Amflora starch potatoes first EU approved GM crop in 12 years
The European Union today approved the first new genetically modified (GM) crop for domestic growing in more than a decade, ending what has been a long stalemate over a backlog of GM crops awaiting cultivation approval. The decision by the European C...
March 02, 2010
Europa aprueba cultivo de papa transgénica
La Comisión Europea (CE) aprobó hoy el cultivo en la Unión Europea (UE) de una variedad de patata genéticamente modificada, fabricada por la empresa alemana BASF, la primera autorización del tipo concedida en los últimos 12 años. La patata Amflora pod...
June 11, 2009
Safety Amflora GMO potato reconfirmed by EFSA
German chemical maker BASF (BASF.DE) said on Thursday its genetically modified potato, Amflora, designed to yield industrial starch, has again been described as safe for humans in a recommendation by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). "T...