Foundation (WR), being subsidised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the context of the Policy Support 'Sustainable agricultural development in a food system approach' published a study on the potato value chain in Morocco.
Maine, US: Drought shrinks Aroostook County potato yields
October 15, 2020

Maine, US: Drought shrinks Aroostook County potato yields

This year’s potato harvest was met with an unrelenting drought that diminished crops and tied up water resources for Aroostook County, Maine farmers.
Drought dries up potato harvest revenue in New Brunswick
October 15, 2020

Drought dries up potato harvest revenue in New Brunswick

With the harvest season underway, the impact of summer's drought-like conditions is being unearthed in New Brunswick. Due to a lack of rainfall during the growing season, potato farmers say their yields are down significantly for fall 2020.
La comarca inicia de manera desigual la recogida, que los más optimistas cifran en 120 millones de kilos
October 14, 2020

España: La Sequía Estival Mermará la Cosecha de Patata en este 2020

Los productores de patata de A Limia se van incorporando de manera contenida a la campaña de recogida de 2020. Las lluvias registradas a lo largo de la pasada semana impidieron el inicio de la recolecta en las fincas de mayor tamaño.


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