
BMGF USD 30mn grant recognizes importance of RTB crops to African food and nutrition security+
April 29, 2023

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation boosts African breeding research of RTB Crops with USD 30mn grant

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation committed USD 29,668,667 to CGIAR for the breeding of improved Root, Tuber, and Banana (RTB) crops that lie at the heart of many African agri-food systems.
New Portable Device Uses Smartphone-Based Spectroscopy to Detect Late Blight Disease in Potato Crops
April 25, 2023

New Portable Device Uses Smartphone-Based Spectroscopy to Detect Late Blight Disease in Potato Crops

The device has the potential to transform the way that farmers detect and manage plant diseases, leading to more efficient and sustainable agriculture practices.
Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease
April 25, 2023

Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease

Potato is the third most important food crop in the world after rice and wheat in terms of human consumption. But potato world production is threatened by potato late blight
Growers group works on future-proof seed potato cultivation
April 10, 2023

HZPC works with growers to future-proof seed potato cultivation

Growers learn best from other growers. This has been proven by the future-proof seed potato cultivation project, an initiative to examine upcoming changes in potato cultivation with a group of growers.
United Potato Growers of Canada elect new Officers and Directors
April 08, 2023

United Potato Growers of Canada elect new Officers and Directors

At the Annual General Meeting on March 13th, CEO of Kroeker Farms in Manitoba, Wayne Rempel was elected as the new Chair of the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) after serving several years as the Secretary.
Sustainable and yet highly productive agriculture
April 03, 2023

Sustainable and yet highly productive agriculture

The Netherlands is committed to developing a sustainable and highly productive food system, with less use of fertilisers, water and pesticides, and more biodiversity and crop diversity.
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Disease Resistant Potatoes & Fortified Bananas Gets Govt Approval
April 02, 2023

Indian government approves trials of GM Disease Resistant Potatoes & Fortified Bananas

After mustard, India will undertake trials of two other genetically modified (GM) food crops, bananas and potatoes, perhaps ushering in a new era of biotech-enhanced farming.
FMC trials show great promise for future of weed control
March 29, 2023

FMC trials show great promise for future of weed control

With weed control a key challenge for farmers, and reduced sensitivity to some herbicides a continuing problem. New product trials by FMC have demonstrated that effective controls are on the horizon.
United Potato Growers of Canada announced welcome of re-joining members
March 11, 2023

Re-joining members give the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) a truly national reach

Ontario Potato Board, Potatoes New Brunswick join the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) as the representative of their potato grower members, giving the organisation a truly national reach.
Appointment Director Agrico Research
March 11, 2023

Peter Oldenkamp to succeed long-time Director Agrico Research Sjefke Allefs

Potato coop Agrico announced that Peter Oldenkamp will become director of Agrico Research starting August 1, 2023. He succeeds Sjefke Allefs as director. Sjefke Allefs has worked at Agrico Research since 1990, in the position of director for the past 24 years.
RJ Andrus of Idaho Elected National Potato Council President
March 09, 2023

RJ Andrus of Idaho Elected National Potato Council President

The National Potato Council (NPC) installed its 2023 roster of Executive Committee members at the organization’s annual Washington Summit.
Europatat Adapt
March 08, 2023

ADAPT news: Upcoming round of phenotyping potato stress acclimation in focus lines

The Horizon 2020 EU project Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato (ADAPT), in which Europatat is participating, aims at developing new strategies to make potatoes fit for the challenging growth conditions of the future.
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Ensayo de salinidad en Egipto: una variedad de patata resistente a los altos niveles de salinidad del agua

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INIA estudios genéticos
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Junín: INIA realiza estudios genéticos en papa nativa empleando técnicas modernas.

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Solynta and PepsiCo Partner to Bring Hybrid Potato Seeds to Ethiopian Farmers
March 02, 2023

Solynta and PepsiCo Partner to Bring Hybrid Potato Seeds to Ethiopian Farmers

Solynta and PepsiCo’s Ethiopia-based Foods Unit, Senselet Food Processing PLC (Senselet), have launched a project to introduce hybrid true potato seeds (HTPS) to Ethiopia.
WPC Webinar with Dr. Alison Lees, Potato Pathologist, The James Hutton Institute, Feb 28, 2023 9:00am EST (Canada/USA)
February 27, 2023

WPC Webinar with Dr. Alison Lees, Potato Pathologist, The James Hutton Institute, Feb 28, 2023 9:00am EST (Canada/USA)

The World Potato Congress presents a webinar with Dr. Alison Lees, Potato Pathologist with The James Hutton Institute, Dundee, UK on February 28, 2023 at 9.00am Eastern Standard Time (EST).
WPVGA Proudly Presents Annual Industry Awards
February 21, 2023

Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) Presents Annual Industry Awards

In addition to its annual Hall of Fame induction, the Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) presented several other annual Industry Awards during a banquet on February 8, 2023, in Stevens Point.


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