News on Potato Varieties and Seed from Egypt

Egyptian Fresh Potato Exports See Major Market Shift This Season
March 17, 2025

Egypt Reshapes Fresh Potato Export Landscape with Surging Global Demand

Egypt's fresh potato exports are seeing strong growth, driven by rising demand from Russia, Asia, and the UK. This highlights Egypt's production strength and global market position.
IFCG-Egypt Expands into Retail: Premium Sweet Potato Products Now Available in Convenient Packaging!
February 19, 2025

IFCG-Egypt: Your Trusted Partner for Premium Private Label Sweet Potato Products (Retail Solutions)

International Food and Consumable Goods-Egypt, a trusted co-manufacturer, continues to deliver high-quality private-label sweet potato products tailored to brand-specific requirements. With extensive industry experience, the company ensures consistent quality and reliable delivery, meeting the evolving needs of businesses worldwide.
Egyptian Potato Fields: Thriving Despite Global Challenges
May 03, 2024

Egyptian potato exports to Asia immune to red sea crisis

The outbreak of the Red Sea crisis has taken its toll on many Egyptian export campaigns - citrus fruits being the first casualty - but it seems that the potato export campaign is holding up well. 
Raw Purple sweet potato
July 13, 2023

Egypt is strengthening its position in the Dutch sweet potato market

Egypt continues to hold the position of the second biggest supplier of sweet potatoes to the Dutch market and is increasing its export of sweet potatoes to the Netherlands year after year.
Are potatoes from Egypt a solution for the potato shortage in Europe?
May 18, 2023

Are potatoes from Egypt a solution for the potato shortage in Europe?

This year is marked by strong demand and insufficient supply of potatoes, a situation that professionals of the industry and media go so far as to call 'the global potato shortage'.
Nuevos mercados a los exportadores egipcios
May 17, 2023

Las patatas egipcias obtienen buenos resultados en el mercado español

Este año se ha caracterizado por cambios en el clima mundial que han trastocado las producción de patatas y provocado alteraciones en los canales de aprovisionamiento.
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Ensayo de salinidad en Egipto
March 08, 2023

Ensayo de salinidad en Egipto: una variedad de patata resistente a los altos niveles de salinidad del agua

El obtentor de patatas y exportador de semillas holandés HZPC ha completado un ensayo de salinidad en Egipto con la cosecha organizada a finales de enero.
Egypt imported 131 thousand tons of seed potato and 25 thousand tons of frozen french fries and potato chips
January 18, 2022

Egypt imported 131 thousand tons of seed potato and 25 thousand tons of potato products (French Fries and Chips)

Sources revealed to Al-Mal that 131 thousand tons of potato seeds arrived from European facilities approved for import from last October until early January, for 76 approved varieties.
Western Australian delegation visits Egypt to assess export opportunities seed potatoes
December 12, 2019

Western Australian delegation visits Egypt to assess export opportunities seed potatoes

A trade delegation including Western Australian (WA) potato industry leaders toured Egypt in November, confirming the potential to export at least 10,000 tonnes of seed potatoes.
Chipsy launches its biggest agricultural programme for potato seed production
April 27, 2018

Egypt: Chipsy launches agricultural program to produce all seed potatoes locally

Pepsico's joint venture in Egypt, Chipsy For Food Industries SAE, announced a major agricultural programme to produce all seed potatoes locally.
Pootgoedhandel niet belemmerd door onrust in Egypte
February 11, 2011

Pootgoedhandel niet belemmerd door onrust in Egypte

Er heerst opluchting in de pootgoedhandel. De export op Noord-Afrika en Egypte is zo goed als gedaan en heeft hierdoor geen belemmeringen ondervonden in verband met de onrust in deze gebieden.


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