Industry Associations

June 10, 2009

Europatat new president Kees van Arendonk wants to strengthen the European voice of the potato trade sector

At its yearly congress in Angers (France), the new elected Europatat president Kees van Arendonk (Netherlands) has presented the proposal of the Europatat 2010 working group to invest in a stronger secretariat in order to strengthen the voice of the Eu...
April 14, 2009

Retail Frozen Food Market in the UK keeps growing

The latest data from TNS Worldpanel for the United Kingdom in the 52 weeks ending 25th January 2009 shows the UK retail market for frozen food increased in value by 6.7% year on year. The market has now shown 10 consecutive quarters of accelerating gr...
 British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF)
April 11, 2009

BFFF: Energy savings possible in the Frozen Food cold chain

The British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF) identified opportunities for energy savings and the related CO2 emission reductions related to improved temperature management in frozen food manufacturing and in cold stores.The project had support and fundin...
April 10, 2009

UK Potato Growers report good planting progress

Main crop potato planting is well under way across the UK, with many areas nearing completion.Rob Burrow of the Potato Council says: "Despite a slow start, due to low soil temperatures in some areas, planting has gone very well and has been proble...
 Potato Council Limited
March 04, 2009

Ayr College Student Wins Great Potato Challenge 2009

Ten catering students from across the country battled it out recently in a bid to take home one of the top three prizes in the grand final of the Potato Council’s ‘Great Potato Challenge’ competition 2009.
January 26, 2009

Antoon Wallays herverkozen als algemeen voorzitter van Belgapom

Ter gelegenheid van de algemene vergadering van Belgapom in Lokeren werd uittredend algemeen voorzitter Antoon Wallays, bedrijfsleider van het aardappelverwerkingsbedrijf Agristo in Harelbeke, herverkozen.Tevens werd de raad van bestuur voor 2009 – 201...
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 Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond
January 16, 2009

Ruim honderd aardappeltelers aangemeld bij aanbodverenigingen

Er worden tien verenigingen opgericht in Nederland die het areaal consumptieaardappelen vrijwillig willen beperken.Het initiatief komt van de Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond. De vakbond heeft achttien bijeenkomsten belegd, zegt bestuurder Keimpe van der ...
 European Snacks Association (ESA)
January 04, 2009

European Snack Association claim causes UK Health Minister to threaten with regulation

The Government is threatening to regulate the food industry to stop firms promoting unhealthy eating habits among the nation's seven million schoolchildren, the Health minister, Ben Bradshaw, warned yesterday.He described as "completely unacceptab...
 Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)
December 17, 2008

NAO verwacht matige afzet tafelaardappel

De Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO) blikt terug op een redelijk goed afzetseizoen voor de tafelaardappel, maar verwacht een matige afzet voor 2008/2009.Dat laat voorzitter Kees van Arendonk van de NAO weten aan Vakblad Agf. “De aardappel stond i...
 VAVI: Vereniging voor de Aardappelverwerkende Industrie
October 31, 2008

Telers en industrie maken nieuwe afspraken in aardappelcontracten

De akkerbouwers en de aardappelverwerkende industrie zijn het eens geworden over enkele aanpassingen in de contracten voor de aardappelteelt. Zo zijn nieuwe afspraken gemaakt in het geval een partij wordt afgekeurd en komt er een keuzemogelijkheid voor...
 Potato Council Limited
October 29, 2008

Potato Council promotes use of potatoes in school meals

Potato Council is encouraging school caterers to serve up a delicious and nutritious portion of potatoes every day, while urging suppliers to spread the message that potatoes can be used to help maintain compliant menus and increase their use across ...
October 01, 2008

Europatat launches new website

Europatat, the European Union of the Potato Trade, has launched a new website which can be consulted via the address or This website contains all information on the scope of activities of this seed and ware potato tr...
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 Love Potatoes Potato Council Campaign
September 19, 2008

Potato Council (UK) continues the 'Love Potatoes' campaign through fall

Riding high on the wave of increased awareness generated by the ‘Love Potatoes’ summer marketing campaign, Potato Council is setting its sights on increasing potato-based meals eaten in the home even further this autumn.The new season of activity will ...
 Potato Council Limited
July 22, 2008

Allan Stevenson new chair potato council

The appointment of a new chairman to the Potato Council is an important step forward for the industry in these times of change. Allan Stevenson, who takes office from 21 July 2008, also becomes a main Board Director of Agriculture and Horticulture Deve...
Goodbye British Potato Council, hello Potato Council Limited
April 04, 2008

Goodbye British Potato Council, hello Potato Council Limited

Everything you value about the British Potato Council (BPC) and the activities it has supported on behalf of levy-payers will continue. That’s the pledge from Potato Council Limited, the new sector company that took over the reins from the BPC on Apr...
March 06, 2008

Europatat centralises the European (seed) potato trade in Berne

Europatat, the European Union of the Potato Trade, is inviting its members and the other links in the potato trade at its 60th general assembly in the Swiss capital Berne from 29 till 31 May 2008. The congress is composed out of 3 pillars: the commissi...
 British Potato Council (BPC)
February 01, 2008

British Potato Council defends its decision on levy rebate

The British Potato Council has hit back at claims it treated some growers unfairly by refusing to provide a rebate on their levy after their crops were destroyed by the summer floods.In a statement released yesterday (Thursday, January 31) the BPC said...
January 29, 2008

BPC's National Chip Week campaign takes regional approach

The British Potato Council (BPC) is to concentrate its efforts in regional press in a new PR drive in February to promote a week-long celebration of chips. The National Chip Week campaign, to run from 11 to 17 February, will feature recipes, celebrity...


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