News on Minitubers

Catalyzing a greater supply of seed potato in Kenya
June 21, 2021

Catalyzing a greater supply of seed potato in Kenya

As a food security crop and cash crop, potato is a source of income for farmers, traders and sellers. In Kenya alone, potato creates employment for 2.5 million people along the value chain amounting to an estimated annual worth of USD 480 million.
Tasmanian-based Agronico shifted focus to 'all things mini tubers and seed potatoes'.
May 27, 2021

Tasmanian-based Agronico shifted focus to 'all things mini tubers and seed potatoes'

Over three decades, the Tasmania based company Agronico has shifted its focus from an agriculture consultancy business to all things mini tubers and seed potatoes.
The module stand with automated watering and multichannel LED lighting systems.
May 20, 2021

Russian research: Smart vertical farm can produce 10 times more seed potatoes a year

Less than a year after the opening of the World-class Scientific Center 'Agrotechnologies for the Future', Russian scientists had a breakthrough: the first-ever vertical farm with dynamic LED lighting.
How HZPC serves the Russian market with its potato varieties
April 26, 2021

How HZPC serves the Russian market with its potato varieties

In Russia, HZPC is using an unconventional strategy to secure its potato trade for the future: in 2019, a small breeding company was set up to provide Russian contract growers with pre-basic seed potatoes. In 2020, the production of mini-tubers was added too.
Aeroponics at Rustikas.oy for the production of minitubers
December 21, 2020

INIA and Rustikas to cooperate on the development of new Uruguayan potato varieties

The National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA) in Uruguay recently signed an agreement with the local company Rustikas to work together on the selection, evaluation, validation and production of seeds of new potato varieties.
Signing ceremony between Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and Green System Pakistan Pvt Limited
October 09, 2020

Pakistan to Produce Two Million Disease-Resistant Potato Tubers Using Tissue Culture Technology

Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) will Produce Two Million Disease-Resistant Potato Potato Tubers Using Tissue Culture Technology
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Mr Oswell Mharapara
September 29, 2020

Zimbabwe starts seed potato multiplication to reduce the need for imports

The government of Zimbabwe, in conjunction with Kutsaga Research Station has embarked on a seed potato multiplication programme from mini-tuber to commercial seed potato.
Tasteful Selections focuses on diverse flavor and recipes for next 10-year-anniversary celebration theme
June 09, 2020

Tasteful Selections focuses on diverse flavor and recipes for next 10-year-anniversary celebration theme

Tasteful Selections' new campaign theme celebrates flavor and versatility of bite-size potatoes.
Danish potato trader found guilty in illegal import of minitubers
February 26, 2019

Danish potato trader found guilty in illegal import of minitubers

Breeders Trust, the organization that defends the Plant Breeders’ Rights of 10 leading European potato breeders, won a lawsuit earlier this month against the Danish potato export and trading company Myco Seed A/S located in Give (Denmark).
ITC's Technico partners with James Hutton Institute to introduce new potato varieties in India
December 12, 2018

ITC's Technico partners with James Hutton Institute to introduce new potato varieties in India

James Hutton Limited, has entered into a five-year agreement with Technico Agri Sciences, a subsidiary of Indian company ITC Limited, to provide 16 potato varieties and 600 clones to be trialled and tested in India.
Stop of seed potato import in 2021, says Algerian Minister of Agriculture
December 11, 2018

Algeria will stop seed potato import in 2021, says Minister of Agriculture

The Algerian Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries Abdelkader Bouazghi said that Algeria would stop the import of seed potatoes in 2021
Pepsico to invest $5 million by 2020 to expand its sustainable farming programme in India.
October 30, 2018

Pepsico to invest $5 million by 2020 to expand its sustainable farming programme in India

Snacks and beverages manufacturer PepsiCo plans to invest $5 million by 2020 to expand its sustainable farming programme in India.
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Chinese mini-tubers gaining ground
October 06, 2018

Chinese mini-tubers are gaining ground

Li Jinfu started his potato-breeding business over 20 years ago. From 2009, he began to exploit overseas markets.
Inauguran laboratorio de tejidos de semilla de papa en Bolivia
September 13, 2018

Inauguran laboratorio de tejidos de semilla de papa en Bolivia

El laboratorio producirá plantas in vitro para la producción de semilla prebásica de alta categoría. En su construcción se invirtieron $US 80.000, en parte pagados por la cooperación coreana KOPIA.
Científico mexicano desarrolla micro papas en laboratorio
May 30, 2018

Científico mexicano desarrolla micro papas en laboratorio

Son microtubérculos que serán utilizados como semillas para la siembra de papa. De esta forma, se reduce la inversión del productor y le permite utilizarlos en cualquier época del año.
Vertically integrated seed potato supplier Agronico expands storage capacity
August 07, 2017

Vertically integrated seed potato supplier Agronico expands storage capacity

After 6 months building (and over 8 years in planning) Agronico has opened its new seed potato storage in Spreyton, Tasmania.
La papa holandesa entra al mercado argentino
July 20, 2017

La papa holandesa entra al mercado argentino

Después de años de negociaciones, recientemente se ha abierto la frontera de Argentina a los mini tubérculos de los Países Bajos.
From test tube to plate, UW–Madison program keeps potatoes clean
May 09, 2017

From test tube to plate, UW–Madison program keeps potatoes clean

Years before that french fry landed on your plate, the plant that would eventually give rise to the spud your fry was cut from was sealed away deep in a secure-access building, growing slowly in a test tube inside a locked growth chamber.


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