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May 21, 2015
Workshop to help South Australian growers prepare for potato pests

July 14, 2014
AUSVEG welcomes review of Australia's Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis process
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May 27, 2014
Biosecurity protection a primary focus of Queensland potato forum

July 22, 2013
Australian Research: DNA soil testing technology to reduce the impact of potato diseases

February 26, 2013
Victorian Potato Growers to enjoy Field Day showcasing industry R&D

February 01, 2013
‘All-star’ team to grow awareness of Australian potato industry research at upcoming Victorian Field Day

December 17, 2012
AUSVEG Potato R&D Program well received

October 24, 2012
AUSVEG reports on Senate Inquiry into import concerns New Zealand potatoes

October 18, 2012
Western Australian seed potato growers to reap benefits from research event in the field

October 07, 2012