QSR, Restaurant and Food Service Trends

Plummeting french fry sales has potato growers re-evaluating
April 28, 2020

Plummeting french fry sales has potato growers re-evaluating

Restaurant closures have slashed demand although ‘chip sales have been great,’. French fry sales are down across North America as tens of thousands of restaurants have closed during COVID-19, which means the potato industry has to adapt quickly.
AUSVEG welcomes McDonald’s CoOL commitment, urges other fast food outlets to follow suit
April 27, 2020

AUSVEG welcomes McDonald's CoOL commitment, urges other fast food outlets to follow suit

AUSVEG, the peak industry body for Australia’s vegetable and potato growers, has welcomed McDonald’s commitment to display the country of origin of the ingredients in their products.
¿7 millones de kilos de patata a la basura?
April 20, 2020

¿7 millones de kilos de patata a la basura?

Consecuencia del Coronavirus: Los productores del Norte de Burgos y Palencia urgen al Ministerio a buscar ya una vía, porque se han cerrado restaurantes, hoteles y colegios, pero se han olvidado de otras consecuencias de la pandemia, como es ésta.
Layoffs expected at P.E.I.'s Cavendish Farms because of coronavirus
April 14, 2020

Layoffs expected at Cavendish Farms on Prince Edward Island because of coronavirus

Cavendish farms haven’t laid off any staff yet because of the coronavirus (COVID-19), but a spokeswoman for the company says short-term layoffs are expected.
Technomic Updates View of Covid-19 Impact on US Foodservice Sector
April 14, 2020

Technomic Updates View of Covid-19 Impact on US Foodservice Sector

As of April 13, the novel coronavirus pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China late last year had been attributed to over 119,000 deaths worldwide, of which more than 23,000 have been recorded in the United States and more than 10,000 in New York alone.
Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer
April 08, 2020

Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has dealt a blow to a, particularly Belgian market, as the country begins to see declining sales of the humble fries.
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Taco Bell introduces 'Veggie Mode' on its self-service ordering kiosks in the United States
March 03, 2020

Taco Bell introduces 'Veggie Mode' on its self-service ordering kiosks in the United States

On March 12, Taco Bell officially activates Veggie Mode, a single-swipe feature that instantly transforms the menu to show only vegetarian items on self-service ordering kiosks in the United States.
ITC: Re-Imagining the Frozen Food Segment
February 25, 2020

ITC: Re-Imagining the Frozen Food Segment

ITC first started diversifying from its core tobacco business in the early 1970s, with the diversification drive picking up steam in 2003 when the Indian behemoth conglomerate started with its slew of launches in the FMCG category.
Lamb Weston Introduces Seasoned Seashore-Style Flats - a home-style, skin-on, crispy fry
February 23, 2020

Lamb Weston Introduces Seasoned Seashore-Style Flats - a home-style, skin-on, crispy fry

Thin cut, crispy, crunchy, and craveable french fry…Introducing Lamb Weston’s Seashore-Style® Flats – perfectly seasoned with black pepper, garlic, and sea salt.
Los 30 años de Mcdonald's en Rusia: aquel primer bocado de capitalismo en la URSS
February 03, 2020

Los 30 años de Mcdonald's en Rusia: aquel primer bocado de capitalismo en la URSS

30 años después, frente al ruido de la globalización, muchos moscovitas han de recordar estos días aquella tarde remota en la que la Perestroika los llevó a conocer el Big Mac.
Taco Bell® Unveils New Innovation In Nacho Fries Epic Return: Buffalo Chicken
January 24, 2020

Taco Bell® Unveils New Innovation In Nacho Fries Epic Return: Buffalo Chicken

To kick off 2020, Taco Bell confirmed the critically-acclaimed Nacho Fries were set to return to menus for the fifth time. Nacho Fries have been a fan-favorite at Taco Bell since their initial debut in January 2018.
New potato product in foodservice: Lamb Weston Waffled Hash Browns
November 23, 2019

Lamb Weston offers new potato product in foodservice: Waffled Hash Browns

Lamb Weston is introducing Waffled Hash Browns to foodservice operators. This new potato product is made with real Idaho shredded potatoes and can be baked or fried
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Steve Easterbrook out as CEO at McDonalds after violation company policy
November 04, 2019

Steve Easterbrook out as CEO at McDonalds after violation company policy

Steve Easterbrook, former CEO and President at McDonald's has left the company, following the Board's determination that he violated company policy and demonstrated poor judgment involving a recent consensual relationship with an employee.
Analyst Insight: No deal Brexit in the fresh chipping sector
September 09, 2019

Analyst Insight: No deal Brexit impact on the fresh chipping sector

The fresh chipping sector makes up about 12% of total potato production in Great Britain. The market follows season trends with demand driven by chip shop footfall throughout the year.
Amazon is launching online food delivery service in India this year
July 30, 2019

Amazon is launching online food delivery from restaurants in India this year

Amazon.com Inc is planning a foray into the burgeoning online food delivery business from restaurants in India this year, in a move that could raise competition in an increasingly crowded market.
PepsiCo Foodservice Unveils New Digital Lab to Help Restaurants Thrive In The Evolving Digital Marketplace
May 21, 2019

PepsiCo Foodservice Digital Lab to Help Restaurants Thrive In The Evolving Digital Marketplace

PepsiCo, Inc., announced the launch of PepsiCo Foodservice Digital Lab, a first-of-its-kind suite of capabilities built to connect foodservice operators with the companies, services, insights, and solutions best suited for their specific needs.
Lamb Weston's Hot2Home™ Fries win Gold at Casual Dining Show
March 05, 2019

Lamb Weston's Hot2Home™ Fries win Gold at the Casual Dining Show

Lamb Weston Hot2Home™ fries picked up a Gold Award at the Casual Dining Show’s Innovation Challenge.
McDonald's plans to accelerate opening of new restaurants in Russia
February 07, 2019

McDonald's plans to accelerate opening of new restaurants in Russia

McDonald’s has announced plans to increase investment in Russia by 40 percent this year and accelerate the opening of new restaurants.


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