News on Aeroponics

 Tubérculos semilla de papa producidos por aeroponia
May 17, 2013

Finaliza el primer curso de aeroponía para obtención de semillas de papa de calidad en Ecuador

El INIAP y CIP realizarán la clausura del primer curso de aeroponia para la obtención de semillas de papa de calidad en el Ecuador. El evento se realizará el miércoles 22 de mayo, en la Estación Santa Catalina del INIAP, al sur de Quito.
Scientists work to save the Irish potato in Kabale, Uganda
March 24, 2013

Scientists work to save the Irish potato in Kabale, Uganda

The potato (Irish) that has fed the people of southwestern Uganda (Kabale) for generations is being threatened by several pests and diseases, including the potato bacterial wilt.
November 06, 2011

Seed potato Roadmap setting the course for improved incomes and food security in Eastern Africa

Potato production in Sub-Saharan Africa has more than doubled since 1994. Despite these gains, potato yields of small-scale farmers in the region fall short due to a potent combination of inadequate supply of high-quality seed and limited awareness of ...
 The Finnish Seed Potato Center Ltd
November 02, 2011

The Finnish Seed Potato Centre Ltd boosts production with aeroponics

The Finnish Seed Potato Centre Ltd has developed a new method for seed potato production. The method takes advantage of the aeroponic growing system. The method, created during a two and a half year project, is highly efficient, as it may increase the ...
October 24, 2011

In Kenya, a Maasai woman becomes a potato seed production pioneer

A CIP project in Kenya and other African nations is fostering private adoption of a three-generation seed multiplication strategy. Combined with improved knowledge and skills the project should lead to average yield increases of 20%.
 Instituto de Investigación Agrícola de Kenia (KARI)
January 26, 2011

Investigadores muestran a los agricultores de Kenia los beneficios de la papa sobre el maíz

El maíz es la comida favorita en Kenia. A sus habitantes les encanta. Sin embargo, los investigadores están buscando la forma de cambiar ese hábito. Por eso el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y el Instituto de Investigación Agrícola de Kenia (KAR...
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 Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)
January 26, 2011

Researchers CIP and KARI Seek to Show Kenyan Farmers Benefits of Potatoes Over Maize

Victor Otazu, a aeroponic specialist with the International Potato Center, tends to some aeroponic potato plants in Nairobi, Kenya. Kenyans love to eat maize. It's the country's favorite food. But researchers at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institu...
December 29, 2010

Aeroponics set to improve potato yields in Kenya

The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Kari) has introduced a new farming technology for breeding multiple disease free potato tubers in a bid to achieve a widespread take-off in productivity for the country’s potato farmers.
November 11, 2010

Aeroponics: Newco produces seed potatoes in the open air

Soil is no longer necessary for growing potatoes, at least for growing seed potatoes.
November 11, 2010

NEWCO y Neiker-Tecnalia llevan a cabo proyecto para producir tubérculos por aeroponía

La tierra ya no es necesaria para el cultivo de patatas. Al menos, para el cultivo de patatas de siembra. NEWCO, Sociedad para la transferencia de tecnología en patata, en colaboración con El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, Neik...
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