News on Health and Nutrition

September 09, 2011

US: School lunch potatoes still in limbo

The legislative fight over to what extent potatoes can be served at schools in the United States is not over yet. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, has delayed an amendment that would challenge the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s proposal to limit potatoe...
September 08, 2011

Hongaarse consument betaalt belasting voor chips

Om de toenemende zwaarlijvigheid en de stijgende gezondheidszorgkosten aan te pakken heeft Hongarije een wet ingevoerd waarbij speciale belasting moet worden betaald voor 'vet' voedsel. Mensen gaan meer betalen voor voedingsmiddelen met een hoog vet- ...
 Purple potatoes
September 02, 2011

Aardappeldieet verlaagt bloeddruk

De aardappel is meer dan alleen maar rijk aan koolhydraten. Een dagelijkse portie paarse aardappelen lijkt goed voor ons hart. Tenminste als je ze kookt en niet frituurt of van vette sauzen voorziet. Dat blijkt uit een Amerikaans onderzoek uitgevoerd...
 American Chemical Society (ACS)
September 01, 2011

Potatoes can reduce blood pressure without weight gain

The potato’s stereotype as a fattening food for health-conscious folks to avoid is getting another revision today as scientists report that just a couple servings of spuds a day reduces blood pressure almost as much as oatmeal without causing weight ga...
Comer papas rebaja la presión arterial, según estudio
September 01, 2011

Comer papas rebaja la presión arterial, según estudio

La mala fama de las patatas como alimentos que engordan debería ser revisada, así lo demuestra un estudio científico que revela que el consumo moderado del tubérculo reduce la presión arterial y no produce aumento de peso. El trabajo, dirigido por el ...
August 31, 2011

Idaho Potato Research focuses on resistant starch

A University of Idaho researcher is teaming up with J.R. Simplot Co.'s food group to develop new potato products with resistant starch, which can improve digestive health and benefit people with diabetes. Resistant starch is modified starch that bypas...
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Technomic: Restaurant menus rely on salt more than ever
August 31, 2011

Technomic: Restaurant menus rely on salt more than ever

Efforts to reduce the daily sodium intake of U.S. consumers have been underway for decades with little progress, in part because salt has many desirable properties and serves as an inexpensive way to enhance the flavor of food, making good food taste e...
 Ghent University
August 29, 2011

Major challenges remain in acrylamide reduction

Reducing acrylamide content of foods while safeguarding other quality and taste aspects, still remains a challenge for industry, according to a new review of the science supporting reduction techniques entitled "Acrylamide formation in fried potat...
 American Heart Association
August 28, 2011

Dietary potassium intake inversely associated with risk of stroke

The American Heart Association published in their journal the results of a meta-analysis of the relation between Potassium Intake and stroke. This is of particular interest to the potato industry since potatoes and potato products are a major dietary...
August 26, 2011

New potato varieties to improve livelihoods and incomes in Mozambique

“The timely availability of seed of well-adapted varieties will enhance the sustainability and economics of potato production in Mozambique,” notes CIP’s Maria Andrade, breeder and seed system specialist. Mozambique released seven new potato varieties...
Potatoes: goodness unearthed
August 25, 2011

Potatoes: Goodness Unearthed issue continues

In response to criticism from the Idaho Potato Commission, the U.S. Potato Board has created a new set of rules for the use of its Potatoes: Goodness Unearthed logo. The biggest change governs the accepted size of the logo on retail bags, according t...
 NPD Group
August 24, 2011

Portion Control of Growing Interest to U.S. Consumers, Reports NPD

Portion control is a tenet of healthy eating, and it appears that consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of managing the portion size of the foods they eat, according to The NPD Group, a leading market research company. For a recent report...
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 ridged potato chips
July 31, 2011

Chips met vetvervanger kunnen bijdragen aan gewichtstoename

Amerikaanse onderzoekers van de Purdue University Indiana bestudeerden het effect van kunstmatige vetvervangers en vergeleken daarbij normale chips met light chips. Daarbij kwamen ze tot de verrassende uitkomst dat chips gemaakt met vetvervangers bijdr...
 K U Leuven
July 31, 2011

Consumptie van vet vermindert negatieve emoties, zelfs als de inname onbewust gebeurt

Onderzoekers van de K.U.Leuven, de University of Manchester en de Queen Mary University of London hebben aangetoond dat er een wetenschappelijke basis bestaat voor de fenomenen 'emo-eten' en 'comfort food'. Proefpersonen die zonder het te weten een vet...
McDonalds Happy Meal with Fruit AND fries
July 27, 2011

New Happy Meal has Fruit AND Fries

In the United States, McDonald’s will begin rolling out a new Happy Meal in September 2011, with the goal of having them available in all 14,000 restaurants during Q1 2012.
 Potato vs Pasta salad (Courtesy: Shine.Yahoo)
July 20, 2011

Potato Salad out-SHINES Pasta Salad

Yahoo’s “Shine” is one of the most popular women’s lifestyle websites, offering information and advice on everything from food to health and beauty to finances, as well as a community interaction. Potatoes are often featured in a bright spotlight, as t...
July 19, 2011

Cavendish Farms fryer accident investigation complete

No charges will be laid against Cavendish Farms in connection with an industrial fryer accident that left an employee with second and third degree burns. The Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Workers Compensation Board has wrapped up its ...
July 16, 2011

El último número del Boletín de la Papa ya está disponible

Utilizando el formato que ofrece Storify, el último número del Boletín de la Papa reune el material audiovisual y periodístico de varios temas de actualidad relacionados con el cultivo de la papa a nivel regional. Entre estos se destacan la realización...


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