Chemical Contaminants

AHDB warns UK potato growers not to use CIPC at 2020 store loading
February 09, 2020

AHDB warns UK potato growers not to use CIPC at 2020 store loading

AHDB Potatoes warns potato growers in the United Kingdom not to use the sprout inhibitor CIPC on their 2020 potatoes, as it makes it impossible to sell them. In fact ALL European farmers should follow this advice!
UK potato farmers pleased to see restrictions on Maleic Hydrazide lifted
August 01, 2019

UK potato farmers pleased to see restrictions on Maleic Hydrazide lifted

In the United Kingdom, restrictions on the use of products containing Maleic Hydrazide (MH) - used to control volunteers and to suppress sprouting during storage - have been removed following a review by the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) of the HSE.
Maris Piper (Courtesy: Potato Council Variety Database / SASA)
June 10, 2015

The Quest to Engineer the Perfect Potato

Researchers in the United Kingdom aim for a new commercial potato that resists many of the worst vulnerabilities of potato crops around the world.
Food Standards Agency (FSA)
September 07, 2014

Food Standards Agency publishes acrylamide and furan survey results of Foods in the United Kingdom

The FSA (Food Standards Agency) has published the results from its latest study looking at levels of the process contaminants acrylamide and furan in a wide range of UK retail foods.
 Food Standard Agency
April 18, 2013

Food Standard Agency Publishes latest results Acrylamide and Furan Survey

The FSA has published interim results from its fifth and latest study looking at levels of acrylamide, furan and the process contaminants in a range of UK foods.
December 04, 2012

Low acrylamide potato on the horizon

In response to European concerns over high levels of the carcinogen acrylamide in processed foods, researchers are looking to reduce dietary levels of the chemical by developing a new variety of potato.
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September 11, 2008

FSA publishes Process contaminants Survey in Retail products 2007

The British Food Standard Agency published a Food Surveillance Information Sheet on process contaminants in retail products in 2007This Food Surveillance Information Sheet (FSIS) contains the results from the first year of a three-year rolling program...
December 04, 2007

Cancer Research UK reassures women over acrylamide/cancer link

Cancer Research UK moved to reassure women over a study suggesting that a common chemical caused by frying, roasting or grilling may be linked to ovarian and womb cancer. The charity said that women should not be overly concerned as the study is the ...


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