Industry Associations

 Belgapom notering 18 november 2011
November 20, 2011

Belgapom notering blijft € 20,00/ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Vo...
 Algemeen Boerensyndicaat (ABS)
November 18, 2011

"Aardappelteler overgeleverd aan oververzadigde markt"

Een landbouwer ontvangt vandaag amper twee euro per 100 kg aardappelen. “Is dit het lot van de landbouw? Overgeleverd worden aan een oververzadigde markt en hopen op een ramp die het aanbod inperkt?”, vraagt Hendrik Vandamme, voorzitter van het Algemee...
 BP 2011 British Potato 2011
November 17, 2011

Potato Council marketing and corporate affairs at BP2011

Visit the Potato Council team at BP2011, Harrogate, Yorkshire, November 23 and 24, to find out more about the marketing strategy to sustain potato consumption, see campaign highlights and the positive results to date, and learn about how the industry c...
November 16, 2011

Idaho Potato Shippers In Need Of More Rail Cars

Idaho potato shippers are hitting a bit of a wall when it comes to getting that Idaho gold out of the fields and on the road. It could be the biggest catch-22 in the potato shipment industry right now. The Idaho Grower Shippers Association represents ...
November 16, 2011

Conference Committee Retains Senate Amendment Supporting Potatoes in School Meals

As the US legislation regarding school meal programs makes is way through the various stages of the approval process, a new stage has been reached and the provision that prohibits the USDA to set limits to vegetables is preserved in the current text un...
 Belgapom notering 10 november 2011
November 14, 2011

Belgapom notering blijft € 20,00/ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Vo...
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November 14, 2011

McCain Ballarat Potato growers hope for a better potato season

Fourth-generation potato farmer Dominic Prendergast is hoping for a better potato season than last year. At the beginning of this year he led a group of Ballarat growers in a successful protest for better prices against global food giant McCain. In M...
November 14, 2011

Idaho spud crop larger in more ways than one

Idaho potato growers saw increases in yields, tuber sizes and total production from last fall, according to a report released Nov. 9 by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Statewide, the 2011 spud harvest totaled 127 million hundredweig...
November 12, 2011

Process Expo 2011 sees record breaking attendance

The Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA) today announced registered attendees of 12,732 for PROCESS EXPO 2011, which took place from November 1-4, 2011 at McCormick Place in Chicago.
November 10, 2011

Idaho growers eye BASF's new GM potato

More than a decade has passed since Jim Tiede was among the growers caught up in a debacle over the first U.S. genetically modified potato variety. Even today, the American Falls, Idaho, farmer copes with the fallout of planting Monsanto's GM potato N...
November 08, 2011

UK Potato Industry event BP2011 expects record crowd

British Potato Industry event BP2011 expects a record number of visitors on November 23 and 24. The free-to-enter potato industry event to be held in Harrogate, Yorkshire, is expected to attract more than 6,000 delegates. Scottish potato seed grower A...
Irish Potato growers facing retail and cost challenges
November 07, 2011

Irish Potato growers facing retail and cost challenges

The Irish Farmers’ Association has today (Mon) launched a comprehensive survey of potato growing in Ireland, Trends &Challenges in Irish Potato Production, which identifies the power of the retail multiples as an increasing threat to the viability ...
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 Belgapom notering 4 november 2011
November 06, 2011

Belgapom notering zakt naar € 20,00 per ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Vo...
 potato shopper looking for inspiration
November 03, 2011

Potato Shopper Study Highlights Opportunities for Retailers

According to the findings of a new study released by the United States Potato Board (USPB), fresh potatoes are more of a planned purchase than ever. But at the same time, this research paints the picture of a potato shopper as someone who is more prone...
 World Potato Congress 2012
November 02, 2011

Speaker Programme World Potato Congress 2012: an update

According to Rob Clayton, director of WPC 2012 organiser the Potato Council, the BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - hold enormous potential for the development of the potato industry both in their own countries and on the international ...
Belgapom notering 28 oktober 2011
October 30, 2011

Belgapom notering stabiel op € 25,00/ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Vo...
 Kees van Arendonk
October 30, 2011

Nederland en België winnen op wereld-fritesmarkt

Nederland en België veroveren structureel marktaandeel op de wereldmarkt voor frites. En dat is een goede zaak, zei Kees van Arendonk, voorzitter van de Nederlandse Aardappelorganisatie (NAO) dinsdag bij de opening van het nieuwe beursjaar in Heinkensz...
 2011 Idaho® Potato Crop Marks the 75th Anniversary for the Idaho Potato Commission
October 27, 2011

2011 Idaho® Potato Crop Marks the 75th Anniversary for the Idaho Potato Commission

Milestone Year Kicks Off with a Tribute to the Farmers and State’s Rich Natural Resources. The 2011 Idaho® potato harvest season is in full swing and the 319,000 acres that will be harvested are expected to yield more than 12 billion pounds of potatoes.


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