News on Health and Nutrition from the United States

December 21, 2010

Mixed Reaction from United Fresh as House Passes Food Safety Bill

By a vote of 215 to 144 today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Food Safety Modernization Act, enacting large-scale changes to the nation’s food safety system.
 20 potatoes a day
December 16, 2010

Interview with Chris Voigt of 20 Potatoes a Day

Chris Voigt is the executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, which supports and promotes the Washington state potato industry (1). On October 1st, Mr. Voigt began a two month, potato-only diet to raise awareness about the health properties of potatoes.
 Center for Science in the Public Interest
December 15, 2010

Class Action Lawsuit Targets McDonald's Use of Toys to Market to Children

A mother of two says that McDonald’s uses toys as bait to induce her kids to clamor to go to McDonald’s and to develop a preference for nutritionally poor Happy Meals. With the help of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, today the mom, Monet Parham, is filing a class action lawsuit aimed at stopping McDonald’s use of toys to market directly to young children.
December 13, 2010

Study supports concerns over popcorn butter flavor (diacetyl)

Diacetyl - a chemical used in butter flavoring – may damages the lungs by reacting and forming complexes with amino acids in cell membranes, according to a new US study.
 2010 dietary guidelines alliance consumer research
December 13, 2010

Parents Skeptical About Role of Calories in the Diet

When it comes to calories, parents lack a basic understanding of their impact on weight and may even be skeptical that calories are just the latest food and nutrition fad.
Americans Are Making Gradual Shifts Toward More Healthful Eating at Restaurants, Reports NPD
November 30, 2010

Americans Are Making Gradual Shifts Toward More Healthful Eating at Restaurants, Reports NPD

As law makers move in various ways to legislate healthier eating in the U.S., it appears that Americans are beating them to the punch.
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Chris Voigt completes a diet of 60 days exclusively on potatoes
November 30, 2010

Chris Voigt ends his 20 potato-a-day diet more than 20 pounds lighter

The head of the Washington State Potato Commission ended a self-imposed diet of potatoes-only that he said allowed him to shed more than 20 pounds in two months.
 20 potatoes a day
November 29, 2010

Chris Voigt's Potato diet almost over

The Potato Man proudly lined up a bunch of them on a counter in his family's kitchen: a really nice assortment of russets that, in the next days, would end up in his belly.
 Jays potato chips recall
November 20, 2010

Krunchers! Inc. Recalls 18 Cases of Jays Original Potato Chips Because of Undeclared Milk Allergen

Krunchers! Inc. is recalling Jays Original Potato Chips because of Undeclared Milk Allergen
November 08, 2010

Consumers call for more healthy menu items, may not order them, finds Technomic

The question of the moment for restaurant operators: Are the winds of healthy change truly blowing, or is it only so much hot air?
October 31, 2010

Factory Worker Awarded $30.4 Million for Popcorn Lung

A jury in Cook County jury has awarded 45-year old Gerardo Solis $30.4 million as compensation for having developed a health condition known as popcorn lung'.
October 27, 2010

McDonald’s Obesity Case Can’t Proceed as Group Suit

McDonald’s Corp., the world’s largest restaurant chain, convinced a U.S. judge that consumers’ claims that its food contributed to childhood obesity were too distinct to be gathered in a single group lawsuit.
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October 23, 2010

Number of items on the packaging influences how much you eat

There are lots of factors that affect the amount that people eat. It is now well-known that large plates will lead people at a buffet to fill them with more food than small plates and so they end up eating more.
 20 potatoes a day
October 21, 2010

60 days, 1200 potatoes

Got a favorite food? Something you love so much, it's almost like a belief? Chances are your fanaticism still won't hold a candle to that of Chris Voigt.
October 20, 2010

Ejecutivo se alimenta durante 2 meses sólo de papas para demostrar cuán saludables son como alimento

Si fueras productor de un tipo de comida, ¿cuál sería la mejor forma en que pudieras demostrar al público su valor nutritivo? Por supuesto alimentándote de ella… aunque tal vez a Chris Voigt se le pasó un poco la mano. Este Director Ejecutivo de la Co...
 Chris Voigt
October 20, 2010

Feds consider limiting potatoes offered to kids

Potato growers are fighting back against efforts to ban or limit potatoes in federal child nutrition programs, arguing the tuber is loaded with potassium and vitamin C and shouldn't be considered junk food.
 IOM report: Front-of-Package Nutrition Rating Systems and Symbols
October 13, 2010

IOM: Front of Pack Labels should focus on Calories, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat and Sodium

Nutrition rating systems and symbols on the fronts of food packaging would be most useful to shoppers if they highlighted four nutrients of greatest concern – calories, saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium – says a new report from the Institute of Med...
 Obesity 2010
October 12, 2010

Nuevo estudio demuestra que las papas pueden hacer parte de un régimen de adelgazamiento

La investigación que acaba de publicar la Universidad de California, Davis y el Centro Nacional de Inocuidad de los Alimentos y Tecnología, organismo perteneciente al Instituto de Tecnología de Illinois, demuestra que las personas pueden incluir la pap...


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