News on Potato Prices

Perú: Precio de la papa podría subir a partir de septiembre ante falta de fertilizantes.
July 13, 2022

Perú: Precio de la papa podría subir a partir de septiembre ante falta de fertilizantes

La Asociación de Productores de Papa de Junín advierte que ante la crisis de fertilizantes algunos agricultores han decidido pasar a otro rubro.
Harvesting early and yields below average for La Patata dal Cuore Veneto in Italy.
July 11, 2022

Harvesting early and yields below average for La Patata dal Cuore Veneto in Italy

The main obstacle in this area is drought, as it rained very little in the winter making the potato harvest particularly difficult and costly, further affecting production costs that are already 30% higher than they used to be.
Tenerife, España: La Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Icod de los Trigos-San Juan de la Rambla apoya las movilizaciones en defensa de la papa local.
July 10, 2022

Tenerife, España: La Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Icod de los Trigos-San Juan de la Rambla apoya las movilizaciones en defensa de la papa local

La Asociación de Desarrollo Local Icod de los Trigos- San Juan de la Rambla cree que las reuniones y movilizaciones de los agricultores de la isla son tremendamente necesarias para reivindicar un precio justo de nuestra papa, además de propiciar la autonomía de nuestra gente del campo.
Colombia: Papas nativas de Boyacá retoma importancia.
July 09, 2022

Colombia: Papa nativa de Boyacá retoma importancia

Quienes no la conocen, preguntan para conocerla, quienes la han consumido dicen que, “es muy rica y de buen sabor”, son las papas llamadas nativas o artesanales, que hace varios años se cultivabas a grandes cantidades en Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Nariño.
New potato season about to begin with many uncertainties
June 30, 2022

NEPG: New potato season about to begin with many uncertainties

Mid-May, many potato growers in North-western Europe were hoping for an end of season with prices around EUR 30/100 kg, but rain brought a stop to that hope…
Serbia faces potato shortage and soaring prices
June 16, 2022

Serbia faces potato shortage and soaring prices

The price of potatoes in Serbia rose 193% since 2021 due to last year’s drought and large-scale imports, which discouraged domestic production, Guča-based Agro-Mobile company director Ratko Vukićević said on Tuesday.
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Planting of early potatoes in France has been completed and the harvest has started in some areas
May 25, 2022

Planting of early potatoes in France has been completed and the harvest has started in some areas

According to the French Potato Interprofessional (CNIPT), the harvest of the early varieties in France is progressing smoothly despite the difficult conditions caused by the lack of water in recent weeks.
Potato farmers from Cyprus will take action if government does not support them
May 24, 2022

Potato farmers from Cyprus will take action if government does not support them

Following the rise in prices that has been at the centre of disputes and protests all over Cyprus in recent weeks, potato farmers said on Thursday they will also take action if the government does not intervene to support them.
En los últimos días, el valor de la papá empezó a disminuir en Colombia.
May 24, 2022

Colombia: Luego de una tendencia alcista, el Precio de la Papa sorpresivamente comienza a descender

Según reportaron las centrales de abastos, la recuperación de los cultivos ha disminuido el costo de la papa en Colombia; otros alimentos como el limón, el plátano y la arveja también están más baratos.
Market Analysis: The impact of Russias war on the potato industry of Ukraine
May 21, 2022

Market Analysis: The impact of Russias war on the potato industry of Ukraine

February 24, 2022 was a turning point for both Ukraine and the rest of the world, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine has undoubtedly turned the normal world order on its head.
Food crisis in Ukraine... South Korean domestic potato prices soar.
May 16, 2022

Food crisis in Ukraine... South Korean domestic potato prices soar

Potato prices continue to rise. At the Garak Market in Seoul on the 4th, a box of 20 kg of potatoes was sold at KRW 75,367 (about USD 58.48). Compared to the average value (48,105 won) from 2019 to 2021, it rose by 57%.
Potato Production in key production areas of India affected by Unseasonal Rains and Heat Wave
May 12, 2022

Potato Production in key production areas of India affected by Unseasonal Rains and Heat Wave

Potato production in the current crop year is estimated to be 53.60 mt, down from 56.17 mt last year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture's first estimate of horticulture production.
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Julian Ackley risks losing his farm's profit for the year if rain doesn't clear up.
May 06, 2022

West-Australian Potato farmers 'doing it for nothing' warn of mass exodus amid stagnant prices

West-Australian Potato farmers are warning that growers will walk away from the industry as cost pressures make the staple crop unviable in Australia.
Seed potato company HZPC keeps profit expectations intact
May 05, 2022

Seed potato company HZPC keeps profit expectations intact

Despite the fact that the conflict in Ukraine is affecting HZPC's sales, seed potato company HZPC is keeping its profit forecast intact after three quarters in the 2021-2022 financial year.
Las exportaciones de patatas holandesas están muy tranquilas en estos momentos.
April 27, 2022

Las exportaciones de patatas holandesas están muy tranquilas en estos momentos

Se están enviando camiones a los países de Europa del Este, aunque ese no es el mercado en el que nosotros operamos. En Trinidad, por ejemplo, están llegando grandes cantidades de patatas canadienses a muy bajos precios.
Los agricultores vuelven a apostar por la patata pese a los altos costes.
April 20, 2022

Salamanca - Castilla y León: Los agricultores vuelven a apostar por la patata pese a los altos costes

Todo apunta a que se mantendrá la superficie con unas 4.000 hectáreas en Salamanca y 17.000 en Castilla y León. Incertidumbre por el efecto de la invasión rusa de Ucrania.
Los campos de A Limia se preparan para sembrar las patatas.
April 20, 2022

España: Los campos de A Limia se preparan para sembrar las patatas

El ritmo de trabajo en los campos de A Limia en este inicio de la campaña avanza con normalidad, pero no deja de sobrevolarlos una incertidumbre provocada por la subida del gasóleo y los fertilizantes.
La crisis de la guerra aumenta la demanda de patatas en Italia.
April 13, 2022

La crisis de la guerra aumenta la demanda de patatas en Italia

El conflicto ruso-ucraniano, que ya lleva 40 días, parece estar cambiando los hábitos alimentarios de los consumidores italianos.


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