Industry Associations

February 06, 2012

Potatoes South Australia appoints CEO

Potatoes South Australia has appointed a leading industry stalwart as its inaugural chief executive officer. Jonathan Eccles started this week in the new role of CEO of Potatoes South Australia. Mr Eccles was previously the CEO of Australian Banana Gr...
February 06, 2012

Breeders Trust wins arbitration case illegal trade in undersized propagating material to Germany

Breeders Trust has been vindicated in an arbitration case against a Dutch seed potato grower who has been shown to have illegally sold undersized potatoes as propagation material to Germany. The case is of importance because this verdict is unique in t...
February 03, 2012

British seed potato producers gear up for Fruit Logistica

After a busy export season in 2011, the British seed potato industry is set to reach new heights in 2012 by expanding existing and new markets.
February 02, 2012

US growers updated about long-range industry plans

Chris Voigt updated growers about long-range planning in the potato industry, research programs and government regulations during the annual Washington-Oregon Potato Conference.
 World Potato Congress 2012
February 01, 2012

Seed certification database to be showcased at World Potato Congress

Scottish seed producers will soon be able to view seed certification data in real time from 2012, thanks to the latest online roll out of Scotland’s certification scheme. At the event, Dr John Kerr of Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA...
 Heart shaped potato (red)
January 31, 2012

Survey: Potatoes the secret to a woman's heart this Valentine's

Want to know the real way to a woman's heart this Valentine's Day? Look no further than the humble potato.
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January 30, 2012

US growers to stand up for potatoes on Capitol Hill

Potato growers from across the country will descend upon the nation's capital as part of the National Potato Council’s (NPC) annual Potato D.C. Fly-In.
 Belgapom notering 27 januari 2012
January 29, 2012

Belgapom notering zakt naar € 40,00 per ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Voor...
January 29, 2012

Prijsinformatiesysteem voor Vlaamse aardappelmarkt

Landbouworganisaties ABS en Boerenbond werken samen met PCA aan een prijsinformatiesysteem voor aardappelen. "Akkerbouwers zullen kunnen meedelen hoeveel aardappelen zij leveren, op welk tijdstip en aan welke prijs", verklaart Guy Depraetere,...
Richard Pavelski, President of Heartland Farms
January 29, 2012

Wisconsin’s Heartland Farms Presented with NPC’s 2011 Environmental Stewardship Award

Dick and Jeremie Pavelski of Heartland Farms were presented with the prestigious 2011 Environmental Stewardship Award at the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2012 Annual Meeting, held January 6-7, 2012, in Orlando, Fla.
World potato Congress
January 27, 2012

World Potato Congress speaker Anton Haverkort outlines key developments for 2012

This year’s World Potato Congress, to be held in Edinburgh in May and organised by Potato Council, has attracted a remarkable line-up of international speakers including Dr Anton Haverkort of Netherlands-based Plant Research International.
 Washington Oregon Potato Conference
January 27, 2012

Nutritionist: kids like potatoes

Potatoes can be presented in kid-friendly ways and are nutritious to boot. Montana nutritionist and author Dayle Hayes showed a variety of potato dishes being served in U.S. schools to growers Wednesday at the Washington-Oregon Potato Conference.Kids l...
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January 26, 2012

North American potato production up 4%

Fall potato production in the United States and Canada is estimated at 481 million hundredweight, up 4 percent from 2010. United States fall potato production increased 6 percent to 389 million cwt while Canadian production was 5 percent lower at 91.9 million cwt.
 ALAP 2012.jpg
January 21, 2012

XXV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), Uberlândia, Brasil, 17-20 de sept. de 2012

XXV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), Uberlândia, Brasil, 17-20 de sept. de 2012 La Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP) y el XIII Encontro Nacional de Produção e Abastecimiento de Batata 2012 (ENB) abordan como te...
January 18, 2012

French fries image needs work

The French fry appears to be taking sole blame of Americans being obese.
January 17, 2012

France to step up promotion of export potatoes says CNIPT president

France must be able to keep its position as EU’ largest potatoes exporter. This year the country will have to market over one million tons of potatoes.
January 16, 2012

Potatoes: The misunderstood vegetable

An image problem continues to trouble all sectors of the spud industry, according to the Alliance for Potato Research and Education
School project: Grow your own potatoes
January 16, 2012

British potato growers urged to reconnect with schools

The British potato industry is being encouraged to get behind two educational projects from Potato Council, to ensure that potatoes continue to feature in the daily lives of the nation. Grow Your Own Potatoes is now in its eighth year.


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