News on Food Trends

Potato seed-breeding center will be built in the Tomsk region
March 24, 2020

Potato breeding center will be built in the Tomsk region, Russia

The plans for its creation were considered by an interdepartmental commission for the implementation of investment projects in the agricultural sector under the leadership of the Deputy Governor of the Tomsk Region for agro-industrial complex
'The Potato Crop' Receives Enthusiastic Reception: An Interview with Co-Editors
March 24, 2020

'The Potato Crop' Receives Enthusiastic Reception: An Interview with Co-Editors

An interview with co-editors, Dr. Hugo Campos, Director of Research and Oscar Ortiz, CIP’s Deputy Director General of Research and Development at the International Potato Center.
McDonald's UK and Ireland close all restaurants - including Drive Thru and takeout
March 23, 2020

McDonald's UK and Ireland have closed all restaurants - including Drive Thru and takeout

While in response to COVID-19 risks restaurants in many regions are offering Drive Thru, takeout and/or delivery only, fast food Chain McDonald'sUK and Ireland has closed its restaurants altogether - including Drive Thru and take-away.
The Potato Sustainability Alliance Announces Newest Member
March 23, 2020

The Potato Sustainability Alliance Announces Newest Member

As the Potato Sustainability Alliance continues to expand, it has welcomed the Charlottetown, P.E.I.-based breeding and seed potato trading company HZPC Americas Corp as its newest member.
El coronavirus convulsiona la campaña de patata
March 23, 2020

El coronavirus convulsiona la campaña de patata

Desde la Asociación de Productores se llama, una vez más, al escalonado de las siembras para evitar el colapso del mercado en el momento del arranque.
2020 CPMA Convention and Trade Show Cancelled
March 23, 2020

2020 CPMA Convention and Trade Show Cancelled

In light of the rapid escalation of safety precautions to decrease the transmission of COVID-19, the CPMA Board of Directors and 2020 CPMA Convention and Trade Show Organizing Committee have made the difficult decision to cancel the event.
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Irish Farm Center Potato Market Update for March 2020
March 23, 2020

Ireland: potato demand retail soars, food service drops

With the COVID-19 situation developing over the past week demand across all sectors has been mixed. Demand from retailers this week has soared and is reportedly as high as the Christmas period when trade normally peaks.
Near enough isn't good enough
March 21, 2020

FoodeQ's Ultra-precise Weigh belt systems: 'Near enough isn't good enough'

FoodeQ guarantees that their weigh belt systems are ultra-precise and have an accuracy with a maximum deviation of less than 1 percent.
Statement from AUSVEG and PMA-ANZ regarding Hort Connections 2020
March 20, 2020

Statement from AUSVEG and PMA-ANZ regarding Hort Connections 2020

AUSVEG and the Produce Marketing Association of Australia – New
Zealand (PMA-ANZ) have decided to postpone Hort Connections 2020, which was
due to be held from 15-17 June 2020 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Suministro de papas está garantizado en Panamá
March 16, 2020

Suministro de papas está garantizado en Panamá

Gracias a un aporte entre importadores y productores locales de papas, se puede garantizar el suministro de este rubro en todo el país para lo que resta del año.
Europatat’s position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement
March 16, 2020

Europatat's position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement

Following the Council’s green light to the opening of negotiations for a new partnership with the UK, Europatat has sent a position paper to the EU-UK negotiation team, as well as to the relevant officials in DG AGRI and DG SANTE.
Hot potato: the J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods patent fight
March 13, 2020

Hot potato: the J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods patent fight

J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods have spent the last few years battling in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho over issues related to – unsurprisingly – potatoes, with each party asserting a design patent related to a spiraled potato.
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World Revised Figures Show Halt in Rise in Potato Production
March 10, 2020

World Revised Figures Show Halt in Rise in Potato Production

The increase in world potato production stalled in 2018 and failed to recover significantly in 2019. World output slipped by 1.5% to 368.247 million tonnes in 2018 figures just released by the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation show.
Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía
March 09, 2020

Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía

La mezcla del agua agrícola del CAAF con la procedente de la desaladora propia es la forma de ahuyentar tres años de sequía que practican Marisa Díaz Armas y Ramón Torres Martín, el matrimonio que desde hace doce años planta papas en Toto.
Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro
March 09, 2020

Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro

Uno de los primeros intercambios entre la población andina y la tierra, fue a través de la papa. Los primeros indicios de su cultivo datan los 8000 años de antigüedad. Desde entonces, generaciones de agricultores han domesticado miles de variedades.
Alarma en Mercadona: arrasan con estos productos por el coronavirus
March 09, 2020

Alarma en Mercadona: arrasan con estos productos por el coronavirus

El coronavirus ha llegado a España. El alarmismo social que se ha instaurado al vislumbrar lo que sucede en otros países (han cerrado los colegios en Italia), ha llevado a muchas personas a tomar decisiones un tanto precipitadas.
Transforming potato waste into a new industry for Australia
March 06, 2020

Transforming potato waste into a new industry for Australia

Four of the largest potato producers in Australia want to convert 100% of their potato waste into commercial benefit through their partnership with the Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre (CRC).
FAO Food Price Index declined in February
March 05, 2020

FAO Food Price Index declined in February

The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged 180.5 points in February 2020, down 1.9 points (1.0 percent) from January but still 13.5 points (8.1 percent) higher than in February 2019.


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