Energy and Environment

Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world's hungry
April 29, 2015

Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world's hungry

A small field on an island off the Netherlands' northern coast promises one answer to the problem of how to feed the world's ever-growing population: potatoes and other crops that grow in saltwater.
Samen werken aan een duurzame aardappelteelt: Simon Jensma, Technisch Adviseur bij Bayer CropScience geeft advies op maat aan een Nederlandse aardappelteler
April 13, 2015

Bayer CropScience en Farm Frites implementeren samen duurzame maatregelen in Europese aardappelteelt

Bayer CropScience en Farm Frites zijn onlangs in een Food Chain Partnership gestapt, met als doel duurzame landbouwmethoden te implementeren in de aardappelteelt in België en Nederland.
Working together for sustainable potato cultivation: Simon Jensma, Technical Advisor at Bayer CropScience, provides tailored advice to a Dutch potato grower.
April 13, 2015

Bayer CropScience and Farm Frites jointly implement sustainable practices in European potato cultivation

Bayer CropScience and Farm Frites recently started a Food Chain Partnership initiative designed to implement sustainable agricultural practices in potato cultivation in the Netherlands and Belgium.
applications of Bio-on Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)
March 22, 2015

Pizzoli and Bio-on to build Italy's first PHA bioplastic production plant using potato waste

Pizzoli S.p.A., Italy's largest operator in the potato sector and Bio-on S.p.A., the leader in eco-sustainable chemical technologies, will collaborate to build Italy's first PHAs bioplastic production plant using waste product from the potato agro-industrial process.
Lamb Weston / Meijer publishes sustainability report 2012-2014
March 08, 2015

Lamb Weston / Meijer publishes sustainability report 2012-2014

Lamb Weston / Meijer, one of the top three producers of processed potato products in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), has published its third sustainability report.
UK Organic Food Sales surge thanks to Lidl and Aldi
March 01, 2015

UK Organic Food Sales surge thanks to Lidl and Aldi

The UK food industry has seen a surge in the sales of organic foods according to an annual report by the Soil Association.
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Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium
February 05, 2015

Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium

Een nieuwe, revolutionaire methode om nieuwe aardappelrassen te kweken kan een flinke impuls geven aan fotosynthese-onderzoek. Daarom treedt Solynta, de ontwikkelaar van de kweekmethode, toe tot BioSolar Cells
2015, International Year of Soils
February 01, 2015

International Year of Soils sprouts numerous activities in Wageningen

The soil expertise found at Wageningen enjoys international recognition. So it is only fitting that numerous activities in 2015, the International Year of Soils, are to take place in Wageningen.
Het aardappelras Carolus
January 25, 2015

Agrico-ras Carolus smaakmaker tijdens Biobeurs

Vorige week nam Agrico deel aan de vernieuwde Biobeurs die plaats vond in het IJsselhallencomplex te Zwolle. Tijdens deze beurs zette Agrico haar bijzonder resistente en zeer smaakvolle biologische aardappelras Carolus in de spotlight
Irish Organic Farmers protest over delayed payments
January 20, 2015

Irish Organic Farmers protest over delayed payments

Several dozen organic farmers have been protesting outside Department of Agriculture offices in Athenry, Co Galway (Ireland) over delayed farm payments
Potato and rapeseed – sources of future cardio-vascular health?
December 03, 2014

Potato and rapeseed – sources of future cardio-vascular health?

Potato and rapeseed industry produce vast amounts of protein-rich by-products, which could be utilized in the production of high-quality foodstuffs.
Kiremko Highflo Potato chips (crisps) blancher
November 12, 2014

Potato Processing Innovations by Kiremko

The potato processing industry is always in motion and so is Kiremko. An ongoing process of innovating and developing of processing lines and machines.
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IOI Loders Croklaan and Unilever enter partnership to strengthen their global oil business
October 15, 2014

IOI Loders Croklaan and Unilever enter partnership to strengthen their global oil business

Unilever and IOI Loders Croklaan have signed a global partnership designed to drive efficiency, increase capacity and quality of specialty oils and fats as well as commodity oils.
world water week
September 03, 2014

PepsiCo Unveils New Water-Modeling Tool at World Water Week

Today at the Stockholm International Water Institute's annual World Water Week, PepsiCo announced the company's latest Water Report and unveiled Hydro-BID, a tool that estimates the availability of freshwater in water-scarce regions.
Mydibel photovoltaic panels
August 06, 2014

Mydibel Group installs 2 ha photovoltaic panels at Gramybel location

Mydibel Group, manufacturer of fresh and deep-frozen potato products and dried potato flakes and granules, has invested in the construction of 2 ha of photovoltaic panels - the largest industrial solar field in private hands in Wallonia
Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector
August 03, 2014

Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector

The Potato Demo Day is an easily accessible event for the Potato Sector. The programme is implemented at limited costs and in cooperation with participating companies from the sector.
NEIKER investiga los genes de patata que mejor se adaptan al cambio climático
July 28, 2014

Neiker investiga los genes de patata que mejor se adaptan al cambio climático

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia, entidad pública dependiente de la Viceconsejeria de Agricultura, Pesca y Política Alimentaria del Gobierno Vasco, está investigando actualmente los genes de patata que mejor se adaptan a las condiciones previstas de cambio climático, caracterizadas por una disminución de la lluvia y temperaturas más extremas de calor y frío.
Global Climate change indicators (NOAA)
July 24, 2014

Neiker-Tecnalia is researching the potato genes that best adapt to climate change

The Basque Research institute Neiker-Tecnalia is currently looking for potato genes that best adapt to the anticipated climate change conditions, characterised by a reduction in rainfall and increased extremes of hot and cold temperatures.


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