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January 02, 2010
A partir de enero, cero trans en California
December 28, 2009
California Restaurants can't cook in trans fat after January 1
October 23, 2009
Remarkable reduction in trans fat consumption WITHOUT labeling in Australia and New Zealand
October 15, 2009
South Africa planning to ban trans fats in foods
July 22, 2009
La prohibición de grasas trans está funcionando en la ciudad de Nueva York
July 08, 2009
FDF Recipe for Change: Product innovation continues despite economic downturn
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June 17, 2009
Trans Fats Hinder Multiple Steps in Blood Flow Regulation Pathways – Study
March 13, 2009
Calgary's trans fat initiative dismantled as a result of reorganisations
February 13, 2009
Campaña britanica para reducir el consumo de grasas saturadas
February 08, 2009
Argentina logro reemplazar en siete años el 55% de las grasas malas en los alimentos
January 29, 2009
Consumentenbond: Nog vaak ongezond frituurvet bij de snackbar
November 07, 2008
Dow Chemical Company launches Satisfit, an ingredient to reduce fat absorption
October 02, 2008
BURGER KING Restaurants Now Using Trans Fat Free Cooking Oils as Part of BK Positive Steps Nutrition Program
August 14, 2008
Big Mac si, pero sin ’grasas trans’
August 07, 2008
Restaurantes de comida rapida en Mexico eliminan grasas pero suben costos
July 26, 2008
Golpe a Burger y McDonald's: California prohibio las grasas trans
July 25, 2008
Schwarzenegger signs California trans fat ban
July 15, 2008