News on Chemical Contaminants from Australia

Growing demand for Vacuum Fryer Technology in the Snack Industry
March 02, 2016

Growing demand for Vacuum Fryer Technology in the Snack Industry

Heat and Control has helped a snack manufacturer take processing capabilities to a new level with another delivery of the
company’s innovative vacuum fryer technology, the Unitized Vacuum Fryer (UVF)
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
May 05, 2014

Food Standards Australia New Zealand releases Acrylamide and Aluminium Total Diet Study

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has released the first phase of the 24th Australian Total Diet Study (ATDS) which looked at Australian consumers’ dietary exposure to acrylamide and aluminium.
Space-saving vacuum fryer minimizes acrylamide formation in savory snacks
January 14, 2013

Space-saving vacuum fryer minimizes acrylamide formation in savory snacks

Equipment manufacturer Heat and Control presents the savory snack industry with a new version of the vacuum fryer. They call it the Unitized Vacuum Fryer (UVF)


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