News on Potato Defects and Diseases

México: Investigan control biológico de plagas mediante compuestos orgánicos volátiles emitidos por plantas
July 29, 2016

México: Investigan control biológico de plagas mediante compuestos orgánicos volátiles emitidos por plantas

El proyecto consiste en una investigación sobre la fisiología de la planta, involucrando tres niveles tróficos durante la interacción planta-insecto/plaga-depredador.
Weather Continues to Devastate Potato Crops in Northeast North Dakota
July 27, 2016

Weather Continues to Devastate Potato Crops in Northeast North Dakota

The heart of "Potato Country" in northeast North Dakota was devastated by baseball size hail that lasted up to 35 minutes last Tuesday night.
La polilla guatemalteca entra en la provincia española de Asturias
July 22, 2016

La polilla guatemalteca entra en la provincia española de Asturias

Este pequeño lepidóptero ha llegado proveniente de Galicia, afectando a cultivos de los municipios de San Tirso de Abres y Vegadeo.
Late blight detected in a Western Manitoba Potato Crop
July 19, 2016

Late blight detected in a Western Manitoba Potato Crop

Manitoba's first case of late blight for the year was found in a western Manitoba field over the weekend.
Dickeya Blackleg: New Potato Disease Causing Major Impact
July 17, 2016

Dickeya Blackleg: New Potato Disease Causing Major Impact

Dickeya blackleg, often just called Dickeya, is a new disease in the United States. It was severe in 2015 at least partly reflecting hotter weather than previous 2 years when the pathogen likely was present and is developing again in 2016.
New Potato Virus Y strains very difficult to detect with the naked eye
July 13, 2016

New Potato Virus Y strains very difficult to detect with the naked eye

Several newly evolved strains of the disease known as potato virus Y, or PVY, can render potatoes unmarketable and reduce crop yield. What’s worse is the new viruses are particularly difficult to detect with the naked eye.
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AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent resistence
July 06, 2016

AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent pesticide resistance

With pesticide resistance rising in species of aphids which feed on potatoes and spread viruses, one of the best control options for growers battling these pests may be found in nature, free of charge: parasitic wasps.
Extreme rainfall triggers first cases of potatoes with Phytophthora in The Netherlands
July 05, 2016

Extreme rainfall triggers first Phytophthora cases in the potato fields in The Netherlands

Every once in a while the potato disease Phytophthora crops up in the Netherlands, and this year is no exception. Especially potato farmers in the South of the Netherlands are worried.
To boost potato export, India considers establishment of 'pest-free zones'
July 05, 2016

To boost potato export, India considers establishment of 'pest-free zones'

Aiming to boost potato exports, the Indian government is considering identifying ‘pest-free zones’ for the staple in production clusters of the growing states like Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
Colorado Potato Beetles are munching on in the Red River Valley
July 02, 2016

Colorado Potato Beetles are munching on in the Red River Valley

According to the University of Minnesota Extension 'Spudbug' Newsletter, it is shaping up to be a Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) year in the Red River Valley.
Researchers looking for genes to make potatoes resistant to nematodes
June 29, 2016

Searching for genes to make potatoes resistant to nematodes

Potato breeders at Oregon State University are working to identify the gene that makes certain potatoes resistant to nematodes, which could then be used to create new varieties.
Los agricultores de Islas Canarias recibirán ayudas por las cosechas de papas afectadas por la polilla
June 27, 2016

Islas Canarias ayudará agricultores con cosechas de papas afectadas por la polilla

Los agricultores de la zona de medianías de La Orotava cuyas cosechas de papas estén afectadas por la polilla guatemalteca, recibirán ayudas tanto del ayuntamiento de este municipio como del Cabildo de Tenerife.
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Potato planting in Maine complete after winter dealing with Dickeya
June 27, 2016

Potato planting in Maine complete after winter dealing with Dickeya

Maine potato farmers have wrapped up planting and are hoping for a good year.
Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority
June 20, 2016

Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of New Zealand has approved a type of parasitic wasp as a biological control agent to combat the tomato potato psyllid (a plant louse), which attacks tomatoes, potatoes, capsicums and tamarillos in the country.
Delayed monsoon trouble for potato growers in Hassan, Karnataka
June 18, 2016

Delayed monsoon spells trouble for potato growers in Hassan, Karnataka

Lack of rain has left potato growers of Hassan - a district in the Southern Indian state of Karnataka in distress.
Potato Farming on Prince Edward Island: Trying Something New
June 16, 2016

Potato Farming on Prince Edward Island: Trying Something New

For years, PEI potato farmer Robert Green has been growing barley and canola in rotation with potatoes. This season, he’s decided to try something new.
 ‘Focus on Potato’ Webinar: Late Blight Management
June 16, 2016

‘Focus on Potato’ Webinar: Late Blight Management

Late blight is a potentially destructive disease of potato and tomato crops worldwide that can result in significant losses if detected too late, diagnosed incorrectly, or if not treated properly.
Research: Drones as delivery mechanism for biological control agents
June 15, 2016

Research: Drones as delivery vehicle for biological control agents

The University of Southern Denmark is developing an ecodrone that will combat pests in completely new ways.


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