Energy and Environment

 World water day
March 22, 2011

March 22 is World Water Day: Eat potatoes!

March 22 is 'world water day’ and a diversity of organisations are making use of this day to check the water use in the production of a wide variety of food stuffs.
February 28, 2011

Peka Kroef en waterschap Aa en Maas zoeken oplossing voor afvalwater

Aardappelverwerkingsbedrijf Peka Kroef in het Brabantse Odiliapeel en waterschap Aa en Maas gaan samenwerken aan schoon water.
February 09, 2011

El ICIA de España estudia el agua de la niebla para su aprovechamiento como riego de apoyo para el cultivo de la papa

El Instituto Canario de Investigaciones Agrarias (ICIA) estudia el agua procedente de la niebla para su posible aprovechamiento como riego de apoyo para el cultivo de la papa antigua en la isla de Tenerife, ha informado hoy la Consejería de Agricultura...
 East Malling Research (EMR)
February 01, 2011

UK researchers show potatoes can be grown with much less water

February 01, 2011

United Biscuits celebrates landfill cut

United Biscuits is celebrating another success in its bid to cut waste by eliminating landfill from four of its factories.
 Wim Christiaens (Sormac) and Johannes Diepers (Diepers)
January 30, 2011

Diepers installs new Sormac peeling line

Johannes Diepers Landwirtschaft in Sevelen, Germany grows and processes potatoes that are supplied peeled to customers including institutional kitchens, hotels and restaurants. Diepers has been working with Sormac machines for fifteen years.
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 Uitreiking van de stamper en de Bioselect aardappelen op de Agrico BioVak stand
January 23, 2011

Agrico benadrukt rol in biologische aardappelteelt op BioVak 2011

Op de BioVak, dé biologische vakbeurs voor ondernemers uit de biologische land- en tuinbouw, brachten onder meer de burgemeesters van 26 plattelandsgemeenten en de Ambassadeur van Algerije een bezoek aan de stand van aardappelcoöperatie Agrico.
Peel waste of organic potatoes turned into a food ingredient
January 19, 2011

Peel waste of organic potatoes turned into a food ingredient

Biomass is a good Danish resource, and, in contrast to North Sea oil, it never runs out, if we use it sustainably. That does Leif Jensen, owner of Jensen's Organic in Gørløse, Denmark.
PepsiCo outsources its warehouse and distribution logistics in the Netherlands to Kuehne + Nagel
January 19, 2011

PepsiCo outsources its warehouse and distribution logistics in the Netherlands to Kuehne + Nagel

PepsiCo, one of the world’s leading producers of convenience foods and beverages, has awarded a ten-year contract to Kuehne + Nagel for its Dutch warehousing and distribution activities.
 MAX Burgers
January 16, 2011

Milieubewuste fast food keten MAX wil naar Nederland

Uitbreiding in andere landen, ook naar Nederland. Max, de hamburgerketen uit Zweden, wil expanderen. Er wordt gezocht naar een partner in ons land.
January 14, 2011

PepsiCo UK's environment report plots 'path to zero'

Path to zero, PepsiCo UK and Ireland's second environmental sustainability report, sets out how Pepsico UK and Ireland will radically reduce our impact on the environment. The commitments made in the report cover climate change, agriculture, water use...
November 18, 2010

Industry responds as one in three UK shoppers want waste reduction prioritised

Nearly a third of UK shoppers want food and grocery retailers and manufacturers to focus on reducing waste.
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November 14, 2010

Novidon ontvangt subsidie voor project "aardappelRasp"

Gedeputeerde Staten van de provincie Groningen hebben besloten een bijdrage van 79.486 euro te verlenen aan Novidon, dat gespecialiseerd is in het verwerken en opwaarderen van side stream zetmeel.
November 11, 2010

Steeds meer diefstallen frituurvet België

In België wordt steeds vaker gebruikt frituurvet gestolen. Van het vuile vet wordt biodiesel gemaakt.
November 05, 2010

The Netherlands Commits to Solely Using Sustainable Palm Oil by 2015

By the end of 2015, all palm oil used in The Netherlands will be sustainable, as certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
Greenvale AP
November 05, 2010

Greenvale AP wins EDIE Award for Environmental Excellence

Greenvale AP has won an award for Environmental Excellence
 Water droplet
October 31, 2010

Potatoes could boost water supplies

October 24, 2010

Agristo heeft Belgische primeur met struvietreactor voor fosfaatverwijdering


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