News on glassy potatoes / secondary growth from Belgium

NEPG estimates potato harvest 2018
November 08, 2018

North-western European Potato Growers: harvest down 20 percent at least

The total potato harvest in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France in 2018 will be at least 20 percent lower than last year, according to the latest estimates of the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG).
Potato growers propose pan-European approach to resolve contract issues with processors due to extreme weather
August 14, 2018

Potato growers propose pan-European approach to resolve contract issues with processors due to extreme weather

The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) conclude that the potato production this year in North-Western Europe will be much lower than average and that quality issues will be a main challenge.
Continuing drought and extreme heat a disaster for the potato harvest and processors
August 08, 2018

Continuing drought and extreme heat a disaster for the potato harvest and processors

The extreme heat and drought is a disaster for the upcoming potato harvest. And for processors too: in Belgium, potato chips manufacturer Roger&Roger (Croky) temporarily halts production of some its flavours to manage the lack of potato supply.
Potato Production of Harvest 2017 in North-western Europe adjusted upwards
November 04, 2017

Estimates Potato Production North-western Europe Harvest 2017 adjusted upwards

Although the full harvest is not in the stores yet, the North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates the actual harvest at 28.9 million tons for the 5 countries. This is more than the estimate of last September.
Potato Production North-western-Europe up 13.5 percent compared to last year
September 18, 2017

Potato Production North-western Europe up 13.5 percent compared to last year

For the current European potato harvest, the North-western-European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimate the total potato production at 27.9 million tons for the five NEPG countries (Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands and Great Britain). This is up 13.5 percent compared to last season.
Aardappelproduktie Noord-west Europa 13.5 procent hoger dan vorig jaar
September 17, 2017

Aardappelproduktie Noord-west Europa 13.5 procent hoger dan vorig jaar

Op basis van proefrooiingen en praktijkresultaten verwacht de NEPG een totale oogst van 27,9 miljoen ton aan consumptieaardappelen in Noord-west Europa. Dat is 13,5% hoger dan vorig jaar.
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North-western European Potato Growers expect cropsize to be below 5-year average
September 08, 2015

North-western European Potato Growers expect cropsize to be below 5-year average

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) expect the total potato production (excluding seed and starch potatoes) of this year' s harvest to amount to 24.5 million tonnes. This is 14.1 percent below the potato production last year and 2.9 percent below the 5-year average.
Insort GmbH we catch them all
November 11, 2012

Insort highlights its Chemical Imaging Technology at the Interpom | Primeur 2012

The Austrian optical sorting equipment manufacturer Insort GmbH will highlight its Chemical Imaging Technology applied in their Sherlock Separator for the potato industry at the Interpom | Primeurs.
Pootgoed: Wel of geen Bintjes voor de Belgen?
March 11, 2012

Pootgoed: Wel of geen Bintjes voor de Belgen?

De vraag naar Bintje pootgoed laat nog even op zich wachten en ook voor deze maand verwacht de handel vanuit Brabant en België nog weinig vraag naar Bintje. Ook zal de vraag naar Bintje iets lager zijn dan andere jaren.
 Belgische frieten
October 26, 2010

Belgische Frieten worden duurder

Door de aanhoudende regen van de voorbije maanden is de aardappeloogst compleet aan het mislukken
September 27, 2010

"Aardappelen en frieten flink duurder na nieuwjaar"

De prijs van consumptieaardappelen zal na nieuwjaar fors de hoogte ingaan als gevolg van een tegenvallende oogst en de massale aankoop van aardappelen door Rusland.
August 04, 2010

Proefrooiingen in Belgie kwantificeren het doorwas probleem

Het Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de Aardappelteelt (PCA) doet op een aantal referentiepercelen in Vlaanderen proefrooiingen.   Op 26 juli bedroeg de gemiddelde opbrengst van 31 referentiepercelen in België 23 ton per ha. Dit is 8,5 ton per ha min...
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