Potato Stats
The most extensive statistical information we have on PotatoPro can be found in the Regions section, on the 'Statistics' page.
To the extent available, data include both Agricultural Statistics and Consumption Statistics of potatoes, sweet potatoes and processed potato products.
The geographical regions covered include the world, (sub-)continents, all countries and States/Provinces for the United States, Canada and India (Selected States).
To get to each region, use search, or start at world, and drill down by (repeatedly) selecting the appropriate smaller region.
Potatoes are not a globally listed and traded commodity like e.g. sugar, vegetable oils and grains. The reasons are phytosanitary limitations, potential for spoilage and quality degradation during transport as well as the fact that potatoes are heavy and bulky.
In fact, potato processing factories go out of their way to source potatoes for processing close to the factory to limit transportation costs.
On the other hand, seed potatoes and some potato products with long shelf life (such as frozen french fries, dehydrated potato products such as potato flakes and potato starch) are transported all over the world.
Potato products with a short shelf life (e.g.peeled potatoes and chilled french fried) are typically not transported over long distances. The same is true for potato chips, because of their large volume and because of the risk of breakage.
But one final rule supersedes everything else:
Where there is an opportunity, there is trade...!
Potato Prices
Historical potato pricing can be found with the general potato stats, in the Regions section, on the Statistics pages. On this page, we have also included links to external pages that provide current potato pricing for that specific region, to the extend that we are aware of such pages.
Finally, we regularly include news related to the pricing of potatoes or potato products.