News on GM Potatoes from Belgium

Agricultores, cooperativas, industriales y semillistas apoyan el uso de las nuevas técnicas genómicas en la patata para adaptarse al cambio climático.
June 29, 2021

Agricultores, cooperativas, industriales y semillistas apoyan el uso de las nuevas técnicas genómicas en la patata para adaptarse al cambio climático

Declaración de Copa-Cogeca, Europatat, Euroseeds y Starch Europe sobre las nuevas técnicas genómicas en el mejoramiento de la patata.
La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistente al tizón tardío
February 22, 2017

La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío

El Reglamento de la UE sobre la agricultura orgánica no permite el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM).Pero..... puede distinguirse un cultivo de papa cisgenico de un cultivo de papa que es el resultado de la producción convencional?
Bintje (Courtesy: Verse Oogst)
August 20, 2015

Durable resistance to Late Blight requires Gene Stacking

Scientific results of the potato field trials in Flanders and the Netherlands demonstrate that gene stacking is necessary for a strong and lasting resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature
April 21, 2015

Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature

Researchers from Ghent University and the International Potato Center have discovered that sweet potatoes naturally contain genes from a bacterium. Because of the presence of this 'foreign' DNA, sweet potato can be seen as a 'natural gmo'.
EU court annuls approval of BASF's Amflora GMO potato
December 17, 2013

EU court annuls approval of BASF's Amflora GMO potato

Europe's second-highest court on Friday overturned a decision by the European Commission to allow the cultivation and sale of a genetically modified potato developed by German chemicals group BASF.
 BBC illustration GMO potatoes
February 06, 2013

BASF drops GM spud plans in EU

The ever changing story of Europe's relationship with biotechnology took another twist recently when the giant German chemical firm BASF announced it was halting the development of all its GM potato varieties in Europe.
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January 18, 2013

Protestors face court for destroying GMO potato field in Belgium

The trial of eleven protesters who in 2011 destroyed a field of genetically modified potatoes started before Dendermonde magistrates on Tuesday.
 European Food Safety Authority
October 08, 2012

European Food Safety Authority publishes initial review on GM maize and herbicide study

The European Food Safety Authority has concluded that a recent paper raising concerns about the potential toxicity of genetically modified (GM) maize NK603 and of a herbicide containing glyphosate is of insufficient scientific quality to be considered ...
July 05, 2012

Green light for further research with GM potatoes in Belgium

One year after the protest against the test fields for GM potatoes in Ghent, the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) has been given the green light for a second phase of research.
June 13, 2012

European agricultural policy goes down the tubers

The following is a commentary published this week in Nature, on the GMO situation in Europe, focused on potatoes:
 University Ghent
March 05, 2012

Nieuwe ggo aardappelproef in Wetteren, maar zonder Fortuna

In het Belgische Wetteren wordt dit jaar opnieuw een ggo-aardappelproefveld aangelegd. De Fortuna-lijn van BASF wordt echter uitgesloten. Op die manier zijn alleen wetenschappelijke instellingen betrokken bij het onderzoek. Dat is één van de voorwaarde...
May 29, 2011

Anti-GM potato protest leaves 18 injured in Belgium

Environmental activists stormed a field of genetically modified potatoes in Belgium Sunday, breaking through a security cordon in a raid that left police and protesters injured, authorities and organisers said.
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 Universiteit Gent
March 06, 2011

Belgie geeft toestemming voor veldproef met phytophthora resistente ggo-aardappelen

UGent, ILVO, VIB en HoGent hebben van de federale ministers Paul Magnette en Laurette Onkelinx (PS) toelating gekregen om een tweejarige veldproef uit te voeren met genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelen die bestand zijn tegen phytophthora.
September 21, 2010

EU battle over GM potato continues

Luxembourg has joined Hungary and Austria in their legal challenge over the authorisation of BASF’s genetically modified (GM) potato Amflora.
July 06, 2010

Toelaten van ggo-gewassen niet langer EU-bevoegdheid?

De Europese Commissie werkt aan een voorstel om de toelating van ggo-gewassen niet langer op Europees niveau te beslechten. Het dossier zou half juli worden voorgesteld tijdens het Belgisch EU-voorzitterschap. Uittredend minister van Landbouw Sabine La...
 Amflora starch potato
June 22, 2010

EU to change approval system for GMO crops

The European Union is to radically overhaul its approval system for genetically modified (GM) crops from next month, opening the way to large-scale GM cultivation in Europe, draft proposals seen by Reuters on Friday showed. With most Europeans showing...
 Anton Haverkort
March 11, 2010

Haverkort: 'Nog paar jaar voor Modena teelttoelating krijgt'

Het duurt nog een aantal jaren voor de Europese Commissie een teelttoelating geeft voor de genetisch veranderde aardappel Modena van Avebe. Ondanks dat BASF de eerste teelttoelating heeft gekregen voor de genaardappel Amflora. Dat zegt onderzoekscoö...
 BASF's Amflora starch potato
March 03, 2010

Amflora approval is a hot potato in GM debate

The European Commission’s approval of BASF’s GM Amflora potato for cultivation in the EU could mark the end of European deadlock over genetic modification, and has been celebrated and decried with equal measure by commentators on both sides of the deba...


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