CIP’s Annual Report 2021 ‘From lab to field to scale’ now available online
August 21, 2022

CIP Annual Report 2021 From lab to field to scale now available online

The Lima-based International Potato Center’s (CIP) work to reduce hunger and malnutrition, boost farmer resilience, and catalyze income improvements generated benefits for men and women in more than 30 countries last year.
Potato LEAF Awards 2022-23 Scholarship to Paige Hickman
August 14, 2022

Potato LEAF Awards 2022-23 Scholarship to Paige Hickman

The Potato Leadership, Education, and Advancement Foundation (Potato LEAF) awards its 2022-23 Academic Scholarship to Paige Hickman, a Ph.D. student at University of Idaho, studying plant-parasitic nematodes, insect pests, and diseases of potato.
La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana.
August 08, 2022

La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana

Una contribución de USD 20 millones de parte de los Estados Unidos de América catalizará un uso más eficiente de los fertilizantes. Los fondos se utilizarán principalmente para realizar mapas específicos de nutrientes del suelo para sistematizar y mejorar los mapas de suelos existentes.
A novel approach to snapshot hyperspectral imaging based on computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS)
August 08, 2022

A novel approach to snapshot hyperspectral imaging based on computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS)

A novel approach to snapshot hyperspectral imaging based on computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS) is the result of the interesting collaboration between Newtec Engineering A/S and Physics at the University of Southern Denmark.
How can we improve soil health in potato cropping systems?
August 02, 2022

How can we improve soil health in potato cropping systems?

Minimizing soil disturbance is one of the key tenets promoted to build soil health in agricultural systems. Many farmers across the country have adopted reduced and no-till systems to build soil carbon, a central component to healthy soils.
Farmers upbeat about new potato variety
July 26, 2022

Potato farmers in Rwanda upbeat about new variety

Potato farmers have welcomed the government’s on-going trials on the use of agricultural biotechnology in producing a new Irish potato variety resistant to the devastating late blight disease.
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Peak of the Market Ltd. contributes CAD 100,000 toward um research chair in potato sustainability.
July 26, 2022

Peak of the Market Ltd. contributes CAD 100,000 toward University of Manitoba research chair in potato sustainability

Peak of the Market Ltd. is proud to announce a $100,000 contribution towards creating a Research Chair in Potato Sustainability at the University of Manitoba.
European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) awards Honorary Memberships to Mike Storey and Kazimiera Zgórska
July 20, 2022

European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) awards Honorary Memberships to Mike Storey and Kazimiera Zgórska

The European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) Council has awarded two honorary memberships to celebrate people with outstanding achievements in potato research and significant contributions to the association.
Avances en investigaciones de variedades de papas de Bielorrusia en suelo Nicaragüense.
July 19, 2022

Avances en investigaciones de variedades de papas de Bielorrusia en suelo Nicaragüense

En Nicaragua se investigaron 6 variedades de papa del Centro científico y práctico de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bielorrusia para papa y horticultura, observándose de manera particular que el cambio de temperaturas helada a tropical acortó el ciclo de cosecha en el cultivo.
Algeria: Analysis of the potato value chain in the province of El-Oued.
July 18, 2022

The potato value chain in the province of El-Oued, Algeria

The potato sector in Algeria is considered to be a strategic crop for the economic development, many levers have been put in place in recent years to increase yield levels , which have been quadrupled to 5 million tons.
INIA genera 25 nuevas variedades de cultivos con alto valor genético en los últimos 4 años.
July 16, 2022

INIA genera 25 nuevas variedades de cultivos con alto valor genético en los últimos 4 años

Además, ha liberado una nueva raza de cuy, reconocido 5 zonas de agrobiodiversidad y el mejoramiento genético de ganado. Entidad técnica del MIDAGRI ha generado tecnología en favor de 2 millones de pequeños y medianos agricultores a nivel nacional.
Seeding the future: Students gain summer experience working MSU seed potato program.
July 16, 2022

Students gain experience working in MSU's seed potato program

Students in tank tops with sunscreen-dotted noses walked down the rows of a potato field, frequently bending over to pluck leaves for sample boxes headed to the MSU potato lab.
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Gregory Porter awarded Honorary Life Membership by the Potato Association of America.
July 15, 2022

Gregory Porter awarded Honorary Life Membership by the Potato Association of America

Gregory Porter, professor of agronomy in the University of Maine School of Food and Agriculture, will receive an Honorary Life Membership from the Potato Association of America (PAA) at the organization’s annual meeting in July 2022.
Special Report: Facing high wheat prices, Nigerian bakers turn to potato puree.
July 14, 2022

Facing high wheat prices, Nigerian bakers turn to (sweet) potato puree

In the midst of a sunlit room in Nnewi, south-east Nigeria, a woman measures out four parts of sweet potato puree – the colour of apricot – into a large basin containing six parts wheat flour.
The World Potato Congress Inc. Announces Two New Directors.
July 10, 2022

World Potato Congress announces André Devaux and Jaap Delleman as New Directors

The World Potato Congress Inc. is very pleased to announce that effective July 01, 2022, André Devaux and Jaap Delleman have joined its Board of Directors. Prior to being appointed as a WPC Director, André Devaux was named as an International Advisor.
In-home dinners will remain elevated above the pre-pandemic level through 2024
July 10, 2022

NPD: Consumers will continue to eat more dinners at home

Inflation and other rising costs have consumers looking to cut expenses, and eating more dinners at home is one way they do it. Out-of-necessity dinners at home peaked during the pandemic but have since normalized.
No more binge eating: signal pathway in the brain that controls food intake discovered
July 09, 2022

Signal pathway in the brain that controls food intake discovered

The brain controls our body’s lysophospholipids, which in turn control a programme that activates nutritional intake / specific inhibitors of lipid synthesis could serve as new obesity therapies / publication in 'Nature Metabolism'
México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas.
June 22, 2022

México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas

Como parte de las acciones para mejorar las condiciones de producción y productividad en el campo tlaxcalteca, la Secretaría de Impulso Agropecuario (SIA) y el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (Inifap) dieron inicio con la siembra de papa mejorada genéticamente y de calidad industrial.


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