Energy and Environment

cool farm institute
May 09, 2012

Cool Farm Institute to improve farming and retail carbon footprint

A new institute to help farmers produce more efficiently and an updated software ‘tool’ that enables farming and food industries to calculate their carbon footprint are launched this week.
 World Potato Congress
April 17, 2012

Award-winning water specialist to speak at World Potato Congress 2012

Dr Colin Chartres, director-general of International Water Management Institute, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, is to speak at World Potato Congress 2012 (WPC2012). The water management specialist, whose Institute has just won the 2012 Stockholm Water P...
April 16, 2012

UK: Fenmarc powered by renewable energy

Fresh produce supplier Fenmarc in the UK is set to source all its electricity from renewable energy following the successful commissioning of a local Anaerobic Digestion plant.
April 02, 2012

Aardappelen uitdelen op De Dam

Biologisch akkerbouwer Krispijn van den Dries uit Ens dumpte afgelopen zondag 6 ton aardappelen op De Dam in Amsterdam. Samen met vrijwilligers van de organisatie Youth Food Movement (YFM) deelt hij de aardappelen uit aan voorbijgangers. De 28-jarige ...
 signing AVEBE green deal
March 22, 2012

AVEBE ontvangt €3 miljoen voor productie biogas

AVEBE ontvangt drie miljoen euro voor het opschalen van het vergistingsproces om biogas te kunnen produceren in Gasselternijveen.
 signing AVEBE green deal
March 22, 2012

Potato starch manufacturer AVEBE receives funding to upgrade biogas project

Dutch Potato Starch manufacturer AVEBE is receiving a subsidy of three million euros to upgrade the biogas project in Gasselternijveen. With current production levels it will ultimately be possible to produce 18 million cubic metres of gas, enough to s...
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Good demand for organic primeur potatoes in Belgium
March 22, 2012

Good demand for organic primeur potatoes in Belgium

"The season of the Israeli organic primeur potatoes runs well"Bart Nemegheer of the Aardappelhoeve tells enthusiastically. "This is mainly because of the lovely spring weather. It is really so that when the sun shines people buy more pri...
Amsterdam RAI
March 11, 2012

Amsterdam RAI stapt over op Biologische frites van McCain

Vanaf 15 februari 2012 is de biologische frites van McCain de standaard fritessoort van Amsterdam RAI. Daarmee is de RAI het eerste convention centre in Europa die deze 100% duurzame frites serveert aan al haar gasten. Met de overstap naar duurzame fri...
 United Biscuits
February 29, 2012

United Biscuits achieves zero waste to landfill in the UK

United Biscuits (UB) has become the first major food manufacturer in the UK to achieve zero waste to landfill across all of its 16 UK sites including its UK factories, distribution centre and administrative offices. The company, which produces much lo...
 Branston's green forklift trucks
February 28, 2012

Potato company Branston buys fleet of green forklift trucks

UK Potato firm Branston has bought a fleet of green forklift trucks to tackle emissions. Branston's nine hybrid vehicles will produce 60 per cent less carbon dioxide and use 20 per cent less fuel than alternatives. The RX 70 trucks are run on diesel ...
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
February 26, 2012

EFSA: no adverse effects of cultivation GM Amflora potato

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published a scientific opinion on the Post-Market Environmental Monitoring (PMEM) report for the 2010 cultivation season of the genetically modified Amflora potato.
Greenvale AP
February 22, 2012

Greenvale AP invests £1.7million to reduce water usage

Leading UK potato supplier Greenvale AP is on target to reduce its water usage by 100 million litres a year after rolling out its revolutionary Cascade eco root vegetable washing system to its Floods Ferry site in Cambridgeshire at a cost £1.7 million.
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February 19, 2012

Agrico presenteert zich biologisch op Fruit Logistica

Aardappelen telen en vermarkten met zorg voor natuur en mens, dat wil Agrico bereiken door de teelt van biologische aardappelen. Met een oppervlakte van ruim 750 hectare en ca. 65 aangesloten biologische telers is Agrico de grootste leverancier van bi...
 Kris Peeters announcing responsibly fresh
February 08, 2012

Flemish minister president unveils collective sustainability quality label: Responsibly Fresh

Sustainability is hot – a subject that is topical today and bound to remain so in the future. The Belgian fresh fruit and vegetable sector has accordingly charted a future-oriented sustainability plan.
World potato Congress
January 27, 2012

World Potato Congress speaker Anton Haverkort outlines key developments for 2012

This year’s World Potato Congress, to be held in Edinburgh in May and organised by Potato Council, has attracted a remarkable line-up of international speakers including Dr Anton Haverkort of Netherlands-based Plant Research International.
January 18, 2012

Processors could reap benefits from new UK anaerobic digestion plant

Food producers can cut costs and boost environmental credentials by recycling food waste at a new anaerobic digestion plant in Wiltshire, UK
January 16, 2012

Veel aardappelen richting tweede soort of voor de verwerking tot biogas of zetmeel

De laatste maanden zijn er in Duitsland bijzonder veel aardappelen afgezet met als stempel tweede soort of voor de verwerking tot biogas of zetmeel. Dit komt door de grote Duitse aardappeloogst.
December 08, 2011

Achieving good-quality seed-beds

Many potato fields are being overworked in a bid to create the ‘perfect’ seed-bed, an expensive practice that does not increase yield and endangers the long-term health of soils. Thanks to Potato Council funding, researcher Dr Mark Stalham of Cambrid...


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