News on Potato Cultivation

El cálido invierno adelanta el inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata de sa Pobla
February 29, 2020

El cálido invierno adelanta el inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata de sa Pobla

Las altas temperaturas desde diciembre a febrero han provocado un adelanto del inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata poblera. El portal Mateu Export arrancó este miércoles su campaña con la recolección de la variedad Lady Christl.
Medio Rural organiza una jornada técnica sobre la patata en la comarca de A Limia
February 29, 2020

Medio Rural organiza una jornada técnica sobre la patata en la comarca de A Limia

Técnicos de la Xunta incidirán en los aspectos más importantes para el futuro del sector. La Consellería de Medio Rural promoverá una jornada técnica sobre la patata en la sede del Instituto Agroalimentario de Xinzo.
Potato Industry 2020: International industry event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 'Russian Research Institute of potato farming named after A. G. Lorch'
February 26, 2020

International potato industry to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 'Lorch Potato Research Institute'

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 'Lorch Potato Research Institute', an international industry event will be organized in Russia: 'Potato Industry 2020'
Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks
February 26, 2020

Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks

Potato virus Y is the most economically important and devastating aphid-transmitted virus, affecting both tuber yield and quality. The virus is also a major cause of seed potato degeneration, which leads to regular flushing out of seed potatoes.
Kenya: Government approves high yield potato seeds
February 25, 2020

Kenya: 'high input' approach potato cultivation pays off

In Kenya, potatoes are a key staple food, second only to maize. Yet its potato value chain has been underdeveloped for decades also. This has been acknowledged by the Kenyan government.
February 24, 2020

NEPG: 'Potato season 2020/21 will be challenging'

Over the last years, the area for consumption potatoes has been increased with 6,5 % in the 5 leading potato countries. If there is an increase again this year, combined with an average yield the balance between demand and supply could lead to...
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Esplet aplica en Sa Pobla el primer cultivo de patatas experimental usando ozono
February 24, 2020

Esplet aplica en Sa Pobla el primer cultivo de patatas experimental usando ozono

5 hectáreas de campo de Sa Pobla sirven para que Esplet experimente por primera vez en España un innovador método para tratar el suelo aplicando ozono en los cultivos de patata, regenerándolos posteriormente para mejorar sus cualidades.
Broch asume la distribución de las cosechadoras de patatas ROPA en España y Portugal
February 24, 2020

Broch asume la distribución de las cosechadoras de patatas ROPA en España y Portugal

El fabricante español JJ Broch, con presencia en 50 países, especializado en cultivos de bulbo, principalmente ajo, patata y cebolla, ha cerrado un acuerdo con el fabricante alemán ROPA Fahrzeug und Maschinenbau.
'El Gloria aquí pasa un poco cada año'
February 14, 2020

'El Gloria aquí pasa un poco cada año'

Agricultores del delta del Llobregat reivindican más infraestructuras para combatir las inundaciones.
PEI Potato Farms Using New Decision Support Tools to Improve Use of Crop Protectants
February 14, 2020

PEI Potato Farms Using New Decision Support Tools to Improve Use of Crop Protectants

A growing number of Prince Edward Island potato farms are taking advantage of new technology to improve their use of crop protectants, including fungicides used to prevent late blight.
Wada Farms sees some of the best quality Colorado potatoes ever
February 13, 2020

Wada Farms sees some of the best quality Colorado potatoes ever

Five months into the shipping season, Michele Peterson, who heads the Colorado sales office of Idaho Falls-based Wada Farms Marketing Group, was seeing the quality of the 2019 potato harvest in Colorado’s San Luis Valley measure up to her expectations.
Europatat Congress 2020: Registrations open!
February 11, 2020

Europatat Congress 2020: Registrations open!

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, is pleased to announce the opening of registrations for the upcoming annual Europatat Congress that will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 11 and 12 June 2020 at the beautiful Amigo Hotel.
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PepsiCo Egypt and USAID Initiative Garners Increase in Potato Harvest
February 11, 2020

PepsiCo Egypt and USAID support potato farmers to increase productivity

For the past year, PepsiCo Egypt has been working to empower Egyptian farmers by supporting them through training programs aimed at providing them with stronger technical know-how and other skills to improve efficiency and productivity.
Nueve concellos se liberan del veto al cultivo de patata
February 10, 2020

Nueve concellos se liberan del veto al cultivo de patata

La Xunta y el Ministerio de Agricultura acordaron ayer levantar la prohibición de plantar patata en nueve ayuntamientos de las provincias de A Coruña y Lugo afectados por la polilla guatemalteca.
Patatas sin trampa ni cartón
February 10, 2020

Patatas sin trampa ni cartón

El único productor de Terra Chá que vende producción certificada dice que la calidad debe ser valorada por el consumidor.
ITC to begin red potato cultivation trials in Gujarat
February 06, 2020

ITC to begin red potato cultivation trials in Gujarat

Continuing its push to promote healthier variants of potatoes, FMCG major ITC is set to begin trial cultivation of red potatoes at Chandrala village of Gandhinagar district in Gujarat. Red potatoes are a variety recently launched by the company...
Inicia la cosecha de papa en Sinaloa
February 03, 2020

Inicia la cosecha de papa en Sinaloa

Con expectativas de aportar al mercado de consumo fresco y a la industria papera mexicana una producción del producto alimenticio que fluctuará entre las 300 mil y las 400 mil toneladas, arrancó en Sinaloa la cosecha de papa ciclo otoño-invierno.
Agrico shows 'Next Generation' potato varieties at Fruit Logistica
January 30, 2020

Agrico shows 'Next Generation' potato varieties at Fruit Logistica

Agrico will be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica in Berlin from Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2020. At this leading international trade event, Agrico will demonstrate its contribution to sustainable potato cultivation for the ‘Next Generation’.


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