News on Food Trends

Day Presta se integra en Grupo Intersur.
October 02, 2022

Day Presta se integra en Grupo Intersur

El productor francés Day Presta, liderado por Julian Day, se integra en Grupo, con el objetivo de satisfacer las demandas de sus clientes.
Patatas Meléndez presentará todos los avances de su nueva fábrica en Fruit Attraction.
September 30, 2022

Patatas Meléndez presentará todos los avances de su nueva fábrica en Fruit Attraction

Patatas Meléndez estará presente en Fruit Attraction transmitiendo todos sus valores y sus últimas novedades en el stand 10G02 del pabellón 10 del IFEMA, el día 5 de octubre a las 17:30 horas.
PEI potato farmers worried excess moisture caused by Hurricane Fiona may damage crops
September 30, 2022

PEI potato farmers worried excess moisture from Fiona may damage crops

Prince Edward Island (PEI) potato farmers say they are concerned excessive moisture in the fields caused by the storm Fiona may lead their produce to rot in storage - though they hope that is not the case.
MountainKing Potatoes Begins Re-Brand of Butter Russets as Butter Cream Potatoes
September 30, 2022

MountainKing Potatoes Begins Re-Brand of Butter Russets as Butter Cream Potatoes

MountainKing has launched a re-brand of one of its popular, gourmet varieties with the introduction of its Butter Cream Potatoes, now available in three-pound poly mesh bags.
From spuds to famous potato salad. Reser’s opens new state-of-the-art Pasco plant
September 27, 2022

Reser’s Fine Foods opens new state-of-the-art potato processing plant in Pasco, Washington

A new Reser’s Fine Foods plant in Pasco is a testament to how the company, which started in a farmhouse kitchen, became one of the most successful private businesses in the country.
Coristanco saca músculo agrario y busca internacionalizar su patata.
September 26, 2022

Coristanco saca músculo agrario y busca internacionalizar su patata

En Coristanco celebraron este fin de semana la cuadragésima edición de su fiesta agraria por excelencia, y lo hicieron en un momento decisivo para los productores de patata.
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Gulfood Manufacturing 2022 set to tackle global food system challenges and power ground-breaking innovation.
September 26, 2022

Gulfood Manufacturing 2022 set to tackle global food system challenges and power ground-breaking innovation

Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) announced its leading global trade fair, Gulfood Manufacturing, will take place from 8-10 November 2022. Showcasing new global products, solutions and technologies across the food and beverage value chain
Boulder Canyon Partners With Yellowbird Foods For Limited-Edition Habanero Kettle-Style Potato Chips
September 26, 2022

Boulder Canyon Partners With Yellowbird Foods For Limited-Edition Habanero Kettle-Style Potato Chips

Boulder Canyon, a line of better-for-you, kettle-style potato chips offered by Utz Brands Inc., has partnered with Austin-based hot sauce darling, Yellowbird Foods
Princesa Amandine.
September 25, 2022

PrincesaAmandine estará en Fruit Attraction para presentar su patata de Quinta Gama

Princesa Amandine participará en la próxima edición de Fruit Attraction (del 4 al 6 de octubre en IFEMA Madrid) con presencia en los stands de sus cuatro socios ibéricos.
CIP fomenta una mayor producción de papas y oportunidades inclusivas en Georgia.
September 20, 2022

CIP fomenta una mayor producción de papas y oportunidades inclusivas en Georgia

La papa es un pilar de la dieta georgiana, se come casi a diario y se utiliza en platos tradicionales como kartopilis kinkali (albóndigas de papa). Los georgianos consumen un promedio de 55 kg de papas al año.
Javier Meléndez conoce los detalles de la nueva planta.
September 19, 2022

España: Reyes Maroto visita la planta 4.0 que pondrá en marcha Patatas Meléndez tras invertir 36 millones

La ministra de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Reyes Maroto, visitó el viernes las instalaciones de la nueva planta de producción que inaugurará Patatas Meléndez a finales de año.
The International Potato Center (CIP), part of CGIAR is looking for a new director
September 19, 2022

The International Potato Center (CIP), part of CGIAR, is looking for a new director

The International Potato Center (CIP), part of CGIAR is looking for a new director. CIP is a globally recognized research-for-development organization which delivers solutions to enhance access to affordable nutritious food, with focus on root and tuber agri-food systems such as the cultivation of (sweet) potatoes.
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Europlant celebrated its 30th anniversary at Potato Europe
September 19, 2022

Europlant celebrated its 30th anniversary at Potato Europe

During PotatoEurope more than 300 guests from Germany and abroad met on September 7, 2022 at Gut Rethmar to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Europlant Pflanzenzucht GmbH
Tortilla de patatas de Hacendado - Mercadona.
September 18, 2022

Mercadona cambia la receta de la tortilla de patatas

La tortilla de patata es uno de los bocados más populares de nuestro país. Consumido en todos los hogares, además es la tapa más solicitada en los bares y restaurantes, da igual en qué provincia de España te encuentres.
Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022.
September 15, 2022

Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022

La Sociedad Alemana de Agricultura (DLG) ha organizado en Rittergut Bockerode, en Springe-Mittelrode (Baja Sajonia), la feria internacional de la patata PotatoEurope 2022. Del 7 al 8 de septiembre de 2022, ha sido el punto de encuentro para productores, transformadores y comercializadores de patatas de Alemania y del extranjero.
Potato genomes under the microscope.
September 15, 2022

Potato genomes under the microscope

The DNA in humans and gorillas is about 95% identical. This percentage is much lower between potato varieties. This might sound like a fun fact to remember for a pub quiz, but for Remco Ursem and Stan Oome, it is a premise that carries a serious challenge.
NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares
September 15, 2022

NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares

During its last meeting prior to Potato Europe 2022, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates that global potato production in the NEPG zone (EU-04) will be down by 7 to 11 %.
PotatoEurope 2022 confirms its place as international venue for the potato industry.
September 15, 2022

PotatoEurope 2022 confirms its place as international venue for the potato industry

The PotatoEurope trade fair, which took place this week on 7 and 8 September, at the Rittergut Bockerode Estate in Springe-Mittelrode near Hanover, Germany, has confirmed its role as the international venue for potato.


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