News on Health and Nutrition from the Americas

Científicos del CIP reciben premio por trabajo sobre deficiencia de Vitamina A
June 28, 2016

Científicos del CIP reciben premio por trabajo sobre deficiencia de Vitamina A

Tres científicos del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) son los ganadores del premio World Food Prize del 2016, equivalente al Premio Nobel de los Alimentos y la Agricultura, como reconocimiento a su éxito conjunto en mejorar la nutrición y salud a través del uso de cultivos biofortificados.
GMO Labeling Compromise ready for US Senate to consider
June 25, 2016

GMO Labeling Compromise ready for US Senate to consider

A landmark Senate agreement on national disclosure standards for genetically engineered foods would allow companies to disclose GMO ingredients through digital codes rather than on-package langcode or symbols.
Papas criollas colombianas para combatir el hambre
June 24, 2016

Papas criollas colombianas para combatir el hambre

Las nuevas papas tienen más proteínas, hierro y zinc. También son más resistentes a enfermedades.
Washington Potato Company fined $213,160 for repeating workplace safety violations
June 20, 2016

Washington Potato Company fined $213,160 for repeating workplace safety violations

Repeated serious safety violations have resulted in a serious workplace injury and in a large fine for the Washington Potato Company, a potato processing company in Warden, Washington.
Fire at Olde York Potato Chip Plant.
June 18, 2016

Fire at Olde York Potato Chip Plant

A fire broke out at the Olde York Potato Chips plant in Brampton, Ontario early Friday morning (June 17).
[VIDEO] Perú: Clausuran proyecto que benefició a 1500 productores de papa
June 10, 2016

[Video] Perú: Clausuran proyecto que benefició a 1500 productores de papa

El proyecto “Producción competitiva de papa en los distritos de la Encañada, Huasmin y Sorochuco”, se inició hace cinco años con el propósito de revalorar, rescatar, promocionar y difundir las bondades de las papas cajamarquinas. Acaba de clausurarse oficialmente.
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Potato Processor Dickinson Frozen Food fined 273 K for Major Health and Safety violations related to Ammonia Leak.
June 02, 2016

Potato Processor Dickinson Frozen Food fined 273K for Health and Safety Violations related to Ammonia Leak

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration found an Idaho frozen food manufacturer failed to safeguard employees and was unprepared to respond to a potentially lethal release of 1,300 lbs. of anhydrous ammonia on Dec. 1, 2015.
Un muerto y 19 intoxicados por fumigación de cultivo de papa en Colombia
May 30, 2016

Un muerto y 19 intoxicados por fumigación de cultivo de papa en Colombia

Un trágico saldo de una persona fallecida y 19 más intoxicadas, dejó el uso irresponsable de un fungicida sobre un cultivo de papa, en la vereda San Rafael, del municipio de La Calera, cerca de Bogotá, durante la noche de este miércoles, informaron miembros del cuerpo de bomberos de Cundinamarca.
Irresponsible pesticide use in Colombia results in one dead, nineteen poisoned
May 30, 2016

Irresponsible pesticide use in Colombia leaves one dead, nineteen poisoned

Irresponsible use of fungicide on a potato crop in Colombia left one person dead and 19 intoxicated
Colorado State University develops nutrient-rich purple potatoes
May 23, 2016

Colorado State University develops nutrient-rich purple potatoes

Purple potatoes might not be the first thing that comes to mind when trying to increase vitamin, mineral and antioxidant intake. However, a group of researchers from CSU have recently developed potato varieties that satisfy these nutritional needs and could act as a preventive measure to several diseases.
Potatoes Blamed for High Blood Pressure - Really!
May 19, 2016

Potatoes Blamed for High Blood Pressure - Really!

There is good research, not so good research, bad research and occasionally there is research that significantly raises my blood pressure. A recent study on the link between potatoes and high blood pressure falls in the latter category.
Acrylamide-Reducing Yeast achieves GRAS-status
May 19, 2016

Acrylamide-Reducing Yeast achieves GRAS-status

Renaissance BioScience Corp. has announced that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has “no questions” in regards to Renaissance’s Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) notice for its non-GMO, acrylamide-reducing (AR) baker’s yeast strain (GRAS Notice No. GRN 000604).
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Consumir mucha papa podría aumentar la hipertensión
May 18, 2016

Comer mucha papa causaría hipertensión

Investigadores del Hospital Brigham de Mujeres (BWH, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Escuela T. H. Chan de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Harvard, en Estados Unidos, han analizado qué ocurre cuando se supera el consumo moderado y han descubierto que una ingesta elevada de patatas y patatas fritas puede estar asociada con un mayor riesgo de presión arterial alta (hipertensión) de adultos. Su trabajo se detalla en un artículo publicado este martes en 'British Medical Journal'.

Boulder Canyon Expands Its Better-For-You Potato Chip Line-Up With New Flavors Cooked In Avocado, Coconut And Olive Oils
May 12, 2016

Boulder Canyon Expands Better-For-You Potato Chip Line With Flavors Cooked In Avocado, Coconut And Olive Oil

Boulder Canyon Authentic Foods® underscores its position as category innovators with the introduction of three new uniquely-flavored potato chip offerings cooked in premium, better-for-you oils.
Desarrollo de sistemas resilientes al clima en altiplano peruano recibe premio internacional
April 23, 2016

Desarrollo de sistemas resilientes al clima en altiplano peruano recibe premio internacional

Las innovaciones logradas en seguridad alimentaria por tres mil familias agricultoras del altiplano peruano gracias al apoyo del CIP y del CIRNMA de Puno (Perú), fueron galardonadas con un premio internacional.
Benefits vegetable oils for heart health questioned
April 20, 2016

Benefits Vegetable Oils for Heart Health Questioned

A study published in The BMJ shows that replacing saturated fats with vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid lowers blood cholesterol, but may not curb heart disease risk or help you live longer. The findings question the widely held belief that vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid are good for heart health.
Pasta and Potato Salad recalled due to possible Listeria contamination of onions used as ingredient.
April 12, 2016

Pasta and Potato Salad recalled due to possible Listeria contamination of onions used as ingredient.

Reser's Fine Foods is recalling nineteen refrigerated salad items due to notification from one of their ingredient suppliers that Listeria monocytogenes may be present in one lot of onions that was used in the manufacture of these salads.
Veggie Fries win top prize at at the Natural Products Expo West
April 05, 2016

Veggie Fries win top prize at the Natural Products Expo West

Boston, Massachusetts-based Farmwise, LLC's Veggie Fries® have won the top prize at the Natural Products Expo West Pitch-Slam


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