News on Potato Prices

Se mantiene estable la superficie de siembra para la patata nueva.
April 06, 2022

Se mantiene estable la superficie de siembra para la patata nueva, que mira con temor a terceros países

La imparable alza de los costes y las consecuencias directas e indirectas de la guerra de Ucrania, preocupan al sector de cara a la próxima campaña de comercialización.
National Potato Council Statement on Joint U.S.-Mexico Announcement on Potential Reopening of Mexican Market to U.S. Potatoes
April 06, 2022

National Potato Council on Joint US-Mexico Announcement on Potential Reopening of Mexican Market to US Potatoes

The National Potato Council released the following statement in response to a joint announcement by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Mexico Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development Víctor Villalobos 
Patatas de Valladolid.
February 23, 2022

España: El sector patatero de Valladolid sufre la crisis de precios.

Un sector en crisis que está pasando por momentos duros y cuya campaña de siembra a partir de marzo se espera muy complicada debido a la baja rentabilidad que reciben los agricultores por el cultivo.
Campesinos de Boyacá, Colombia advierten posible desabastecimiento de papa.
February 23, 2022

Campesinos de Boyacá, Colombia advierten posible desabastecimiento de papa

Por la crisis provocada en el mercado, los elevados costos de los insumos, y la falta de reacción del gobierno nacional habría cada día mayor escasez.
February 17, 2022

Dutch potato exports waiting on Eastern European demand

Dutch potato exports are not currently busy at all. February is never that wild. Things are quieter to most major destinations in West Africa. Those countries have their own crops, so they've closed their borders.
Los precios de la Papa no se estabilizar por completo durante este año en Colombia.
February 17, 2022

Los precios de la Papa no se estabilizar por completo durante este año en Colombia

Alza de costos de fertilizantes y plaguicidas, sumado al rezago de la siembra que se trae de 2021 serían algunas de las razones. Si bien todos los alimentos sufrieron un alza generalizada en los precios, como lo mostró el último reporte de inflación del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (Dane).
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Por fin han llegado las esperadas subidas de precios para los productores de patata
February 09, 2022

Alemania: Por fin han llegado las esperadas subidas de precios para los productores de patata

Christian Fockenberg, uno de los dos directores generales de T. Stadtmann & Co, con sede en Bottrop, al describir la situación actual del mercado.
NEPG: Will contract prices be high enough to cover growing potato demand in the future?
February 03, 2022

NEPG: Will contract prices be high enough to cover growing potato demand in the future?

Potato growers are facing rising prices for all inputs in recent months, not just for from energy and fertilizers, but also for plant protection products, construction prices, agricultural machinery and spare parts...
Asaja Canarias ASAGA, advierte del desabastecimiento de papa de semilla y aboga por planificar la siembra para evitar una caída de los precios en 2022
December 15, 2021

Asaja Canarias ASAGA, advierte del desabastecimiento de papa de semilla y aboga por planificar la siembra para evitar una caída de los precios en 2022

Asaja Canarias ASAGA, advierte del desabastecimiento de papa de semilla y aboga por planificar la siembra para evitar una caída de los precios en 2022
December 08, 2021

Average to good potato harvest in North-western Europe, but increased production costs

The NEPG has ended the 2021 campaign with a production of 22.7 million tons, which represents a decrease of 3.4% in relation to the previous one, although it remains 2.7% above the average of the last five years.
Uzbekistan may become one of the five largest potato importers in the world by the end of 2021
December 08, 2021

Uzbekistan may become one of the five largest potato importers in the world by the end of 2021

According to EastFruit analysts, Uzbekistan may become one of the five largest potato importers in the world by the end of 2021. Following the results of 11 months, Uzbekistan has already set a new record of potato imports.
November marked a further increase in the value of the FAO Food Price Index.
December 02, 2021

November marked a further increase in the value of the FAO Food Price Index

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 134.4 points in November 2021, up 1.6 points (1.2 percent) from October and 28.8 points (27.3 percent) from November 2020.
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Middlemen plunge Rwanda potato farmers into losses
November 16, 2021

Middlemen plunge Rwanda potato farmers into losses

Potato farmers in Rwanda are counting their losses, claiming that they are selling their produce at 'giveaway' prices, despite the cost remaining high on the market.
The FAO Food Price Index at its highest since July 2011.
November 10, 2021

The FAO Food Price Index at its highest since July 2011

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 133.2 points in October 2021, up 3.9 points (3.0 percent) from September and 31.8 points (31.3 percent) from October 2020. After rising for three consecutive months, the FFPI in October stood at its highest level since July 2011.
Patata de Siembra Santa Isabel.
October 20, 2021

España, José Daniel Bravo: "Muchos de las grandes supermercados son de origen francés, por lo que la patata española está discriminada."

José Daniel Bravo, agricultor y vicepresidente actualmente de la cooperativa de patata de Siembra Santa Isabel comentó: Muchos de las grandes supermercados son de origen francés, por lo que la patata española está discriminada.
Russian potato market: prices are steadily increasing
October 04, 2021

Russian potato market: prices are steadily increasing

In the Russian potato market, the upward trend in prices continues, and they just reached a record level over the past few years, analysts of the EastFruit project report.
October 04, 2021

Frozen French Fries Production in China Expands

In a recent report USDA-FAS forecasts a fresh potato production in China of 94 million tons for marketing year 2021/22. This is a 5% decrease from the estimated 99 million tons in the previous year, a result of decreased acreage.
American Frozen Food Institute and IRI Partner to Drive Growth for Frozen Food Manufacturers and Retailers
October 03, 2021

American Frozen Food Institute and IRI Partner to Drive Growth for Frozen Food Manufacturers and Retailers

The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) and IRI® announced a new partnership to provide AFFI members with complimentary access to IRI data on frozen food performance in real-time.


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