Potatoes in rice paddies?
January 25, 2022

Growing potatoes in rice paddies is a sustainable intensification in Southern China

With approximately 19% of the global population and just 9% of the world’s arable land, China has long sought to improve food production and, in recent decades, potatoes have played an increasingly important role in that quest.
Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases
January 21, 2022

Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases

An innovative method of controlling a range of damaging crop diseases using native, beneficial soil bacteria has emerged from a research-industry collaboration.
Canopy temperature provides novel insights into potato yields and efficient water use.
January 21, 2022

Canopy temperature provides novel insights into potato yields and efficient water use

A new potato or sweet potato variety represents only the "tip of the iceberg," concealing hundreds, if not thousands, of hours invested in testing and developing that variety.
INIA implementará uso de drones y cámaras termales para ayudar a generar nuevas variedades de papa de alto rendimiento y mejor adaptadas al cambio climático.
January 19, 2022

INIA implementará uso de drones y cámaras termales para ayudar a generar nuevas variedades de papa de alto rendimiento y mejor adaptadas al cambio climático

Los trabajos, que aportarán al Programa de Mejoramiento Genético de Papa del INIA, serán desarrollados por la investigadora de INIA Remehue, Ana María Méndez.
The most advanced laboratory that can measure the quality of potatoes - Potato Lab
January 17, 2022

Virtual tour of Iraqi Potato Chips company BEPPCO's Potato Lab

BEPPCO, the Iraq-based potato chips manufacturer and exporter, is always striving to produce the best quality of products. This is achieved with the help of proper assessment of potato quality at the early stages of production
INIA Butalcura organizó taller y día de campo.
December 22, 2021

INIA Butalcura organizó taller y día de campo

INIA Butalcura organizó taller y día de campo para GTT de semilleristas de papa de Chiloé.
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Jóvenes buscan combatir la hambruna en Colombia.
December 22, 2021

Con papas resistentes a altas temperaturas, jóvenes buscan combatir la hambruna en Colombia

Doce estudiantes de Biotecnología lograron adaptar el cultivo de la papa a temperaturas altas, para que las comunidades de esas regiones de alto calor puedan sembrar el tubérculo bajo los inclementes rayos del sol.
Freya von Czettritz: Agritechnica 2022 will not take place.
December 21, 2021

Agritechnica 2022 will not take place

Unfortunately, due to the deteriorating pandemic situation in recent weeks and the resulting current official regulations, a situation has arisen which makes the trouble-free execution of AGRITECHNICA no longer possible.
New Red Fox potato a first for P.E.I. Potato Board.
December 12, 2021

New Red Fox potato variety a first for the Prince Edward Island Potato Board

The new Red Fox potato variety has a very P.E.I. name, and is also a first in the history of the Prince Edward Island Potato Board.
Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía.
December 08, 2021

Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía

Investigadores argentinos desarrollaron a través de modificaciones genéticas plantas de papa tolerantes a condiciones de sequía y con hasta 17% más de rendimiento que las de la variedad que actualmente se siembra en Argentina.
Renaissance BioScience Corp. receives additional R and D funding for its yeast-based RNA technology.
December 03, 2021

Additional funding for Renaissance BioScience Corp's yeast-based RNA technology

Renaissance BioScience Corp., a leading global bioengineering company, announced today that it is receiving advisory services and additional funding of up to CAD 200,000 from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).
New seed potato lab will benefit Idaho's spud industry
November 16, 2021

University of Idaho new seed potato lab to open this year.

The University of Idaho is close to opening a new Seed Potato Germplasm Laboratory, which is the place where most Idaho potatoes are 'born'.
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United States Government invests USD 2.6 Million in Potato Variety Research
November 10, 2021

United States Government invests USD 2.6 Million in Potato Variety Research

The USDA's National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA) recently awarded four Potato Research grants  totaling USD 2.6 million  as part of their Special Research Grants program.
World Potato Congress call for nominations for the industry awards-11th World Potato Congress May 30 to June 2, 2022
November 09, 2021

World Potato Congress call for nominations for the industry awards-11th World Potato Congress May 30 to June 2, 2022

The World Potato Congress Industry Award ceremony is an important and prestigious event on the international potato scene. The award recognizes a lifetime of contributions to the potato industry.
Greenhouse Gas Bulletin: Another Year Another Record.
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World Meteorological Organization on Greenhouse Gas: Another Year Another Record

The abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere once again reached a new record last year, with the annual rate of increase above the 2011-2020 average.
Penn State potato research program chips in with valuable insights for industry
October 30, 2021

Penn State potato research program chips in with valuable insights for industry

Pennsylvania has more potato chip manufacturers than any other state in the United States. Consequently, Penn State's potato research program is focused on potatoes for the production of potato chips.
New study predicts two popular American foods surprisingly resilient to climate change.
October 27, 2021

Study: Potato supply chain resilient to climate change

A new study led by researchers at the University of Florida predicts that the supply chains for two of American’s most popular plant-based foods — French fries and pasta sauce — are surprisingly resilient to climate change.
Fighting late blight: what does it take to bring a resistant potato variety to market?
October 27, 2021

Fighting late blight: what does it take to bring a resistant potato variety to market?

Seed breeders work closely with potato growers to develop desirable agronomic traits, and with the wider supply chain for those crucial characteristics such as dry matter distribution, sugar formation, and storability.


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