News on Food Trends from Europe

The FAO Food Price Index rebounded rapidly in August.
September 03, 2021

The FAO Food Price Index rebounded rapidly in August

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 127.4 points in August 2021, up 3.9 points (3.1 percent) from July and 31.5 points (32.9 percent) from the same period last year.
PotatoEurope's Golden Innovation Award goes to EGG Microtubers.
September 02, 2021

EGG Microtubers receive PotatoEurope’s Golden Innovation Award

During a special award ceremony on Wednesday, September 1st, a professional jury awarded the PotatoEurope Gold Innovation Award to the Microtubers of E Green Global (EGG).
Yara acquires Finnish Ecolan to expand its organic fertilizer business
September 01, 2021

Yara acquires Finnish Ecolan to expand its organic fertilizer business

Yara Suomi Oy announced today the acquisition of Ecolan Oy, a Finnish producer of recycled fertilizers. This is Yara’s first acquisition in the organic fertilizer segment.
El consejero Guillermo Blanco ha ofrecido apoyo para avanzar en una Indicación Geográfica Protegida.
August 31, 2021

España: Las buenas patatas de Valderredible ya tienen una asociación que las defienda

Once productores fundan en Polientes la Asociación Calidad Diferenciada Patata de la zona. El consejero Guillermo Blanco ha ofrecido apoyo para avanzar en una Indicación Geográfica Protegida, IGP.
Five million kilos of unsold potatoes in the Canary Islands.
August 27, 2021

Five million kilos of unsold potatoes in the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands Farmers and Ranchers Association (ASAGA Canarias ASAJA, for its acronym in Spanish) has made a call to encourage consumers to prioritize in their purchases the potato of Canarian origin.
UCCL analiza en Tordesillas la situación del sector de la patata en Castilla y León.
August 24, 2021

UCCL analiza en Tordesillas la situación del sector de la patata en Castilla y León

Como viene siendo habitual en las últimas campañas, UCCL ha organizado en el mes de agosto, una asamblea informativa en Tordesillas (Valladolid) donde se ha puesto en común el análisis del cultivo de la patata en 2021.
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James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021
August 24, 2021

James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021

Recent advances in breeding technologies can be harnessed to fast track the breeding of new varieties. Sensors and drone technologies are driving integrated pest management solutions.
Potato Photographer of the Year: winner of 2020
August 23, 2021

Potato Photographer of the Year

The Potato Photographer of the Year competition was inspired by acclaimed photographer Kevin Abosch’s image of a potato which sold for $1million in 2016. This magnificent photograph confirmed the appetite for potato-based art.
The company Hegra is launched at Herøya, Porsgrunn, with former Statnett CEO, Auke Lont as Chairman.
August 17, 2021

Chemical fertilizer with a zero carbon footprint one step closer with the launch of HEGRA

The company HEGRA is launched at Herøya, Porsgrunn, with former Statnett CEO, Auke Lont as Chairman.The company aims to electrify and decarbonize the ammonia plant at Herøya.
El levantamiento de los agricultores de patatas de Málaga.
August 17, 2021

El levantamiento de los agricultores de patatas de Málaga

Denuncian que se ven obligados a vender sus productos por debajo de coste y piden al Gobierno que intervenga para garantizar un 'precio justo' y evitar la desaparición del sector.
Farm management specialist CropX Acquires Netherland-based Dacom Farm Intelligence
August 12, 2021

Farm management specialist CropX Acquires Netherland-based Dacom Farm Intelligence

Farm management specialist CropX has acquired Dacom Farm Intelligence. Dacom is one of the pioneers of the global AgTech sector, located in Groningen, Netherlands.
AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis
August 11, 2021

IPCC Report: Climate change widespread, rapid and intensifying

Scientists are observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region and across the whole climate system, according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, released today.
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The FAO Food Price Index fell again in July
August 06, 2021

The FAO Food Price Index fell again in July

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 123.0 points in July 2021, down 1.5 points (1.2 percent) from June but still 29.1 points (31.0 percent) higher than its level in the same period last year.
Neiker colabora con UDAPA en el desarrollo de 'Edurne', una nueva variedad de patata con nombre propio.
August 03, 2021

Neiker colabora con UDAPA en el desarrollo de 'Edurne', una nueva variedad de patata con nombre propio

La cooperativa UDAPA realiza un estudio agronómico y de aceptación comercial de la variedad de patata 'Edurne', creada por NEIKER.
Lamb Weston Meijer: Expanding production capacity with new state-of-the-art french fry plant in Kruiningen - the Netherlands
July 28, 2021

Lamb Weston Meijer expanding production capacity with new state-of-the-art french fry plant in Kruiningen, The Netherlands

Lamb Weston / Meijer (LW/M) announced plans to build a new french fry plant, expanding its existing production facility in Kruiningen, the Netherlands.
España: Fin de la campaña de la patata en .
July 27, 2021

España: Fin de la campaña de la patata en Mallorca

Sa Pobla cuenta todavía con 45 payeses profesionales en activo. Sin duda, la patata es el cultivo mayoritario y el motor de la economía local, especialmente debido a la exportación de este tubérculo a lugares como Gran Bretaña, receptor por excelencia del tubérculo mallorquín.
Industry Awards Call for Nominations - 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland, May 30 to June 2, 2022
July 26, 2021

World Potato Congress calls for nominations for the Industry Award ceremony at their next conference in Dublin, Ireland

Romain Cools, President and CEO, World Potato Congress Inc., and Tamas Houlihan, Chairman, WPC Industry Awards Committee, are now requesting nominations for the 2022 World Potato Congress Industry Awards.
Primera marca de patatas fritas creadas por influencers.
July 23, 2021

Primera marca de patatas fritas creadas por influencers

VIZZ y Wanna Freak se unen para lanzar la primera marca de patatas fritas creadas por influencers. Las primeras entregas, de edición limitada y disponibles en Carrefour y Supersol, han corrido a cargo de Nil Ojeda y Paula Gonu.


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