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September 01, 2020
The Increasing Role of Digital Sorters
August 31, 2020
Bruselas aprueba plan búlgaro de ayuda a productores de patatas por el Covid-19
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August 25, 2020
France: Pandemic brought uncertainty to potato markets; focus need to be on quality, says UNPT
August 20, 2020
SkipTheDishes and McCain Foods Talk Potato Sales in Canada During COVID-19
August 10, 2020
Patatas Meléndez se Alza Como el Primer Operador Nacional de Patata y Despliega 25 Millones de Euros
August 07, 2020
The FAO Food Price Index firmer for the second consecutive month in a row
August 05, 2020
Potato Growers to Benefit as Thailand lifts Tariffs on Australian Potatoes
July 27, 2020