Energy and Environment

Innate Potatoes won't be grown in Canada this year.
May 22, 2016

Innate Potatoes won't be grown in Canada this year.

Innate Potatoes, a newly-approved, genetically modified potato variety, will not be grown commercially in Canada this year, says Simplot.
Wal-Mart to phase out Organic Food brand Wild Oats
May 17, 2016

Wal-Mart to phase out Organic Food brand Wild Oats

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is phasing out its Wild Oats organic food brand, according to people familiar with the matter, dropping a line of products introduced two years ago to bring inexpensive organics to the masses.
Equipment Manufacturer Kiremko installs Potato Processing Line in Belgium
May 11, 2016

Equipment Manufacturer Kiremko installs Potato Processing Line in Belgium

Dutch Potato Processing Equipment manufacturer Kiremko installs an innovative production line in Belgium with a capacity of 16-20 ton/hr of French fries
Time to sort out Food Waste, says TOMRA
May 05, 2016

Time to sort out Food Waste, says TOMRA

Almost a third of all food produced worldwide is never eaten, leading to 1.3 billion tons of food waste each year. This includes around 45 per cent of all fruit and vegetables and 20 per cent of meat.
Winnaz potato chips take on Lay's in Rwanda
May 04, 2016

Winnaz potato chips take on Lay's in Rwanda

Pascal Murasira, co-founder and managing partner of Rwanda-based Hollanda FairFoods, tells about the opportunities and challenges for his company that manufactures potato chips under the brand name Winnaz.
Fingerling Potato Segment continues to grow in the United States
April 20, 2016

US Fingerling Potato Segment continues to grow

Colorado based Strohauer Farms are trying out a couple more fingerling varieties this season - adding to an already impressive line-up of specialty potatoes - as they continue to see growth in the fingerling potato segment.
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Soil Conservation a priority a Prince Edward Island Potato Farms
April 20, 2016

Soil Conservation a priority at Prince Edward Island Potato Farms

This week (April 17th to 23rd) is National Soil Conservation Week in Canada, and as potato farmers across Prince Edward Island are gearing up for spring planting, they are making soil conservation a priority on their farms.
Lamb Weston Boardman OR facility receives (LEED®) Silver Certification
April 18, 2016

Lamb Weston Boardman OR facility receives (LEED®) Silver Certification

ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston's Boardman, Oregon, processing facility has received its official Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Silver certification, awarded by the U. S. Green Building Council (USGBC).
Innovación científica del CIP hará posible cultivar papa ahorrando agua
March 22, 2016

Innovación científica del CIP hará posible cultivar papa ahorrando agua

Permitirá cultivar papa en zonas áridas con uso efectivo del agua y manteniendo productividad.
Canadá venderá papas genéticamente modificadas resistentes al pardeamiento
March 21, 2016

Canadá venderá papas genéticamente modificadas resistentes al pardeamiento

La agencia de salud pública de Canadá, Health Canada, y la Agencia Canadiense de Inspección de Alimentos (CFIA) han aprobado una papa genéticamente modificada (GM) para su comercialización, afirmó este lunes la empresa estadounidense Simplot al anunciar que sus papas GM resistentes al pardeamiento podrían estar en los supermercados canadienses para el Día de Acción de Gracias.
Potato cultivation partially responsible for landslide in Indonesia
March 12, 2016

Potato cultivation partly to blame for landslide in Indonesia

Potatoes cultivation is partly to blame for a recent landslide in Wonosobo, Central Java, as farmers engage in unsafe planting practices that harm the environment to try to reap high prices - according to a study revealed last week.
Avebe opens energy-saving Protastar Potato Protein Factory Extension in Gasselternijveen
March 10, 2016

Avebe opens energy-saving Protastar Potato Protein Factory Extension in Gasselternijveen

Member of the Provincial Executive Tjisse Stelpstra opened Tuesday Avebe's new ‘Inline Protastar’ factory in Gasselternijveen.
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PEI Potato farmers granted partial victory in slope violation conviction
February 26, 2016

PEI Potato farmers granted partial victory in slope violation conviction

Two potato farmers from Prince Edward Island (Canada) that were convicted of planting potatoes on a slope that was too steep were granted a partial victory from the P.E.I. Court of Appeal.
Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection
February 19, 2016

Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection

BCfresh, a British Columbia-based provider of locally-grown vegetables, announced the introduction of Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes. Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes come in a variety of non-uniform shapes and sizes with minor blemishes or minor mechanical damage.
Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year rotation mandatory
February 18, 2016

Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year crop rotation mandatory

Sources say the 2016 Southern Idaho Potato Cooperative contract will include new langcode mandating a minimum of two years of alternate crops between potatoes.
Australian potatoes temporarily back on the menu in drought-stricken Papua New Guinea
February 15, 2016

Australian potatoes temporarily back on the menu in drought-stricken Papua New Guinea

Australian vegetable grower body AUSVEG has applauded the decision of the Papua New Guinean Government to temporarily lift the ban on the import of selected Australian fruits and vegetables - including potatoes - for three months.
Páramos colombianos afectados por cultivos y cría de ganado
February 12, 2016

Páramos colombianos afectados por cultivos y cría de ganado

Los cultivos de papa, cebolla larga, arveja y la cría de ganado son los que más afectan los páramos de Colombia. De 2.9 millones de hectáreas, 20% del territorio ha sido intervenido por actividades agropecuarias.
Okray Farms receives NPC's 2015 Environmental Stewardship Award
February 10, 2016

Okray Farms receives NPC's 2015 Environmental Stewardship Award

Okray Family Farms in Plover, Wisconsin, were named the recipients of the prestigious 2015 Environmental Stewardship Award during the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2016 Annual Meeting, held January 14 in Las Vegas, Nevada.


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