
Seed potato exports from GB outstrip previous levels once more
August 19, 2014

Seed potato exports from GB outstrip previous levels once more

As Potato Council and the GB seed potato sector prepare for next months’ Potato Europe event in Germany, recent export statistics confirm that GB seed potatoes continue to be in demand around the world, with the 2013/14 figures revealing a new seed exports record from Britain.
New international collaboration helps protect potatoes against nematodes
July 30, 2014

New international collaboration helps protect potatoes against nematodes

Experts from the UK and India are working together to identify and develop novel environmentally-sustainable strategies to control plant pests, known as plant-parasitic nematodes to ensure global food production and security.
Jean Urquhart with Robert Burnsl
July 24, 2014

Supporting the Scottish Potato Industry

Potato Council has been working hard to raise the profile of potatoes amongst Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), promoting their health and sustainability credentials and creating awareness of the significant contribution they make to the Scottish economy.
Future proofing Cheshire potatoes
July 15, 2014

Future proofing Cheshire potatoes

Cheshire potato growers gathered at Aston Grange Farm near Runcorn, at the end of June 2014, to discuss the opportunities for the local crop at Potato Council’s Cheshire Potato event.
One Voice Campaign Potato Council gaining momentum
July 03, 2014

One Voice Campaign Potato Council gaining momentum

Potato Council’s One Voice campaign is fast gaining momentum, with people from all sectors of industry getting involved and doing whatever they can to help spread positive messages about potatoes.
UK: Shropshire potato producers host leading technical event
June 29, 2014

UK: Shropshire potato producers host leading technical event

The West Midlands Potato Day attracted a good crowd of industry visitors on 19 June when potato grower Jonathan Bubb of J.M. Bubb & Sons hosted Potato Council’s technical field day at Lynn South Farm, Newport, Shropshire, where they grow around 400 acres of potatoes.
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UK Consumers eat less potatoes, but this is not a conscious decision
June 26, 2014

UK Consumers eat less potatoes, but this is not a conscious decision

In the United Kingdom the value of fresh potato category is growing with a 3.8% rise over the last year, while the volume of fresh potatoes sold has dropped by 8.0%. The Potato Council is figuring out what can be done about it.
Sporangia of P. infestans: sporangium from which a zoospore is germinating. (photo: B. G. Turgeon; Cornell University)
June 11, 2014

Breakthrough in understanding swarming potato blight spores

Researchers at the Universities of Dundee and Aberdeen have made a breakthrough in understanding how the microbial spores which cause potato blight are so effective at infecting plants.
Leatherhead Food Research
May 21, 2014

Leatherhead appoints Alice Cadman, ex United Biscuits, as Head of Business Development & Marketing

Leatherhead Food Research is delighted to announce the appointment of Alice Cadman as Head of Business Development & Marketing, starting 27 May 2014
New AHDB Chairman Peter Kendall (left) and UK Food and Farming Minister George Eustice
April 30, 2014

UK Farming Minister and new chairman outline role for the AHDB - which includes the potato council

A vision for the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) was outlined by the Food and Farming Minister George Eustice and the new AHDB chairman Peter Kendall when they addressed AHDB employees.
Fifty Years of Potato Storage Research at Sutton Bridge
April 17, 2014

Fifty Years of Potato Storage Research at Sutton Bridge

This week saw the Potato Council division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of its Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research (SBCSR) facility, near Spalding in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Roundtable Report Potato Council: Unearthing the role of potatoes in a healthy sustainable diet
February 25, 2014

Potatoes: convincing government of their importance

Potato Council acts as a knowledge house for Government raising the importance of the potato. Two years since this work programme started there has been a real increase in knowledge about potatoes amongst parliamentarians with 83% now regarding potatoes as an important crop.
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Industry flocks to UK stand at Fruit Logistica
February 19, 2014

Industry flocks to UK stand at Fruit Logistica

Potato Council, Horticultural Development Company (HDC) and the Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) returned in force to the Fruit Logistica to build their promotion of seed potatoes from Britain and raise the profile of the diversity and quality of UK horticultural crops.
Potato Council Maris Piper Ad
February 17, 2014

UK Shoppers agree to pay more for named Potato Varieties

Potato Council’s latest campaign to encourage shoppers to trade up from generic whites to a named potato variety has been a great success.
United Kingdom: Is your Chip Shop ready for Chip Week?
February 05, 2014

United Kingdom: Is your Chip Shop ready for Chip Week?

Supporting the chipping sector is high on the agenda for Potato Council all year round, but with Chip Week (17 – 23 February) just around the corner, the team is more focused than ever on helping chips shops improve the quality of their chips and drive sales as a result.
Potato: Natural Goodness
January 22, 2014

Potato Council wants its health message to stick

Potato Council is calling on the UK industry to help promote the ‘Natural Goodness’ of potatoes, by applying for a new Potato Council car sticker which is now available to all its levy payers.
Soil health key to breaking potato yield plateau in UK
January 19, 2014

Soil health key to breaking potato yield plateau in UK

Potato yield increases in the United Kingdom have stuttered to a halt in a similar manner to cereals in recent years and experts believe improving the state of British potato-growing soils will be vital to drive yields higher again.
 Skea Organiscs joins Potato Council at Fruit Logistica 2014
January 09, 2014

UK develops seed potato and horticulture stand at Fruit Logistica 2014

Following the successful first-time collaboration by the British potato and horticulture sector at Fruit Logistica 2013, Potato Council, Horticultural Development Company (HDC) and the Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) return with their industries to this massive event in February 2014.


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