
 Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)
December 17, 2008

NAO verwacht matige afzet tafelaardappel

De Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO) blikt terug op een redelijk goed afzetseizoen voor de tafelaardappel, maar verwacht een matige afzet voor 2008/2009.Dat laat voorzitter Kees van Arendonk van de NAO weten aan Vakblad Agf. “De aardappel stond i...
November 21, 2008

La bolsa del super será de maiz o patata

Los plásticos biodegradables se abren camino en el mercado español de la mano de empresas como Basf y Sphere, y se adelantan a la normativa del Plan Nacional Integral de Residuos, que se aprobará en enero de 2009. El nuevo Plan Nacional Integral de R...
November 20, 2008

Peru podria exportar papa a China en forma procesada

Perú podría exportar papa a China pero en forma procesada, y no en la modalidad de producto fresco porque antes se deben vencer barreras fitosanitarias, señaló el ministro de Agricultura, Carlos Leyton. "En la manera en que vayamos avanzando (en ...
 United States Potato Board
November 13, 2008

US Dehy Draws Interest of Mexican Bakery Industry

The MEXIPAN Trade Show is one of the most important events for the Mexican bakery industry. As such, the United States Potato Board (USPB) recently participated in this trade show, providing information and technical materials about the use of US dehyd...
November 10, 2008

PEI potato growers wait and watch their potato storage

Kevin MacIsaac says the easy part is over for Island potato producers - the harvesting.Now comes the tough part. Waiting for signs of rot to appear among the millions of pounds of spuds moved into storage."They're going into the building checking ...
 VAVI: Vereniging voor de Aardappelverwerkende Industrie
October 31, 2008

Telers en industrie maken nieuwe afspraken in aardappelcontracten

De akkerbouwers en de aardappelverwerkende industrie zijn het eens geworden over enkele aanpassingen in de contracten voor de aardappelteelt. Zo zijn nieuwe afspraken gemaakt in het geval een partij wordt afgekeurd en komt er een keuzemogelijkheid voor...
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 Prince Edward Island Potato Board
October 30, 2008

PEI Potato Prices way up

Farmers on Prince Edward Island (PEI) are enjoying much higher potato prices this year, but also estimate about 10 per cent of the crop isn't worth harvesting.Ten-pound bags are going for as much as 23 cents a pound, compared with four to 10 cents at t...
 Potato Council Limited
October 29, 2008

Potato Council promotes use of potatoes in school meals

Potato Council is encouraging school caterers to serve up a delicious and nutritious portion of potatoes every day, while urging suppliers to spread the message that potatoes can be used to help maintain compliant menus and increase their use across ...
October 28, 2008

Ronald Piper honoured posthumously for his work for New Brunswick’s potato industry

A farmer well known to Carleton County potato growers was inducted posthumously into the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame.Ronald Ouellette, minister of Agriculture and Aquaculture, announced the 2008 New Brunswick induction of Ronald Ray Piper at a c...
 American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI)
October 27, 2008

American Frozen Food Institute Chairman Announces Robert L. Garfield as Interim President

American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) Chairman James E. Matthews Jr. of the H.J. Heinz Company today announced Robert L. Garfield has assumed the role of interim president of AFFI following the resignation of Leslie G. Sarasin. Garfield takes over for...
October 17, 2008

Profits vary for fresh market, processed potatoes

Potato harvest is winding down in the Columbia Basin this week, with contracted growers reporting decreased profits and fresh market prices more than doubling from last year.Fresh market prices for Russet Norkotahs increased last year from between $4.7...
October 09, 2008

Third Pack Expo Selects attracts largest field of competitors to date

Each year, PMMI invites exhibitors to submit their most innovative packages to be voted on by PACK EXPO attendees through PACK EXPO Selects. Once the finalists are identified, PACK EXPO attendees choose the packages they feel best illustrate new and f...
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 Dehydrated potato
October 09, 2008

Dehydrated potatoes versatile option for food aid

Representatives for charitable organizations were back in Idaho this week to explore different ways of using dehydrated potatoes in international food aid programs.The visit, sponsored by the U.S. Potato Board, included representatives from nine privat...
 Idaho Potato Commission
October 07, 2008

Shawn Walters appointed chairman Idaho Potato Commission

The Idaho Potato Commission, Eagle, has appointed Shawn Walters chairman.Walters, a third-generation potato farmer and co-owner of Walters Produce, Newdale, was appointed to serve a one-year term, beginning on Sept. 15, spokeswoman Krista Paglisotti sa...
October 01, 2008

Europatat launches new website

Europatat, the European Union of the Potato Trade, has launched a new website which can be consulted via the address or This website contains all information on the scope of activities of this seed and ware potato tr...
 Russet Burbank (Source: Idaho Potato Commission)
September 30, 2008

USDA Grant helps University of Maine develop New Potato Varieties

A project at the University of Maine to produce new varieties of potatoes that can stand up to disease while giving Maine growers new marketing opportunities recently received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
September 27, 2008

Proponen hacer biodiesel con el aceite de las papas fritas

El concejal Jorge Boasso presentó una iniciativa para reemplazar al gasoil utilizado por el transporte público por este combustible ecológico. El proyecto establece un sistema de recolección del aceite vegetal usado por comercios y viviendas y luego el...
 Love Potatoes Potato Council Campaign
September 19, 2008

Potato Council (UK) continues the 'Love Potatoes' campaign through fall

Riding high on the wave of increased awareness generated by the ‘Love Potatoes’ summer marketing campaign, Potato Council is setting its sights on increasing potato-based meals eaten in the home even further this autumn.The new season of activity will ...


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